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Show Of the Hiftorie of Plants. 212 Lis. Lupe nee} @ The Kind:s. Here be diters kindes of Fox-{tones, differing very much in fhape of their leaves, as alfo in floures : fome haue floures whereinis to be fecne thefhape of fundryforts ofliuing creatures, fonié the fhape and proportionofflies, in othergnats, fome humblebees, others like vnto hone Bees, fomelike Butter-flies, andothers like W afpes that be dead; fome yellow of colour,others white; fome purple mixed withred, others ofa browneouer-wornecolour: the which {euerally todiftinguifh, as well thofe here fet downe, as alfo thofe that offer themfelues daylyto our view and confideration, would require a particular volume; for there is not anyplant which doth offer fuichvatictie vnto vs as thefe kindes of Stones, except the Tulipa’s, which go beyond all account: for that the moft fingular Simpleft that euerwas in thefe later ages, Carolus Clufius (who for his fingular induftrie and knowledge herein is worthy triple honour) hathfpent at theleaft fine and thirty yeares, fowing the feeds of Tulipa’s fromyeare to yeare, and tothis day he could nenerat. taineto the end orcertaintie of their {euerall kindes ofcolours. The greateft reafon whereof that Ican yeeld is this ; that if you take the feeds ofa Tulipa that bare whitefloures, and fowthemin {omepan or tub withearth, youfhallreceiue fromthatfeed plantsofinfinite colours ¢ contrariwife, if you fow the feeds of a plant that beareth floures of variable’ colours, the mof of 3 OFthe Hiftory ofPlants. a The Humble Bee Orchis hath a few {mall weake and fhort leaues,which grow featteringly aboutthe ftalke : the floures grow at the top among the {mall leaues, refembling in thape the humble Bee. The root confifteth of two {tones or bulbes; with fome few threds annexed there- unto. 4 The Wafpe Satyrion groweth out of the ground, hauing ftalkes {mall and tender, The leaues are like the former, but fomewhat greater, declining to a browneor darke colour. The floures be {mall, ofthe colour ofa dry Okenleafe,in fhape refemblingthe great Bee,called in En- glith an Hornet or drone Bee. Therootis likethe other. 5 The leaues of Bee Satyrion are longer than the laft before mentioned, narrower, turning themfelues againft the Sunas itwereround. The ftalke is round, tender, and very fragile. Atthe top growthefloures, refembling the fhape of the dead carkafleofa Bee, The ftones or bulbes of the roots be fmaller and rounder than thelaft defcribed. 6 The Fly Satyrionisin his leaues like the other,fauing that they be not offodark a colour: the floures be fmaller and moreplentifully growing aboutthe ftalke, in fhapelike vnto flies, ofa greenifh colour. thofe plantswill be nothinglike the plant from whence the feed was taken. ‘It fhall’be fifficient t 5 Orchis Melittias. Bee Orchis. therefore to fet downe moft of the varieties,and:comprehend theminthis chapter. ¢ 6 Orchis Myodes, Fly Satyrion. q The Defcription, t Vtter-fly Orchis, or Satyrion, beareth next the root two very broadfeaueslike thofe of the Lilly, feldome three: the floures be white of colour, refembling the fhape of Butter-fly : the ftalke is a foothigh ;the root is two ftones like the other kindes of ftones or Cullions, but fomewhat fharper pointed, T 3 Tefticulus Vulpinus 2. (phegodes, Humble Bee Orchis. Vulpinus major fphecodes. or fpheg Teft 4 Tefticulus Wafpe Orchis. 7 Yellow Orchis rifeth outofthe ground with browne leaues,{maller than the laft before mentioned: the ftalk is tender and. crooked.The floures growatthe top yellow ofcolour,in fhape tefembling the yellowflies bred in the dung of Kine afterraine. : 8 The {mall yellow Satyrion hath leaues {pread vpon the ground,at the fir comming vp; the flender ftalke rifeth vp in the midft, of halfea hand high. The floures grow featteringly to- ward the top,refemblingthe flies laft before mentioned, darke or rufty of colour, The ftones or bulbes are very round, 9. Bitds Orchis hath manylarge ribbed leaues,{pread vponthegroundlike vnto thofe ofPlan- ( 2 a afpe et commethforth ofthe ground,bearing two,fomtimes three leaueslike the ee i rimaller. The ftalke growethto the height ofan hand, whereonare placed very orcerly {mall floureslike in fhape to Gnats,and ofthe fame colour. Therootis like the foeat : 2 > ne taine among the whichrife vp tender{talkes couered even to the tuft ofthe floures with thelike leaues, but leffer, in fuch fort that the ftalkes cannotbe feenefor the leaues. The floures grow. at the top, not fo thickefet or thruft togetheras the others, purple ofcolour,like in fhape vatolittle Birdswith their wings {pread abroad ready tofly. The roots be like the former. To Spotted Birds Satyrion hathleaues like vnto the former, fauing thar they be dathed o S 3 {potted ~ |