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Show Sen 622 Of the Hiftorie of Plants. Lisi. Ofthe Hiftory of Plants. Lise 2 2 The Jeaues of Brooke-lime ftamped, ftrained, and giuen to drinke in wine, helpeththe fra oi rie, and griefes of the bladder. Cuae. 196. thing els than a kinde of Sea Chickeweed, hauing fmall branches trailing vpon the ground of twohands high ; whereupon do growlittle leaues like thofe of Chickweed, not vnlike rhofe of Lesticulamarina,or Sea Lentils: on thetop of the ftalks ftand many fmall moffie floures of a white colour. Offtinking Ground-Pine. The wholeplantis of a bitter and faltith tafte. + Thisis the marina incana Anthyllis Alfine folia Narboneafium of Lobel - it is the The Kindes, Paronychia altera of Matthiolus. + + Dee hath antiently mentioned two forts of Anthyllis: one with leaueslike totheLea ¢ 3 Tothis figure (which formerly was giuen forthe firftof thefe by our Au- till,& the other like to Chamepitys. Tothe firit,fomelate writers hauereferred diuersplants, as the twofirft defcribed inthis Chapter, The Anthylls Leguminofa Bele arum hereafterto bee bed the 4nthyttis Valentina Clufyj formerly fet forth Chap.171-To the fecondate referied thea Mofchata Mon|peliaca,dc{cribed in the fourth placeof the 1 50.Chap,ofthis booke,the Linariastl. terina decribed formerly chap. 165.inthe 14.place, and that whichis here defcribed inthe thid place of this chapter, by the nameof Anthyllis altera Italorum. $ thour) I will now giue youabriefe defeription. This in the branches, leaues,and whole face thereof is very like the French HerbeIuie, or Ground Pine, but that it is much leffe in all the parts thereof,but chiefelyin the leaues which alfo are not fnipt like Q The Defir iption. 1 There is likewife another fort of AA- thyllisor Sea GroundPine, but in truth ne 3 Anthyllis altera Italorune, Stinking ground Pine. The leaues ofBrook-lime,and the tendrels of4/paragus, eaten withoyle, vineger, and P €pper, helpeth the ftrangurie and ftone. 62 i thofe of the French GroundPine,bur fharp pointed : the tops of the branches-are dow- “Ee hath beene much adoe among Writers aboutthe certaine knowledge ofthetre Anthyllis ofDiofcorides : Lwill therefore fet downe that plant whichof all othersis nic orwoolly, and fet withlittle pale yel- snhadtsit found moft agreeable thereunto. It bath manyfmall branchesfull ioynts, notaboue low floures. £ ss Lenticula, or rather </(ie minor, the leffer Chickweed. The floures growatthe topofthe @ Thefedo grow inthe SouthIfles belon- anhandfull high, creeping fundry wayes, befet with {mall thicke canes of a pale colour, teem. as ftarre-fathion, ofan herby colour like boxe, or Sedum minus ¢ it foftereth his fmall feeds in . three cornered huske. The rooris fomewhat long,flender, ioynted, and deepely thruftintothe OF a tr Anthyllis lentifolia,fine Alfine cruciata marina, Sea Pimpernel, ¥ 2 Anthyllis Marinaineam Alfintfolia I Manyfloured Ground-Pine. ing to England, efpecially in Portlandin the grauelly and fandy foords,whichlie low and againft the fea ;andlikewife in theifle of Shepey neere the waterfide. + Ihaue AK 4A) ground like Soldanella: all the whole plantis faltifh, bitter in tafte, and fomewhatheating. q@ The Place. onely foundthe fir deferibed, and that : both in Shepey,as alfo in Weit-gate bay by Margate in the Ifle of Thanet.4 q The Time, They floure andflourithin Iune and-Tuly. q TheNames. Theirtitles and defcriptions fufficiently fet forth their feuerall names. q The Temperature. Thefe fea herbes are ofa temperate facultic betweene hot andcold. i a—— a s The Vertues. : Halfe an ounceof the dtied leaues drunke, preuaileth greatly againt the hot piffethe rie,or difficultie of making water,and pnrgeththereines. i The fame taken with Oxymell or honied wateris goodforthe fallingficknefle, ginen firft at morning,andlaft at night. ate ids taste That de , eo es ig lhe : . i Pte : figure t. and called. 4n auce in this chapteryand thie was markedwith the hoethereofpurs vpon it,with a deferipzionthereco, that it may not ftand ofthe Anhlis Vslentins oF(lufine,dcteribed Formerly chap.t7 t.and therefore Eliaue omitted Cuar.i97. OfWhiteblow,or Whitelow Graffe. + Thisdeferiptionwas taken out ot he Aduerfaria, pag. 195. whereit is called Anthylis lentifolia Pepli j iti: — lhammieas maritima : al{o Clufius hath deferibed it by the name of Alpines — whichgrow thicke oe, laftiournall by the name of Alfine cruciata marina, becaule oe i { a: 3 . : Bether by couples croffe each other, as it happens in moft plants © bE " one ae ateach ioynt. Ihaue Englifhed ir Sea Pimpernell, becaule rr Harkealled aeaken thofe of Pim pernel as of any other Plant; and alfo for that our au f S004, and Cla fie rae a name of Sea Chickeweed. The figure ofthe Aduer[arit ah ; Clufiue for two feuerall patouts caufed fome to reckon this Anthyhis ofLobelane* : eof whic * : plant, and w} indeed are not fo. Thaane piucn iuen y, youa figure tooke fromthe growing 8 hereo hich well expreffeth the growing thereof, + @ The Kindes. : Tie firftisa very flenderplant hauing a fewe fmall Icaues like theleaft Chickeweede, the mid{t whereof rifethvpa {mall{talke,three or foure inade3 2toplittle slong ae ee do cufts,trom grow verylittlewh ite floures ;whichbeing paft, there comein place he miad,e gs compofed ofthreefilmes,which being ripe,the two outfides fall away,leaut 5. women Sipe. long time after which is like white Sattin,as is that of Bolbonac,which out This ui . ; attin,but much {maller : the tafte is fomewhat fharpe. ee ce brefembtnn noe Paronychia, hath {mall thicke andfat leaues,cut into three or more diuifions, 1¢leaues of Rue, but agreat deale fmaller. The (talks are like the former,& me jeaues |