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Show ——— e a OftheHiftorie of Plan c 1192 S @ The Place. reft grow The feuerall titles ofmoft of thefe plants fet forth their natural place of growing:the in moftfertile fields of England. q The Time. moneths. They floure and flourith moft of the fommer q The Names. their names,more than hath beene fet downe. Theie is not muchto be faid as touching TheTemperature and Veriues. ynto the common medaw Tie. The temperature and faculties of thefe Trefoiles are referred foiles. de(cribed in the laft chapter auc one. 4 The figure farmerly pnt in the {econdplace was ofthe leMfer yellow Trefoile Lia. % ~~.Of the Hiftorie of Plants. 1193, by the name of Lagopus + 2 Thiselegant plant(which Trazus hathfet forth for Cytifis, Lobel foor andbetdserafolioprinnato, and Clufius for his Trifoly maiorss 3. altera fpe:ies) hathftalkes fome the edges, ter high,whereon growleaues fet together by threes,lorghoary andlightly {nipt about are which leaues, ofthe fides the to rib middle the from with elegant neruesor veines, running tops the At decay. to begins leafe the when then chiefly moftconfpicuous in hot Countries, and fanguine colour. This ofthe branches, in long andlarge, heads grow the floures, of an elegant nes of Hungary and Auftria;I haue floures in May and lune,and growes wilde vpon fome mountai of fome of our Florifts. gardens the in rowing former,g the and s boththi feenethem, hereon grow This other great kinde of Hares-foot fends forch one flender,yet ftiffe ftalke,w 3 fing the ftalkes: the leaues them= leaues whofe foor-ftalkes ate large at the fetting on, encompaf like thofe of the comfelues grow by threes; longnarrow,and fharpe pointed, of a grayifh colour floures amongft the mon Hares-foot. the {pike at the top is foft and downy, withlittle reddith ius Hifpanicus whitifh hairinefle. This growes wilde in Spaine: Clufiws calls it Lagopus angu/iifol mar, Cuar. 497. Ofthe great Trefoiles,or winged laners. are longer There isanotherfort of this defcrbed by Zobel and Pena inthe Aduer{ whofe leaues angufti« ¢ + than this, thewhole plant alfois oft times leffer: they call it Lag opus altera jou, 4 Lagopodinm.pesleporis. Little Hares-foot Trefoile. $3 Lacopus anzuftifolius Hifpanicus. Narrowleafed Spanifh Hare-foot. @ The Defcription. ofTrefoile, hath a hard and wooddie root,fll a. Hegreat Hares foot being akinde diuers tough and feeble branches ofblacke threddie firings : from whence arife plant to refemble thofe ofthe whole the g ,makin threes by er togeth fer s, whereupon dogrowleaue ofa bunchofgray hanes: & fed compo ftalks, ofthe top atthe grow MedowTrefoile: the floures purple colour,fomwbat bright mot ofa floures {mall h thfort mongthe which foft matter comme calls this Lagopusim Lobel . greater far e,but Trefoil refembling the floures of the common medow opus maiorfolio Trifoly. xamousfoliofacie Trifolypratenfis : Dodonans,Lag t 1 $ 1 Lagopus maximus. The great Hares foot Trefoile, alongiort, : $ 2 Lagopus maior (pic Hates foot os large headed diniding it felfe into diuets 3 The fall Hares-foot hath a round rough and hairy ftalke, joined together,like thofe ofthe {mall yelother branches ; whereupon do growfmall Jeaues,three confifting ofa rough ea eat : the floures growat the very point ofthe — ? colour tending toa lg ith ofawhit e, Fox-tail curos,or ofAlope that mi Bei comne.like little white floures among ft the dowfineffe :'the root isfmall and hard. The Place. t 1 growetht ndis a ftranger in E ngland;ye ns eer inthe fields of France and Spaine,a ong & eg mall Hare-footgroweth among corne, efpecially am Hes aimoft euery where. The. barren Barly; and likewife in pa- @ The Time. Hey floure and flourifhin Tune,Iuly,and Auguf. Hbhhh q the |