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Show Of Planes ki Obie Hiftoryof Plants; Li B. 2. verylikevnto the former,but it is altogether leffer.The whole plants fillis Y 2 Th TheSaaleBa his fur{mell of a Limon, or Citron, whereof it tooke of amof odoriferous {mell, not valike the ; rom whichtife vp auing a threddie root,f ‘ e plant, hauing i lowFandbaf — ne Bafill, isa ponare placedmany s, whereu boughe or armes rs ed intodive branch ftalks, 3 : bar ue— plant is of a moft pleafing fiveete ial a > leffer than thofe of Pennie Royall. The w hole {mell. This which fome call Ocimum Indicum,or rather (as Camerarins faith) Hipaitees fends w. ;aB Kl quare,and ofa purple oe at ae ioint \ fa a footor more high,fouref ad,fa nch fometwoi PEO are Dre large are: e h t : eaues largeft i the C : s ; branche ttle P bofomes comeli alfo ns being edges, their about in cut y deepel d ee BF uate vponlongftalks,an o iA colour, or elfe ia with as An Vel ceaiid iuicie,-! and either ofadarke purple ! hite floures with purplee ve C ofCw i tufts ‘ fpokie white in a 4 ndis round, ate other Bafils,a hat of the e flells astha inhfuchfeedveffe ned in s contaiined ay feedei ee The them.e i ha perfeéted the feed.Clufina calls hath it {ooncas as yeare cuery s perifhe plant ‘The ge. D y) pene! ae. e ua qs.The Place.th vpquick iy.and little moifture ‘ nd loueth ly, Z : earthenpot “omit } ickly.a loueth — it It comme dens,and in : if it be fowne in rainieweather,the feed will pussific denn poorthe day ; otherwife g. nothin to come and flime, or and 5stowintoa iellie qThe Time, « Pie. gocnel 8) it 1s long @ y whereb le, andlitt little by that and uly, Bafill foureth in Iuneand ginningfirft at the top. q] The Names ci di a a fans alme Gedb Bafill is called in Greeke suand more commonly with» in the firft nA ae V2)6aed Cereale. as we Gh trons Likewile Be Ocimum. Itdiffereth from Ocjymum which fome hav e called called i a 7fe Ball, the haue ns Grecia later The , Graine of ie fhewed in the Hiftor : inEnglifh,Ba 1 Ee leah, & Bafilic filicum, and Reginm : in Spanith, Albahaca : in French, Bafill. of fome,Bafilicum Gartoph) bufh greater Bafill Royall,the jeffer Bafill gentle,and Cloue Bafill.a +e te G The Temperature. degree, but it hath oe ne ie Bafill.as Galen teacheth, is hotin the fecond be taken inwaraty, moifture, by reafonwhereofhe doth notlike that it fhould t. outwardly,it is good todigeft or diftribute,and to concoc . q The Vertues 2 Peer bellypreeteth f fight,it mollifieth the h the dullet en,it mucheat be Bafil thatif faith ides Diofcor A , on. digefti hard a 2 in{t inof is and milke, vp drieth ‘ winde,prouokethvrine, egersis good again! Theiuice mixed withfine mealeof patched Barly, oile of rofes and Vin 1AM : s. beaft ous flammations,and the ftinging of venom head ac A eat fallethit® Theiuice drunke in wine ofChios orferong Sacke,is good againft C_ # th vp the humo The iuiceclenfeth away the dimmeneffe of the eyes,anddrie D__ ewindedl them. ih are fhor — that The feededrunkeis aremedie for melancholicke people,for thofe y water: make hardly can them that doth the ame ‘and laidia the a eee the alfo efing: ftenne caufetho it nof, Ifthe famebefnift vp in the R re ¢ be ifit e that , becauf thereof eat nor will and Therebethat fhunne Bafill G dhante eaten it, , Sun,it ingendreth wormes. ig of the Scorpion an H ane Of Africke do alfo affirme, that they who are ftung 1 ofBali 880% all J feele no paineat all. 5 a a away {or TheLaterwritets,among whom Simeon Zet hy is one, doe teach, that for theheartand forthehead. That the feede curcththe infirmities of nie rowfulneffewhich commeth ofmelancholy,and maketh a man merry a0 glad. Cust Car. 223. Ofwilde Bafill, | The Défiription. t eee wi Ide Bafil ot Aeynos,calledofPena,Clinopediumvuleare,hath {quate hairie lems be, fet with little leawés like vnto the {mall Bafil but much {maller,and more| lairie, {harp pointed,and a little {nipt towards the endof the leafe;with {mall floures ofa purplecolour, fathi eo the garden Bafill, The root is full of hairie threds,and creepeth along the ground, > . 7) 2 y = 2 EB i iti ae a] a i a p re 1vp yearcly anewofit felfe without fowing. + This is the Clinopodinm alterim ofMatr WS» > a 2 This kindesth wilde ilde Bafill Bafi called amongft the2 Grxci Gre ciansans ¢uiwh on is éuin-whichich by intetp i 10% retatiioni hath cau fed fundry ! ¢ [mine or eySterilis shat ndry opinions Sand and great great doubts doubts concerning erhine the words ofPlinie ih and Theophrastus, affirming that this herbe hath no floures nor feeds - which opinions I am fure of a owne knowledge tobe without reafon : but toomit { controuerfies,this plant beaeth purple es. harled about {quare ftalkes,rough leaves and hairie,verie like in {hape vnto Bafil: The fome cubite and more high, parted into few branches, and fet at certaine {paces with beats ae es growing by couples, This is the Clizopodium vulgare of -Atatthidlys.and that of Cordes Ge/- wer, and others 3itisthe Acinos ofLobel. $ : ; : ; er ivilde : another > forth Z fet Serapiozee haue ae3 a wilde Bafill vnder the titleofmoloc hia 3 and Lobel the feeds Corcoros,whic callethit Zona Brancion, 7 whereofch th Bafill, h we haue Englithed,Fi ere SD he, = ine : i *HCreor the faid Brancien on Spaine,faying that Corceres Pling hath the leaues of Bafil: handfulshigh two the flalkesare < icsenty vo handtuls high,the Bee : = floures res yellow,growi v. i ng clofe to the ftalkes, bearing i hisis feed fe bic, eco s. The Jas is compact and made of anintiumerable companie of flrings,creepin are d like running Becsc is figure figur ofLobels vs ng7Time. }This bels ; youis(as i oer hath wwhi hichheteeyWe Siue a Camerarivs bitten ee : a - itexpreffés not the long cods wherein the feed is rings Or beards that come forth at the fetting on ofeachledfe contained, neither the twg to the ftalke, $ I Ocymumfylucftre. Wilde Bafill, o oes |