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Show aees Lin.2 Ofthe Hiftorie of Plants. atc oes 3 Thethird kinde of Pennic Royall growes like vnto Tyme, andis ofa wooddie fubftance,fomewhat + 3 Puleginm anguftifolium. ag : 1, Ocimum magaim, ~ OF the Great Bafill HiftoryofPlants, 2 Ocimum macdinm Ciratem Citron Bafill; like vnto the thinne leafed Hy flope,of thefauour of Narrow leafed Pennie Royall. commonPennie Royall; $ but much ftronger and more pleafant: the longifh narrowleaues flandypon the ftalkes by couples, with Little leaues comming forth of their bofomes : and towards thetops ofthe branches growrundles of {mall purple floures, This grows plentifully about Montpellier,andby the Authors of the Adwerfariawhofirlt fet it forth, itisftiled Pulecinm,anguftifol. five ceruinum Mon/pelicnfume q The Place. The firftand common Pennie Royall growethnaturally wilde in moift and ouerflownplaces,asinthe Commonneere Londoncalled Miles end,about the holes & ponds thereofin fundryplaces,from whence poore womenbring plentie tofell in London mar- kets and it groweth.in fundrie other Commonsncete Londonlikewife. The fecond groweth in my garden: the third I hauenotas yet feene. : q The Time. They floure from the beginning of Iune to the end of Auguft. The Names. Pennie Royall is called in Greeke,and oftentimes 4%, - in Latine, P uleginm,and Puleginm vecale,for difference fake betweeneit and wilde Tyme,whichof fomeis called Pulegiuim montanim: Royin Italian,Pulegio : in Spanifh,Poleo: in Dutch,49olep ¢ in French, Pouliot ; in Englith,Penme all,Pudding graffe, Puliall Royall,and of fome Organic. : @ The Nature. i Pennie Royallis hot and driein the third degree,and offubtill parts,as Galen faith. The Vertues. Z of Pennie Royall boiled in wineand drunken,prouokeththe monthly termes,bringeth forththe: : condine,the dead childe and vnnaturall birth : it prouokethvrine,and breaketh the ftone,efpecia ly ofthe kidneies. Pennie Royall taken with honie clenfeth the lungs, and cleereththe breaft from all grofle and B thicke humours. ‘ 4 : el peth the Thefametakenwith honicand Aloes, purgeth by ftoole melancholie humours; helpett € A crampe and drawing together of finewes, the inordinate defire to vomite,& the pass Thefametakenwith water and Vinegeraflwageth xi if ofthe ftomacke. Ifyouhaue when youare at the fea Pennie Royal in great quantitic dric,andcaft it intocom™ E water,it helpeth it much,neither will it hurt them that iinke thereof. Aree A Garland ofPennie royall made and worne about the headis ofgreat force againft the FE minginthe head,the paines and giddineffe thereof. alae G The deco&tion of Pennie Royallis very good againft ventofitie, windineffe,or fuch likeane* D gainft the hardnes & ftopping ofthe motherbeing vfed ina bathorftewfor the woman © fire et ia nlyaad bythetitles and defcriptions thatour Acthoar in this chapter followed Lobel but thefigures were not agreeabl u Chapeen, SBS Palegiun Argufifoum deferibed inthe third places and the third figure was ofthe Aer{ipinumdeferibed in Cuar. 222, OfBafill. q| The Defcription. : es Sha Arden Bafillis of two forts, differing one from another in bignefle. ae. , broad, thicke,and fa tleaues,ofa pleafant fweet fmell and ofwhich fome omatike the ‘there are ofa blac k reddith colour,fomewhat {nipped about the edge Lanes of French Mercurie, “The s,90° ftalke growethtothe height of halfeacubite,diu no it fell ia rer Rag branches,whereupon doe ftand {mall and bafe floures fomerime whitifh, an¢0 s ""” ngtoa in@t oa dark darke e purp purple le. Thee rootis i threddie : ,and diet i h at the approch of Wint /inte er. 3 Octiiumminus Gariophyllatumas Bush Bafill, + 4 OcimumIndicum: Indian Bafill: |