OCR Text |
Show ATable of Enelifh names, ‘Una lupina Marcelli, 3, Savsbucns a= guatica. Una taminia,?. Bryonia niCras : Vonlarid Dodonei,i. Trachelinm,. , ioe Auicennd,id eff Athyhis Vuilvaria,i. Atriplexolidas Pulgago (Maceri,i.A| Lobel. Zaitony.Oleds Viucata Caya, i. Strameni Zarund,s. Ariftolochia. Xx 4. Alniviem Libanotis, Xanium,i. Melanthium, , Bilberries 07 Wrulberetes ABitch trey 1417 1478 MDiros tongue Birds foot Aids eine Aine nett Zarzaparila, 2. Sarfaparillas Zerumbeth, i. Zedoaria. Zizania, i. Lolium, a Zinzibercanixuim, is Capficim, Ziziphus,¢. Iniuba, Ziziphus albasiE laagnus Math, Ziziphus alba Camerarii ste Olea Boz hemtiva, Aylonss. Goffipinm. Kylocaratta, i. Ceratiafiliqua, AXjphivines i. Gladiolws, Vue lepina,t.Herba Paris. Z Campion and his kinder : Shrubs, and Trees mentionedin this Liftorie. Archangel and his kinder Jo2 dlacke Prebanaeill,i. tinking Pozehound Wrecoke j 1449 Acatia 1331 Bronite 968,549 ge. aigis, Smallage. 14643516 ais Apple BDovers Gratie, i. Doge batlocky e : Doverinazt, i. Dnake teed. ADoderg tongue Bfrican Warigaip Cejiopian Bppics Bgaricke eean arand a toy Water Partition Sguus Caftus 4o4 50 Shy #365 He 7at 1387 Bgue tree 2325 Biecok, i. Coftmarp: Bilegood,i. faile Mercury, Bilegood, i, Berry, of Engh Mercury. BDilsheate 19036100g Bichooke, i. ground Fay, : Alerandergs,o2 Diyanvders Lor9 Dleranders foot; Peilitory of Dpaines Bilsr op Hider, aud his bindes, 1469 1477 Bil=feed, i. tHjloe Darth Bilelupa, i. wood Sorel; ior tree ; Dimond af Hera Biniond Pintree . 334 ‘ tk 1445 Y ¢ $0 1467 Hater Becher oz Prroiwheas z his kinds, Brbute tree, o Stratoberry tree 1496 Breber tr Ge,loske vaulted Fig tree 1514 ieuaa isbattard Poppp ¢ his kinds 73 Biiltotochia 846 Sealine 63 eed Cow Bali colo Bal bs Diwarfe Bog atchclozs- buttons Waumeand his kinves ‘Wap treeand his kindes, 4166 Aibrolp, i-wanp gods foov;” Ameifcorne Buacardinn,7.-Bemvof Walaca 110g 6 rs45 Buenoneand his Bindes s ofrew 374, to 386 } z8 3 : Brtehokeg Drimartyis ater Deppey Bara bacta : AMoaragas anayh(x kines Mipeteee, of Pipcn trec Biphooit anubddts $inds,from =wt fh ped, <+ sUtlDe #02 Daichen tree Dor tres z2 Boole tree petats lui zs Sitont Abingandhjiskindes Aled 445 836 tio _...1487 93%097 1472. ibid. 1472 1332 1474 1499 EOOr Str R A chiwont, o7 Fentt backe $07 Waldmotne,oz Balomony so ee Waftard Walbrionpy us thtftle . tiie ole 1152 685,600 ncn Mint eee 684 = 684. 6 1528.1520 fom Byples,fec Appice of Jerutaiecr, Anthora Saileckearatte, i, Doge Cuilions, 207 Doypicandhic kiades, pple ofthe catty Mppics cf lone, oz goiven Apples’ _— Dpples;03 of{dirn 5: fee Si 34) Mpples ofFernfatsiy sap apples 1459 845 346 ~~ 363 = oi eds %449 334 > — Cree with the Fernie andvwas, a : fripttWallwehes (ic.) triple Lapp traces, fiweet Watlorks ~WBarieMort, i, Sperwore SBannanas eee herbe arbertp bulh.and hie Ring Warley and hiskindes Warnacle tree 15a 218 96% 1516 243 3326 an 2587 \ 3597) WI72- 957 689.690 3407. 