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Show — 342 Of the Hiftorie of Plants. Liz.2, Ofhe Hittoryof Plants. Lis, 2. q The Time. The red winter Cherrie bearethhis floures andfruite in Augutt. “Cuar.58, Of the Marnall ofthe World. The blacké beareth themat the fametime, where it doth naturally grow. @ The Names. ‘ ; inter Cherrie isis called in Greeke, =’y@- + in Latine,Veficaria,and ered win cal Ve 2 Solanum ” Veficariyn, in thops, Alkekengi - Plinic in his 21. bookenameth it Hualicacabus and Peficaria, of thelittle blad. ets :oras oras the fame Author; writeth, ; becaufe it is good for the bladder andtheftone: id th itis calle j Mirabilia Perunianaflore luteo. The maruell of Peru with yellowifhfloures, + Mirabilia Perunianaflore albo. The maruell of Peru with white floures; in Spanith, Vexigadeporro: in French, Alquequenges, Bagenauldes, and Cerifes d’ontre mer sin fay lith, red Nightfhade,Winter Cherries,and Alkakengie. 1 Solanum Halicacabum, 2 Halicacabum Perecrinum Red winter Cherries. Blacke winter Cherries, ‘The blacke winter Cherrie is called Halacacabum Peregrinum,eficaria Peregrina,ot ferangewin® Chertie: of Pena and Lobel it is called, Cor Indum, Cor Indicum : ofothers,Pifum Cordatum iD Eig; lif,the Indianheart,or heart peafe:fome haue takenit to be Dorycnion, but they are greatly acct ued, being in truth.not any of the Nightfhades; it rather feemethto agree with the graine ae ofSerapio,Abrong. or Abrugi,ofwhich he writeth in his 15 3. chapter in thefe words: It is a graine {potted with blacke and white,round, and like the graine Maiz,with whichnotes this¢° The defiription. His admirable plant called the maruell of Peru, or the maruell ofche Worl: 1,fpringeth forth of the ground like ynto Bafill in leaues ; amongftwhichit fendeth outaftalke two cubits anda halfe high, of the thickeneffe ofafinger ; full of iuice, very firme, andiefa yellowifh greene colour, knotted or kneed withioints fomewhat bunching forth,of purplith color,as in the female Balfamina: whichftalke diuidethit felfe intofndrie branches ot boughes, and thofe alfo knot: tielike the falke. His branches are deckedwith leaues growing by couples at the ioints: like the leaues of wilde Peafcods, greene, flefhie,andfull ofioints;which beeing rubbed doeyeeld the like vnpleafant fmellas wilde Peafcods doe, andare intaftealfoverie vnfauoric, yet in the latter end they leane a tafteand tharpe fmacke ofTabaco. The ftalkes towards the top ate garnifhed with long hollow fingle flowers, folded , as it werejinto fiue parts before they be opened; but bemyne doerefemblethe flowers of ‘Tabaco, not ending into fharpecorners, but blunt lowers of Bindeweede. and larger than theflowers of Tabaco glittering often- agree, ple or Crimfon colour; manytimes of an horfe-fleth; fometime yellow; 1 fometime refembling anoldred or yellow colour; fometime whitith, and ‘0 colours occupying halfe the flower, or intercourfing the whole flower with @ The Temperature, ‘The redwinter Chetrieis thought tobe coldand drie,andoffubtile parts. The leaues differ not fom the temperature of the garden Nightfhade,as Galen faith. a. ad | The Vertues, * ; Phere brated and put to infufe or fteepe in whitewin e two boi- or three houres, and mn led two orthree bublings,ftraining itand putting tothedeco@ionalitt le fugar and iedidi and drunke, preuaileth very mightily again{t the {topping ofvrine, the ftone and grauell,the afte cultie and fharpenes of making water,and fuch like difeafes : ifthe griefe be old, the greater - 4s tity muftbe taken ; ifnew and not great, the leffe : ix feoureth awaythe yellow jaundife allo, fomewitty Pa Chap sandorderly ftreames, nowyellow,now purple, diuided through the whole ; hauing fomereat,fometime lirrle {pots of a purple colour, {prinkled and fcatteredin amoft variableor- t ixture. Th indorfield of the whole floweris either pale,red,yellow,or white, 1¢ hollownefle a pricke orpointell fetround about with fixe fmall flowers are verie fweet and pleafant, refembling the Narciffe or white fuddenly fading ; for atnight they are flowred wide Open,and fo continue the next morning : ar whichtime theybeginnetoclofe or fhuevp(after Bind Je)efpeciallyifthe weather be very hor : but ifthe aire be more temperate they remaine open hewhole day,andare clofedonelyat night, and fo perifh,one flowerlaFf 2 : fling; nner nner the Bi; ofof the |