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Show ‘1418 Ta ; Ofthe Hiftory of Plants. wholly, yet either in leafe or fruit, or infome other thing! Vitis alba ¢ nigra, that is, the whiteand blacke Bryonies,haue leaues and clafping tendrels as hath the common Vine,and clyme alfoafiel 3; the fame manner : /ii/y/ueftris, or the wilde Vine,hath fuch like ftalks as the Vine hath,andbringethforthfruit like tothe little Grapes. Laurus Alexandrina, and Cham edaphne, and alfo Diphnoi. des, are like in leaues to the Laurell tree : Sycomorus is like in fruit'to the Fig tree, and in leaites to the Mulberry tree : Chamedrys hath the leafe of an Oke 5 Peucedanus of the Pine tree : fo of others whichhaue taken their names from fome other : but this lowfhtub is not like the Vine eitherin anypart, or in any other thing. : ; This 2t# Idea groweth not on the vppermoft and fnowie parts of mount Ida (as fomie would hauc it, but about Ida, eventhehill Ida, not of Candy, but of Troas in the lefler Afia, which Pip. lemieinhisfifth booke of Geogzaphie, chap. 3. dothcall alexandri Troas,or Alexander hig Troy: whereupon it is alfo. aduifedly named of Pény, lib.14. 64p.3, Vitts Alexandrin a, nootherwilethan Ofthe Hittory ot Plants, gig Red Worts,orred Wortle berries. Conradus Gefnerwe bath called this plant Vitis Idea rubris asinis: putthe growing of the berries doth thew, that this dothfarre lefleiagree with Vitw Ideathan the blacke ; for they donot hang vponthe fides ofthe branchesas do the black (which deceived them thatthought it to be Vitis Idea) but fromthetops ofthe {prigsin clufters. so miens Asconcertfing, thenames.ofthe otherthey are touched in their feuerall defcriptions. . G The Temperature. Thele Vaccinia or Wortle berries are cold euenin the later end of the fecond degtee,and dryal: fo, with a manifeft aftriction or binding qualitie. Red Wortle besries are cold and dry, and alfo binding. : @| The Vertues, 3 The iuyce ofthe blacke Wortle berriesis boyledtill it becomethicke, andis prepared or kept byadding hony and fugar vnto it : the Apothecariescall it x0b,whichis preferred inall things be- Alexandrina Laurus is {aid of Theophraftus to grow there : Laurus; fytnamed Alexandrint sand Ficus quedam, or a certaine Fig tree, and “sume, that1s to fay the Vine, are reported, faith he,to gran pro. perly about Ida. Like vnto this Vine are thofe which Philoftratus in the life of Apollonius teporteth to grow in Mzonia,and Lydia,fcituated not far from Troy, comparing themto thofe vines which forethe raw berries themfelues ; for many times whileft they be eaten or taken raw theyareoffenfeta weake and.cold ftemacke, and fo far are they from bindingthe belly, or ftaying the laske; sthat they alfo trouble the {ame through their cold and raw qualitie, which thing the boiled growin India beyond Caucafus : The Vines there, faith he, be very fmall, like as be thole that do grow in Mzoniaand Lydia, yet is the wine which is preffed out of them ofa maruellous pleafant They be good for.anhot ftomacke, they quenchthirft, they mitigate and allay the heate of hot biming-agues, they ftop thebelly,ftay vomiting, Cure the bloudyflix proceeding of choler,and tafte. This Vine which growes neere to mount Idais reported to belike fhrub, with little twigs 2 branchesofthe length of a cubit, about whichare Stapes growing aflope,blacke, of thebignes of abeane,fiveet, hating withina certaine winie fb ftance, foft : the leafe of this is round,vncut,a nd little. Thisis defcribed by Pliny ib. 14, cap.alinoft in the felfe fame words : Itis called, faith he, 4lexandrina vitis, and growethneete vnto' Phalacra : it is fhort,with branches cubitlong, with a blacke grape ofthe bignes of the Latines Beane, with a foft pulpe and verylittle, with veryfiveet clufters growing aflope,anda little round leafe without cuts. And with this defcription the little fhrub whichthe Apothecaries of Germanydo call Myr dus doth nothingat all agree,as it is very manifett ; for it is low,{fearce a cubit high,with a fewfhort branches not growing toa cubit in length: it doth notbring forth clufters