1409 Z Willos,on Bap Ailes a Way herbe, 477 cherty Wa: —‘Swilde Baytree Deange Wap 163 3409 161g Weade tees ‘Weave tre «Weare Sager Weaneandbhis kine flat WeanesLuping «©Wearded Grate Weares byech «©Bearegeareand bis kinveg Meares Gatlicke 1492 1429 807 1209 R257, 16 1147, 784, 78S 179 ‘e Ste ibid, BlewWenge $94,995 Butle, or Anife lead Logs Bnetsi, Dit 1033 Angelicaane hiskianey 995 Anthpitig,og Finbinggronmhd phtie, 622 geo e Wearetwept ib. ph ier Bparene Mors 07 Aygreen.AMd bis kinncy G07 Bikakengy, i Winter Cherny, Bibavet,o2 Wtide Wuniolie “23, Ameog andhis kindes wh 2035 Warnacles,optre gele ~* &.Warnaveg thific WarrenWojt ou = - kindes 702 1052 978 D 1129 450.455 §=‘Judian Worrice belie Antumne Weil-Gonre 4 ts4q$ 4 36 SH1teple WeiteHonre, 09 Weachbelis, oz Steeple beiig 45k 838 Seabdelig Well flores 450, 455 455 Mitibe Well Gonres Baruclk Wels 438 Weet andits kindes Wechtre 319 1444 1444 Weech Walk ees nett efor werd arith Weetie, i. 1028 554 tatlee sonido eaenraeeee uxdna > Br5 n: N poe Went s Wertran — 678 602 > 75% Werle, a ox Wetre, i. Walkard pepper 1540 Banis Wetony and bis kinds 629 714 gis Wwarer Wetonp face2 qo Wig, oz big Warley WindeWedandhis Kindes, from 851 to 865 838 BD Se can ,oz Winpewed of Pes Rongh Windwed 859 rs Biers MWiew bali, i. Wick bottle Mites 0, Wiptes ps 426 SBlooftrange, «. Worfetaile May Wioomes, i. Conval Lilly MWolbornac, i, tohteefatters MBomnbatt, or Wninbalk 9197-807 ABorage and his Kindes 818 WBots 3332 ' 4Bor thozne 1410 Wor ainatfe Bor, on ground baftard pwarte Wer 1597 1410 4Bor tree 5272 IHeamble buth i2ake and his hindes, fe Ferne *S2arich peate 1225 IBzavke o: Fue 1147 66 wheat Wright Brimfonewort, i. Sow Fennel 1053 869 kinves bis NBevonic and Audion Wrtony, i. Dechoacan. ¥311 Brome and his kinocs I3 Ir WBzeorme rape 269 7 {west Wrier bulh fe Eglantine. Brier bath, i. ep tree 1271 Wacmewort is Creacle mulkard. 716 ort new Brew 1316 bale IBrome 1318 batatt DpatitWome, 621 WBrokelime MBzufewort, i. Hopewort + Wocks beanes abucks Horne and his bindes aBucke wheat asuckicr thomne, i. Chats thorne dbuckrames 444. 1194 : 1075 1167 Caro Cefell Cariockeor Charlecke, and his Rindes 2 3 3 Swllde Carline thie 1159 1429 Carebetree Swhtte Caroline Thittle 1157 1038 Carrot and hig bindes 1028 Soilbe Catroe fiinking and deadly Carrots 1030.103T 1034 Carawa and Caraway fed 1039 Galles 0; Cares 586 Caflivonp Cattle Gitiohloures, i. Hock Gillofonres Cak me vewone 586 1431 Catha fittula hte and grate, Caterpiiiers, i. Scorpion Bindes 337 Cat mint ognep 4 Catch ily , Catstatle, 0 Cats fpeare Cats tatie grafle prickly 02 Fuutper Cedar tte Webdar of Uibanugs Celandine Centorp Celars tree purge Ceterach Cherry andhis hindes to15Q7 Cherrp bap Aptriter Cherrics qpuliccks Lengwost abullocks cpe M5 Hil Sveed Wulwort Wrysllefietrec Wyltimong, i, Bucktoheat Burnet iong Chervy tree from 155957 [soe 1603 342 1466 1049. be Feces Cheltunt 9 Cite bowies Cieate renning, i. Hdates Wersitraw, 1126 Water Wurre docke Cheltnut tre carth Cheftnut Cheequered Dattortt Chickwedandhis kindes Buriecort Briterip Satyricon Buitterwort 03 utter roe Butter burre Butter floures Borchers brome Bntchers price treo 1442 1064 149, 150 from 6x1, £0617 616.617 baftard Chickwad Chilojengs Aercury,i, wide Mercurie, 333 Cc Abbage. i. Colewored 313 Catocus, or Cations AS 4h Calathtar violets 438,449 Cramint and his binds RZ ebice mofft: or 9 9 66 792 769.77% Cianer £185 1186 hozned o7 blacke Ciauer Ti9k Cianer gentie 1187 Darth Cianer 119g garden Ciouer : Ti9s {natieo2 fea Cianer 199 Cieauers, o7 goofle grate 1122 biting Clematis 832 Cict burre SI10 Cioudbervies 1420,1630 CTione Gillofer and his binves, trom 53s (0597 Cinker of Grapes 873} TloWnes Wisoolnort o Bu: heals 1005 Ciewnes Aungwozt 1585 the Clore tree 1535 