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Show 4162 Ofthe Hiftorie of Plants, Lie L tea, 1 Eryngium marinim, 2 Eryngium mediterrancim, Sea Holly. Levant fea Holly. Of the Hiftorie of Plants. . . . Dp ra aa The roots conditedor preferued with fugar, as hereafter followeth,are exceeding good robe gi- uenvnto old and aged pore that are confumedand withered with age,and which wane natura! moifture : they are alfo good for other forts of people that haue no delight or appetite to venerie, noutifhing and reftoring the aged,and amendingthe defects of nature in the younger: || The manner to condite Eryngos, Refine {ugarfit for the purpofe,and take a pound ofit,the white of'an egge, and a pint oféleere J wwatet,boile them together and fcumit,thenlet itboile vutill it be come to goodftrong fyrrup,and when it is boiled,as it cooleth, adde thereto faucer full of Rofe-water,a fpoone fullof Cinnamon water,and a graine of Muske,which haue.been infufed together thenight before,and now ftrained; imowhich fyrrup being more than halfecold, put in your roots to foke andinfuife vnrill the next day; yourroots being ordered in mannerhereafter following : seats Thele your roots being wafhed and picked, muft be boiled in faire water by the fpace of foure E houres, vntill they be foft,then muft they be pilled cleane,asyepill parfneps,and the pith muft bee drawne out at the end of theroot; and if there be any whofe pith cannot be drawne out attheend, thenyoumuft flit them, and fo take out the pith: thefe you muft alfo keepe from muchhandling; that they may be cleane,let them remaine in the fyrrup till the next day, and then fee them onthe fire ita faire broad pan vntill they be verihot,butlet them nor boile atall:let them there Temaine ouer the firean houre or more, remoouing them eafily in the pan from oneplace to ano- therwith awoodden flice. This done, haue ina readineffe great cap or royal] papers, wherétipon youmuft ftraw fome Sugar, vpon which lay your roots after that you haue taken them ourof the pat. Thefe papers you muft put intoa Stoue,or hot honfe to harden; burif you hauenot fich a place,lay them before a goodfire. In this mannerifyou condite'yourroots, there is not any that catprefcribe you a better way. And thus may youcondite anyother root whatfocuer, which will not a bee exceeding delicate, but very wholefome, andeffectuall againft the difeafes aboue named, Acettaine man affirmeth,faith Activs,that by the continualvfe of Sea Holly,he neuerafterward Voided any ftone,when as before he was very often tormented with that difeafe. j Itis drunke,faith Diofcorides,with Carrotfeed againft very manyinfirmities,in the weight ofa ramme, The ivice ofthe leaues preffed forth with wine is aremedie-for thofe thatate troubledwith the @ The Place: Eryngium marinum growesbythefea fide vpon the baich and ftony ground: I found it growing plentifully at Whitftable in Kent, at Rieand Winchelfea in Suffex,and in Effex at Landan ding, at Harwich, and ypon Langtree point, on the otherfide ofthe water, fromwhence ! brought plants for mygarden. Eryngium Campeftre growethvponthe fhores of the Mediterranean fea, and in my garden Like wife. q The Time. tinning ofthe reines. They report that the herbe Sea Holly,ifone Goat take it into her mouth,it caufeth her fir to I fland fill,and afterwards the whole flocke, vntill fuch time as the Shepheard takeit forth of her mouthas Plutarch writeth, Cuar. 485. Both of them do floure after the Sommerfolftice, and in Iuly. ryage : infhops,Eringws . in Englith, Sea Holly,fea Holme,or fea Huluer. n Italian, 27" Dutch, noanfstreto, szeanchendiftell, Badendittel ¢ in Spanith, Cardo corredor: “differ from t2¢ ae and Iringo : this is fyrnamed Campeftre, or Championfea Holly, that 1 tmay other, & TheTemperature. The roots ofthem botharehot, and that ina mean; anda little dryalfo,wit ha thinnefleo!™ ftance, as Galen teftifieth. q The Vertues. sted wih trou‘ ken e good for them that are tr he roots of fea olly boyled inwine and drun ar 1. are f ches! the Collicke, itbreaketh the ftone, expelleth grauell, and helpethalfo the infirmities Dies, :prouokethvrine, greatly, opening the paflages, being drunk fifteene d ayes roget 7 e good for thole B Theroots themfelues haue the fame propertie if they be eaten,al 085s uer- ficke, and for fuchas are bitten with any venomous beatt: theyeafe cra mips, COPY ul{i the falling fickneffe,and bring downe the termes. 3 Of baftardSea Hollies. @ The Defcriptions 3 G The Names. E ThisThiftle is called in Greeke ‘rps,: and likewife in Latine Eryngium sand of Play alfo Thefirft is called in Latine Eryngium marinum : in low-Dutchcuery where, Cryug dittil, 0 Deloos, Weeriwogtele : in Englith,fea Holly. Thefecond is named of Pliny, lib.22.cap.8. Centum capita, or hund red headed T!hiftle : in high 4 me Tes Erynginm which Dodonaus in his laft edition calleth Eryngium planum, and Pend morefitly and truely Eryngium Alpinum caruleum,hathftalkes a cubite and ahalfe high, atung {paces betweene euery ioint : the lower leauesare greater and broadet, and notched about ; Cedgess but thofe aboueare leffer, compaffing or enuironing each ioint {tar-fathion, beferwith a whichare foft and tender,not muchhurtful to the hands of fich as touch them; the knobs r r sate alfo prickley,and in colcur blew. The rootis bunchie or knottie,likethat ee: tafle.’ Elecampane, blackewithour, and white within, and like the Eringes im fweetneliean 4 i The feconidbaftard Sea Holly, whofe picture is fet forth in Dodonaus his laft Editionverie a ‘antly,being alfoa kind of Thiftle,hath leaues like vntothe former Erynges, but broader next in than thofe which grownext the ftalkes, fomewhat long,greenith,foft,andnotpricKNcY than ee oenotched about the edges,greater than Quiince et 2is 8 fos and floures like’ h,on the tops whereof there hang downwards five or fix kno {Sy Wes like the other ; hauing three or foure whitith roots ofa foor long. , 3, the third kinde of baftard Eryeium hathhis firfk leaues (which grow next the ground) ie *road,and foft,growing as itwéreinarundleabout the root. The ftalke is fmalf and flender, _“Santo fome branches,whichbeare manylittle leaues,turning or tanding many ent? |