or bunches,nor yetfruit likeyntograpes, but berries like thofe of the Yew tree, not fweet, but fomewhat foureand aftringent, inwhichalfo there are many little white flat feeds: the leafe is nor round, but more long thanround, not liketothat ofthe Vine, but of the Boxtree, Moreouer,it is thought that this is not foundin Italy, Greece, orin the leffer Afia, for that Matthiolus affirmeth the {ameto gtow no where but in Germanie and Bohemia; fo far is it from being called or accounted to be Vit# Ides or Alexandrina, F ‘ Thefruit ofthis may be thoughtnot without caufe to be named Vaccinia, {ith theyare erties; for they may be termed ofBacce, berries, Vaccinia, as thoughthey {hould be called Baccinia. Yet this letterh nor that there may be alfo othet Yaccinia’s : for Vaccinia is mdtonuoe diéfio,orawo rd Of diuers fignifications. Virgilin the firft booke of his Bucolick 8,Eclog.r0. affirmeth,th at the written Hyacinth is named of the Latines, Vaccinium, tranflating into Latine Theocritys his verte which 's taken out of his tenth Eidyl. , Kaf ao ley wits ist xf alggunfa vidnarSee: Virgil : Et nigra Viole,fant & V accinia Hig. Vitruvins,lib.7. of his ArchiteQure doth alfo diftinguith Vaccinium from the Violer,and ther eth,that of itis madea gallant purple ; whichfeeing that the written Hyacinth cannot do,it ft needs bethat this Vaccinium is another thing than the Hyacinthis,becaufe it ferues to giueap!™ pledye. Pliny al{o, lib.16. cap.18. hath made mention ofVaccinia,whichare vfed to dye bond-flaue sg ments with,and to giue them a purple colour. : But whether thefe be our Vaccinia or Whortle berries it ishard toaffirme,efpeciallyfect Pliny veckoneth vp Vaccinia amongft thofe plants which growin waterie places ; but ours gO" ' high places vpon mountaines fubiea to windes,neither is ir certainly knowne togr win xf Howfoeucritis, thefe our Whortles may becalled Vaccinia, and do agree with Plinies and 7? vius his Vaccinia, becaufe garments and linnen cloath may take fromthefea purpledic. Theted Whortle berries haue their name fromthe blacke Whortles, to which they be 9° very like, and are called in Latine , Vaccinia rubra : in high-Dutch , Rooter Heidelbertt om low-Dutch, a0d¢ Crakebetten : the French men, durelles Rouges: they be named in EME inyeecalled Robdothinot any whit ar all: B ielpethe felonie;or the purging ofcholet vpwards and downwards, \ The people of Chefhire doeate the blacke wortles increame aud milke,as in thefe South parts Cc ieeate Strawbetries,which ftopand binde the belly, putting away alfo the defire tovomit. The red VVortlé.is not of fucha pleafaatcafteas the blacke, and therefore not fo much vfedto D eeaten ; but-(as Lfaid before) they make the faireft carnation colourin theworld. Caar: 74. Of the Marifh Worts or Fenne-Berries. Vaccimapaluftria, Marifh Worts. ; | The Defcription. ; He Marifh VVortle berries grow vpon the bogs inmarith or moofith grounds,cree- ping thereuponlike vnto wilde Time, hauing many {mall limmerandtenderftalkeslayd almoft flatvpon the ground,befet with fiial narrow leaues fathioned almoft like theTeautes of Thyme, but leffer:among which comé*forth little berries like vnto thé common“blicke Wortleberrie in fhape, but fomewhat longer, fometimesall red, and fometimes {ported or fpecked with red fpots of a deeper colour :in tafte rough and aftringent. q The Place. The Marifh Wortle'growes Vpon bogs and fuch like waterith and fenny placesyefpecially in Chefhire and Stafford fhire ,; where I haue foundit in great plenty. The Time. The Berries are ripe about the end ofIuly, and in Auguft. q The Names, ; . They are calJediin high-Dutch, MPofsbeerer, Weenbetien ¢ that is to fay, Fen-Grapes,or Fen. _uessand Marith-worts, or Marifh-Berries. Valerius Cordus nameth them Oxycoccon : wee haue Sledthem Vacciniapaluftria,or Marith Wortle berties,ofthe likeneffe they haue to the other bere “S:fomealfo call them Moffe-Berries, or Moore-berries. | The Temperature. 3 tele Wortle berries are cold anddry,hauing withalla certain thinneffe ofparts and fubftance, Mtha certaine binding qualitie adioyned. q The |