the Cloue berry tree 1610 Svea Cole 333 Cinius balvkweng 289:301,302 Cocks fot grafle 27 Cocks heads, i.medow Erefelle 1186 ee tks headg,i. red Hitchling 1243 Cockis 1087 to 317 1038.1039 Cherath +03? great o2iiweet Cherutt mocke-Chernitl, i, Shepheards Sredic, Burgundp Crefotle Boreeand his kindes Burce red Ciarp, 07 Ciestp Sotide Clary i1gO are ftom 3123 S ? Coloquintida, o3 Coloquint,é hissinds, 915 Hares Colewort aos Cokeflozy 314 Coits fot and his kindes $11, 8te Cope,i. Pine Apple 1355 Columbine and his kinks 1093,109g Championfea Bolly . Chadlocke, {ee CadiogkeChalke tree and his kindes Chak wed, i. Cotton Wad from 1225, te Ciftngs Leven 1292 Citiius bul, i. mike Crefotfe, o2 Tanke Excfotie from 1304, t0 1309 Citron Apple trea 1464 Citrul Cucumbers 913 the Sotine Citrni 913 Cineg.or Chines 176 Strange Carp, i. Japiters Mitac, 769 Colewozt and his bindes- Witte Chameleon gratle qpugiote and ile bindes tale wifot, fe Coltffor, 852 Frott 1275,t0 1201 Conde Crefoite Hwet Cods Chameleonthiftle apuckthozne gpuckmalk 1223 1532 fiilken Cicely oe and bis kindeg, Candvp Bifanvers nop Carrots Canturbury bells 895 Capers and his kinbes apons tatic, i. greatMtide GWalertas. Cats for 1222,1223 TCichoayp 23% Cinkfolle, 07 fine inate grate, Fromge7 $0592 Cinamorite root 999 of the Cinamome tree, the leate and trunks 255, AWicied chile Miew bottle Chin. cups Thiches and his bintes Milne Chiches Canaria grafic, fecd 02 comne Cane, Cane red and bis kindes Cankerwort,i. Dtfle in bed. @ankerwozt,i. Flucllin : Canker rofe,i. red Doppyandy Multard, 0, Candy Shylafpt Wirthhoort and bls kinnes IBittost and his kindes ABitter {weet ABserer Spogts MBjacke berries, loke Wzamble bul). MWisdder nut 143 {iaVvwort, i. Wiodrp Docks 79032 AA Table of fuch Englifh names as are attributed to the Herbes> Cttater Caltrops Cathes fot Caltrep Calues front ahd his kinded Catamus Aromaticus Camels hap. fe Schenanthurt, Cammocke, i. Belk harrow 3 Cammornnl andbhig bindes 734,755 red Cammomil. |. Flos Poonts Wilve Cammomit 1618 ; China root Choking Spntge.i.fea Spurge 497 Chztite € herbe, Chritts Wort,oz Chrilks mag herbe, ': blacke Etleboz 977. Thrifts thozne S, Chtophers herbe %230,1231 Chichling and bis kins Conysa,'. Flabane Wullet from 48x; | to48s Confound middie and little, Conuall Lilip Contra=perua OG 634,637; 410 g62%; | Comitey {potted ; Coral and hig kinded Copal tre Copal priuet Coral Worts Cojzallitie,o; Coral moile Cozke tree 805 808 #575.157@ 161g 1399 984.995 257231575 134?) gorz | Coztander and his kinves Come 65)i ni Comme Flag and bis binves BOR. | s } Uf Cogne grate Come tote oz Poppy é gk) gilitfiotoct o2 pinks 438 “fatiad ik) fonte 932 marigola 743 Tomeltreandhishinds... 3466,4407; Cotula and big kinoes GFF; Corton qratle plant thittie meD 29 90k) 5 zs49 oe pet ¢. Cotyledon: Unedo Plin. i, Arbutus. — tcaballiia, i, Tuffilage. ts Solanum fomnrferums: Ulpicum Colwmelic, i, Allium, Drinaria, icdens leonis: Ofnea,i. Mufcus. Yebet, i, Anctum. 865 purging Windewerd 866 Windiwed,Pnchantire Mtqhtthade 352 WGithops toed 1036 MWihops ieaucs 75 neaes 7. XY ae ‘Violaflammen,i. Viola tricolor: Die Bindewed Vuaver{a,é. Hebe Pree Vuavulpis, i. Solanum hortenfe, Punlaria, i. Hippoglofim. Voularia, i. Lasrus Alexandrina: On n we Vinceroxicum, i. Ayelepiats Viola nigra, i, Viola martia. HAW WAT RW Nominumquorundam interpretatio. |