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Show sn Of the Hiftorie of Plants. Lis. 2. @ The Names. 3 Water Milfoile; or water Yarrow hath long and large leaues deepely cut with many dinif- that is to fay,of the likeneffe ofhethe Alon It may becalled Sedune aguatile or water Sengreen, ons like Fennell, butfinelier iagged, fwiniming vpon the water. The rootis fingle, long , and Houfleeke, Knights Pondwoort sand of fome,Knights water Sengreene, frefhwater Soldienor ya. ding Pondweedsit feemeth to be Stratiates aquatilss,or Stratietes potamios ,or Knights water Wound. and CMilitaris Aizoides,, or Soldiers woort,which may alfo benamed in Latine Mélitaris aquatica, thewater;made of many hairy ftrings, which yceldeth vp a nakedflender ftalke within the water; : in Englith, VVater whichisalfo called in Latine Sedum : of fome, Cancri chela,or Cancri forficula Yarrow;for it growethin thewater,and floteth vponit,and if thofe firings whichit fendethto the bortomeofthe watet beno roots, it alfo liueth without roots, gq The Temperature, This Houfleeke ftaieth the bloud which commeth from the kidneies, it keepeth green wounds appliedvn. frombeing inflamed,andit is good againit Ss. Anthonies fire andhotfwellings,being to them : andis equallin the vertues aforefaid with the former. Cuar. 300. Of Water Yarrow,and water Gillofloure. $ Viola Paluftris tenifolia, The fimaller leaued waterviolet, WaterViolet. 3 Thiswater Milfoile differeth from all the kindes aforefaid, hauing aroot in the bottom of and the reft of the:ftalke which floteth vpon the water diuidethir felfe into fundry other branches and wings, whichate bedatht withfine {mall iagged Jeaues like vato Cammomill, or rathet reder branches, euery branch bearing onefloure like vnto water €row-foor, white ofcdlour;with a q The Vertues. 1 Viola paluftris. sound,which brings vp aright traight andflender ftalke, fet in fundry places withthelike leaues; butfinaller, The floutes growat the top of the ftalke tuft fafhion, and like vntothe land ‘Yarrow. fembling hairy taffels orfringe, than leaues. Fromthe bofomes whereof come forth fmalland ten- This herbe is of acooling nature and temperament. A Ofthe Hiftory ofPlants. little yellow in the midft : the whole plant refembleth water Crow-foot inall things faue in the broad leaues. f 4 There isanother kinde of water violet very like the former, faving that his leaues are much longer, fomewhat refembling the leaues of Fennell, fafhioned likevntowings, and the floutes are fomewhatfmaller, yet whiteyvith yellowneffe in their middles, and fhaped like thofe ofthe laft defcribed. Andthe feed alfo growes like vnto that of the Water Ranunculus , laft defetibed. 5 There is alfo another kinde ofwater Milfoile, whichhath leaues vety like vnto water Vio- let, fmaller, and not fo many in number: the ftalke is {mall and tender, bearing yellow gaping floutes fafhionedlike a hoodof the fmall Snapdragon; which caufed Pesa to put vnto his name thisadditament Galericulatume, that is, hooded, The rootsare fmall and threddy , with fome few knobs hanging thereat like the founds offifth. 2 Millefolium agquaticum. Water Yarrow. 3 Millefolium,fine maratriphylon; flore &femine j Ranunculi aquatici, Hepatice facie. Crow-foot, or water Milfoile, @ The Defcription. i like Yarro", Ater Violet hath long and great iagged leaues,veryfinely cut Orr oe:h, beat but fmaller:among which come vp {mall ftalkes a cubit anda halfe at the top {mall white floures like vnto ftocke Gillofloures,withfome he vare {2° inthe middle. Therootsare long and fmall like blacke threds,and at the end wherebythe) ch ftened to the ground they arewhite, andfhining like Chryftall.: es are mu + There isanothcrvarietic of this plantwhich differs from it only in that the leau Tmalletas you mayfee them expreft in thefigure. + 2 VVatel by Clufius. Ithath round greene . eae Othefe may we.adde a {mall watet Milfoile,fet forth t comeat their lower ends manyhairy fibres, wherebyit tawhereou ioynts, many with thhold one a % the mud:: the tops of thefe ftems ftand fome handfull aboue the water, and ; each fomeinch long ; which waxleffe and nd fiue long finely wingedleaues, very greene, and leffe, . : * ; om |