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Show — ee —————e — = ere fomewhat like thecods ‘of Queenes Gillofloures, whereinis contained fmall blackifh feed the soot is like the former; butnotineueryrefped much refembling Corall, yet white and tubers notwithft ing 1823! wingtvcfolinn wubeare. \ Pra Cinkfoile. $2 Quinguefolimg mains 200i, Great vpright Cinkfoile. Thethird kinde of Dogs-rooth V iolet is called of Clufius, Dentaria heptaphy los, thats con. 3 fifting ofifeuenleanes faitenedyponone rib, finew,or{mall ftem : of Lobel wath this title, daft tes altera,ot Dewtariaaltera : butCordus calleth it Coralloides altera : inEnglith, Corallviolet,ithath ftalkes. Routes, ane roots like vatothe firft of his kinde,fauing that the-oures aremnuch faite atid be white ofeolour, and the roots hauea greater refemblance of Corallthan the'éther, The fourth kinde of Dogs-toothviolet,called in Englith Codded violet (which clyfia fe. reth forth vader the title Dentaria Matthiols Pentaphyllos, which Penadothalfoexprefe vnderthe ti. bee tle ofNemoralis alpina Herbariornus Alabaftrites , Cordus callethit Coralloides, and may very Well Ve calledin Englith Cinkfoileviolet) hath leaues fo like the greater) Cinkfoile, that itishard to know one fromanother; therefore it might very well haue been reckoned among the herbescalled Pentaphylla, that is,fiue leaued herbes. This plant growethin the fhadowie forteftabour Turitjand the mountain Sauena called Calcaris, and by the Rhene nor far from Bafill. The Ralksgrowtothe height ofa cubit,befet witha tuft offloures at the top like to that ofthefirft,bur ofa deeper purple colour:vhich being vaded, there fucceedlong andflat cods like vnto Rocker, othe great Celandinewwherein is containeda {mall feed. All the whole plant is of a hot andbitter tafte. Theroots are likevnto Corall, ofa palewhitith colour: theleaues are roughandharfh in handling,and of a é deep greene colour: 5 Clefius gives vs another varietie ofDentaria pentaphy los,whofe roots are more neuen and knobbythan the laft defcribed:: the ftalkeis fomefoot high: the leaues fie vpona ftalke,but not fo roughgnor of fo deepa greeneas thofe of the former; yet the flouresare of a deeppurple colon, : ee Le leumer Of thé Hiferie of Plants. — like thofe of thelaft defcribed. ¢ q The Place. that they ate foundaThey growondiuets fhadowie and darkehills. Valerivs Cordus writcth, far foile that hath quartes boutthe foreft Heteinia,not far from Northufium,moftplentifullysina of tone in it. The firft I haue in mygarden. The Time. j They floure efpeciallyin Aprill and May:the feed commeth tofperfection intheend ofAugult q The Names. 5 The toothed Violet, or after fome, Dogs-toothviolet,is commonly called DentariazofCords,Ctralloides,of the root that is in forme like to Corall. Matthiolus placeth it cater Solidagines o; SgmphyDentariaglthelikenetle ta,among the Confounds and Comfries. Wee had rather call themViole e the floures haue with Stocke-gillofloures. They may be called in Englith, Toothed Viokts, Corall-woorts, A | The Temperature and Vertues. a fauifig thofe which fome wonea I haue read of few or no vertues contained in thefe herbes, aferibeth wato Peat which AMatthiolus haue experienced to be in the firft kinde thereof, and dentariathe fourth kinde, in the fourth booke of his Commeéfitaries vpon Diofiorides;an . if chap.conterning Symphytum,wherehefaith that the rootis vfed.in drinkes which are ma pate Enteroceleand inward wounds,but efpecially thofe wounds and hurts which haue entred inrou hollowneffe ofthe breft. i Crar. 382. Bi ae Of(inkefoile,orfuefinger Graff q The Defcription. 1 pinkt fo yniuerfally knowne,thatl ae h iF He fist kindeof Cinkfoilc is fo commonand needleffe trauell to tand about the defcription. $ It hath many longue fale : ing {pred vpon the ground, out whereofgrow leaues madeof fiue longith fnipt leaves G one long foot-ftalke: the floures alfo grow vpon the like foot-ftalks,and are comport auat s 2 low lJeaues. The rootis pretty large,of a reddith colour,and round;butdried, ftalks ‘al th and fmal 2. The fecond kinde ofCinkfoile or Quinquefoile hath round the Ieauesare large,and very much iagged about the edges, very like the commop en floures grow at the top of the ftalks, in fafhion like the common kind,but muchgsi e paleorbleake yellow or elfe whitith colour: the rootis blacke without,and full ou" rig I -thereto,and of awooddie fubftance. 3, Pentaphyllumprrpureut. Purple Cinkfoile. 4 Peataphyll wa Marth Cinktoile. |