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Show Ofthe Fiftoryof Plants. Li B.3 Lin 3 ‘ whete the great ftalks aredearely bought for the better fort ofpeople,andthe {mall thorny {ptaies forthe poorerfort. Frona thefe thornybranches growlittle floures like thofe of Broome, and of, yellowcolour,which in hot Regions vnder the extreme heate of the Sunne are ofa very perfe@ ted colour yin the colder countries of the Eaft,as Danzicke, Brunfwicke, and Poland, there is not an branchhercof growing, except fome few plants and feeds which my felfe haue fent to Elbing, 9. therwife called Meluin, where they are moft curioufly kept in their faireft gardens, as alloout common Broome,the whichI haue fent thither likewife, being firft defired bydiuers earnest let. ters :the cods followthe floures, which the Grauer hath omitted, as a German who.had neuerfeen the plant it felfe, but framedthe figure by heare-fay : the rootis ftrong, tough, and wooddy, Wehaucin our barren grounds of the Northparts of England anotherfort of Furze, bringing forth the like prickley thornes that the others haue : the onely difference confifteth in the colour ofthe floures;for the others bring forth yellow floures,and thofe of this plant are as whiteas fhow. t 2 Tothismaybeioyned another kinde of Furze which bringeth forthcertaine branches that be fome cubit high, ftitfe,and fet round about at the firft with {mall winged Lentill-like Jeaues andlittle harmeleffe prickles, which afterthey haue been a yeare old, and the leapes gon,be armed onely with moft hard fharpe prickles, crooking or bending their paints downwards. The “Phis{mall kinde of Furze (growing vpon Hampftead heath neere London, and indiuers other barren grounds, wherein manner nothingelfe wil grow) hath many weake and flexible fetinnumberinfinite moft (harpeprickles, hurting like needles, whereof it tooke his name. The The flowes grow on the tops ofthe branches like thofe of Broome,and ofapale yellow colour. Be ekicy pats . y ootistough and wooddy. ¢ 5). Lhis plant (faith Clufixs) is wholly new and elegant, fome fpan high,diuided into many branches, fome {pred vponthe ground, others ftanding vpright, hauingplentifull tore of greene prickles: the floures in fhapeare like thofe of Broome, but leffe, and of a blewifh purple colour, fanding in rough hairy whitifh cups,two or three floures commonly growing neere together : fometimeswhileftit flouresit fenderhforthlittle leaues, but notvery Often, and they are few, and likethofe of the fecond deferibed, and quickly fallaway,fo that the whole plant feemes nothing but prickles, or like a hedge-hog whenfhefolds vpher felfe : the rootis wooddy,andlarge for the pioportion ofthe plant. It growes in the kingdome of Valentia in Spaine, where the Spaniards allit Zriso, that is, the Hedge-hog ; and thence C/ufins alfo termed it Evinacea. It floureth in Aprill. + cods are fmall, in whichdo lie little round reddithfeeds : the root is tough and wooddy. Small round codded Furze. bran- thes of a wooddy fubftance : whereon do grow little leaues like thofe of Tyme : among whichare floures hereofare of a pale yellow colour,lefler than thofe of Broome,yet of the fame forme : the +23 Genifta Spinofa minor filiqua rotunda, 1321 Of the Hiftorie of Plants. 6 Genifta aculeata minor,fine Nepa Theophrs : hinofa humilis, 5 Genifta [P40] Scorpion Furzes. Dwarfe or low Furze. 4 Geniftella aculeata. Needle Furze or petty Whin, 6 The finallcf of all the Furzes is that of the Antients called Neps, or Scorpion Futze,as the vord Nepa feemeth to import: itisa ftranger inEngland: it hath beene touchedof the Antients Same onely swhich fault they haue beene all and euerie ofthem tobe complainedof, being fo Snefe that nothing can be gathered fromtheir defcription: and thereforeI refer what mighthereSvefaid toa further confideration. + This hatha thicke wooddy blacke root fome halfe foor tg, fom whencearife many flender branches fomefoot high,whichare fet with manyftiffeand ‘'atbeptickles, orowing fomewhat after the manerof thewilde prickly Sperage: the yongplants auelittle leaues like thofe ofTragacanth; the old ones none: the floures are fthal,and comeforth tthe bottome ofthe prickles, and theyare fireceeded by broad cods wherein the feed is contai- 7 + Ofthis C/ufius reckonsvpthreevarieties: the firft growing {ome enbit high,with deepe Te low floures : the fecond growes higher, and hath paler coloured floures: the third groweth10 height ofthefirft,the flouresalfo are yellow ,the branches moreprickly, and the leaues hairy 5 the figure I giue youis ofthis thirdvarietic. oer. 3 This feldome exceedsa foor in height, and it is on eucrie fide armedwith fharpe Peeath whichgrow notconfufedly, as in the commonfort, but keepe acertaine order, and ftill grow of bycouples : they are ofadighter greene than thofe of the common Furze : on the tops of See. theibranches gtow:two or three yellow floureslike thofe of the former ; which are fucceeded by es tle round roughhairy cods ofthe bigneffe of Tares.: This floures in March, and groweth ae way betweenBurdeairx and Bayone ta'France;andvpon the Pyrenean mountaines.C/ufias maxe his Scorpins2 sor fecond {ott of Furze: Lobel calls it Geniitafpartinne [pinofian alterum. ¢ t8towes in divers places of France and Spaine,and is thought to be the Scorpius of Thea: Pratswhich Gaxatranflates Nepa. F q The Place. », thecommon fort héreofare very well knowne to growin paftures and fields in moft places of : “mgland, The reft are likewife well knowneto thofe that curioufly obferue theidifference. ’ @| The Time. They floure from the beginning of May to the end ofSeptember. ress. q The Names. i i eae R Urzeis commonlycalled Genifta pinofa.imhighsDutch,®afpeldozess 212 Englith,Furze, Fur- *otthes; Whinne, Gorfle,and, Thorne-Broome, his Scorpius, which Gara nameth Wepa - the name Broomeis taken* for Theophrafius This thorny ._ "his 2 Pliny eeis turcenonthat is “Cs ¥ i in to fay, fignifying manythings, and common to certaue Pianes4 oe : ‘OF |