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Show Ofthe Hiftory of Plants, 510 i Lis. 2, eee 2 There.is alfo another great Houfleck or Sengreen (fjyrnamed tree H oufleeke) that bringer forth a ftalke a cubit high, fometimes higher,andoften two whichis thicke,hard woody,toy h and that can hardlybe et Aaes Snes Sane greenein fomeplaces ; andin others oflighter greene : for thofe which we hane deferibe not in oneplace, but in diuers and fundry. 2 Great Sengreenéis foundo% $ 5 Sedum maius anguflifolium, it felfe on the tops of houfes, o! Great narrow leaued Houflecke, luchlike places in very’ man: pre the Eaft,andof Greece:and al in of the Mediterranian fea ; as howis called Candy,Rhodes neither is Spaine without it: for (é Clufius witneffethy it groweth i of Portingale, otherwife it is ¢ broken, parted into diuers branches, and couered with a thicke grolk barke, which inthe lower part referueth certaine prints or imprefled markes of the Teaues tha are fallenaway. The leaues are fat, well bodied, full ofjuice, an inch long and fomewhat more like little tongues, very curioufly minced in the edges, ftanding vponthe topsofthe branches hauing in themthe fhape ofan eye. Thefloures growout of the branches.which are divided into many {prings ; which flouresare flender, yellow, and {predlik e a {tar; in their places commeth vpveryfine feed, the {prings w ithering away: the root is partedinto many off-{prings. This plant is alwaies greene, neitheris it hurt bythe cold in winter, growing in his natiue foile w herenpon it isnamed «ages, and Semperuivum, or Sengreene, 1 Semperuivum mains, £ 2 Sedum maiusarborefcens, Tree Houfleeke, Great Houfleeke, earthen pots.Incold countries,an Northward, as in both the Germ ther gxoweth ofit felfe, nor yer laf though itbe carefully planted,andd looked vnto, but through the the weather,and the ouermuch cold ofwinter it perifheth, The ne, The ftalke of the firft dothat length floure afterthe SummerSol » Which is in Iune about Sainte Barnabies day,and now and than in the moneth of Augutt, butin A is to fay, after the a which is about am Giall there g nong: che 5 > ground. uich being at length , iF fpreadeth it felfe into very ma- ifleeke that eroweth like a tree.doth in Portingalearthe| ‘ginning of the ly after the winter Solftice, vhich is December,a 3 bout S. Lucics da y ie The firft is commonlycalled zo the Germanes call it Hanks vourt ' Aupiters beard, and alfo Sedum maius vuleare « Onderbaee ¢ they of the Low-countr ic S, Dons French-men,loubarbe : t he Italians, Seampremino me. pentera : the Englith-men, Honfleek 1 Sengreene, cie, and Iupiters beard:of the Boh 5 Many Derbaert ; the Hollanders, Huphos or t he Spaniards, Sie¢ reene:of fome,lupi 7 4 ‘ 4 Difocoridis . : : 3 Thereis alfo another of this kinde, the 7 sons and alwaies flourifl ut doubris D fof rothole circles whereof are anfwerable in bignefle dges ofthe former,but withlefler Ieaues, moe in numbe r,and clofefly fet,hauing ftanding aa veryfine haires as itwere like foft prickles. This is fomew hat ofa deeper greene:the ftal 2 i ter,and the floures are ofa pale yellow. + This is the third of Dodonens defcription,Pé is lib. 5. dap. 8. + one we greclit, 4 Thereis likewifeathi tobe referred hereun to the leaues hercofbe ofawhit . 5eautes andare very curioufly nickedrd round about. ¢ The floureis great,confif ting of fix wcll $ This is that defcribed by Dodoneus inthe 4. place 5 There isalfoa fourth, zhe circles whereofare: andit is the Cotyledonalterafecundao Me lofely leffer, the leanes fharpe pointed.y ws gallant fet,of a darke redcolour on the top,andhairy in the edges:the floures on thefprigs ate oF 45 purplecolour. + This is the ff ofDodonens.and the Cotyledon alteratertia of Clufins. t @ The Place, he1 The great Sengreenis well knownenotonely in Italy, but alfo in France Germany, Bo , mia, and the Lowe-Countries, It growet ancl hon ftones in mountaines, vpon alls,and oldwalls buildings, efpeei ally ot pe he vpon the tops of houfes. “The forme hereofdoth differ accordins ° be ture of the foile; for in fome places the leaucs are narrower andleffer,but mo 10 — 2 decpet One onelycircle ; in fome they are fewer, thicker, and broade r : they are greene, ane o g y tcl . : re) > -but wet : foritis y hurt by the extr j sgnum, OF Sedum maand Semperflorium: it is alfonamed o wca:that is, Semperui x, OF Sen; Teen : 4 hird degree : they are alfodry,but not much,by reafon of Anthonies fire. ceed of rheun - Cyes:t] sles,and other creeping vicers and inflam*s :and as Diofcorides leaues, faith Pliny,being a te ing Pi lied “* juice laid vatering ejes igs andfcalding: S$:3 eth,againft with Barly meale drie is ) B ic hot laske : chat they 1W omen,procec aing : Neen cers, ; againg { eauers, taileth a of a hor caufe ; theleaues 35, Durnings, and all inflammations, an Yu2 |