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Show 1574 : Ofthe Hiftorie of Planes. Lins, kinde of Coraline. it groweth vp tothe forme ofa {mall fhrub, branched diuerfly , whercon Coe growfinall graffe-like leauesyveryfinelycut or iagged, like vnto Fennel; yetare theyofa ftony fu. ftance,as are the reft of the Corallines; ofa darke ruffet colour. ’ $ 7 Thisgrowesalfointhe like places,hauing many fmall long Fennell-like diuided leaues vponftalks fomefoot long, with fomefwvelling eminences here & therefet in the diuifionsof the leaues:this is by Zobel called by the nameI heregiue youit. 8 Thisalfohathfine cut leaueslike thofe of Fennell,but muchleffe & fhorter,ofa faire green colour : thefe grow vp from round tuberous roots, which together with the fibres they fend forth are ofa blackith colour: the ftalks alfo are tuberous and fwolne,as in other plants ofthis kind, Ir growesin the fea with the former. Dadoneus calle this Fucus marinus virens tenuifolins. 9 Thiskinde of fea Moffe growes fome foure or more inches long, dinided intomanybran. ches, which are fubdiuided into fmaller, fet with leaues finely iagged, like thofeofCammomill at firft foft,flexible,and tranfparent,greene below,and purplith aboue; being dried, it becommerh rough andfragile, like as Coralline, It growes inthe Mediterraneanfea, 10 This Sea Moffe isa lowlittle excreftence,hauing fomewhat broad cut leaues growing ma. ny from one root: in thewhole face it refembles the moffe that grows vpon thé branchesof Okes and other trees,and is alfowhite and verylike it,but much more Brittle “this by Dodonausiscalled Mufcus Marinus tertins. ‘ + 10 Mufius marinus 3. Dod. Broad leafed Sea maffe. = We | | | | F Ofthe Hiftory of! Plants, q The Place, Thefe Moffs gto.v in the fea vpon the rocks, aidare oftentimes found vpon Oifter thels, Mus- kell fhells,and vpon ttores: [ foundvery great plenty thereofvnder Reculuers and Margate, in the Ifleof Chanet,and in other places alongft che {ands from thence ynto Douer. q The Time. Thetimeanfwereth the other Moffes,and arefoundat all times of the yeare. , gq The Names, ; Sea Moffe is called in Greeketpi 2a\seesn: in Latine, Mujeus marinus:of the A pothecaries,Italians, and French men,Coralliaa: in Spanith, Adalharquianayeruazin high Dutch, QBeermols:in low Dutch, Hee Motch: in Englith,Sea Moffe,and of many Corallina, after the Apothecaries word, and it may be called Corall Moffe. Thetitles diftinguith the other kindes. The Temperature, Corallina confifteth,as Galen faith,of an earthie and waterith effence,both of them cold : forby histafte it bindeth,and being applied toany hot infirmitie, it alfoeuidently cooleth : the earthi¢ eflence ofthis Moffe hathin it alfo a certaine faltneffe, by reafon whereoflikewife it drieth mightily. @ The Vertues. Dioftorides commendethit tobe goodfor the gout which hath need to be cooledA The later Phy fitions haue found by experience, that it killeth wormesinthe belly; itis giuento B this purpofe to children in the weightofa dramorthereabouts, That whichcleaueth to Corall,and is ofa reddith colour,is of fome preferred and taken forthe © | beft : they count that which is whitith,to be the worfer. Notwithftanding in the French Ocean,the Britain,the low countrey,or elfe inthe Germaneoceanfea, there is {carce found any other than the whitifh Coralline,which the nations neere adioyning doetfedtually vie. |. | Cuar. 166. 1 Corallinm rubrum, Red Corall. zr Vpontherocksandfhels of fea fifhes are to be found diuers fmall plants, hauing relern- blance to others that growvponthe land,and Clufias faith,vpon the coaft of the Low cousthits* obferued one whichvery much refembled the Fir-tree, hauing branches growing orderly on bo 5 and couered35 fides,but thofe very britrleand fmall, feldome exceeding a handfull in height, werewith manyfmall fcales. He obferued others thatrefembled Cypreffe trees, and other bras ches that refembled Tameriske or heath. + . a Of (orall. 2 Corallium nigrum,five Antipathes. Blacke Corall. |