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Show Of the Hiftory of Plants, 74 tabs, LL1Bs2 ' : like Hedge-hogs, ourofwhich {pring t ures, that Ngth are turned j leauins {eedes behinde themlike thole of theorl ithe root confifteth of many fina't itrings. ; : 4 The fourth rifeth vp with an higher ftalke,n branches nor leaues,which arefharpe andfull of prick foleffer,longer,and not fo full of ftitfe prickles : thefloures are downe : theroot is blacke,and ofa foot long. : 5 This wilde Thiftle which groweth in the fields abou whereon do growbroadprickleyleaues : the floures growon a flockiedowne,of awhite colour tending to purple , ofa mott ple Lis.2. Ofthe Hiftory of Plants: 7 Acarna Theophrafti. Theopbraftas his fith Thiftle, 8 AcaraaValerandi Donrez . Donrex fis fith Thiftle, wll #7 fweet fmell, rium the fauour of muske: the rootis fmall,andperifheth at theapprochof Winter. ¢ Ihadno directlyfitting this ; wherefore I put that of Dodoneus his Onopordonwhich maywell feruefor iri the leaues were narrower, and more diuided. ¢ vs 4 t § Carduus AMtufcatus, The musked Thiftle, 7 6 Carduus lanceatus, The Speare Thiftle. ee. F 9 Picnomos. he thicke or buth headed Thiftle: # 9. This Thiflle in the opinion of Bau ine, whereto I much incline, is the fame with the former. The rootis fmall, the leaues long, welting theftalks at their fetting on,and armed on the edges with fharpe prickles: the ftalkes lie trailing on the ground like thofe ofthe farThiftle, (ofet withprickles, that one knoweth not where to take hold thereof: it hath many clofely compa& vmbels, confifting of pale yellowith little floures like thofe of Groundfell : 6 The Speare Thiftle hath an vpright ftalke, garnifhed witha skinniemembran tharpe prickles: whereon do growvery long leaues, diuided into diuers parts with fh the point of the leaues areas the point of a fpeare, whereofit rooke his name:the flc the tops ofthe branches,fet ina {caly prickly head, like vnto the heads of Knapweed forme, ¢ a fifting of manythreds ofa purple colour : the root confi fteth of many tough firings. a 7 Theophraftus his fith Thiftle called Acarna, which was brought fromIllyria £©" the learned Valerandus Donrez , defcribed by T heophraftws hath horrible tharpe yellow pst vponhis greeneindented Icaues, which are couered on the backe fide with an hoarie the reft of the plant) haning a ftalke of acubir anda halfe high;andat the top certa containing yellow thrummie floures, armed or fenced with horrible fharp prickles:t4 and threddie. 8 The other kinde of fifh Thiflle, being alfoanother Acarna of Valer long andlarge leaues; {ct ful oftharpeprickles,as thoughit were fet full of pins: 4s coueredwitha certaine hoarineffe,lik e {the former: there arifeth vpa ftalke ni ; C in fome fertile grounds acubite high ther, but leffer? io Pus {tan ,bearing the floure of Carduus bene didius tance the feedis like that of Carthamus,{mal and chat fie. Pena and Lobel call this Picnomos Crete Salowenfis, of a place in Province where they: firft found it, called the Crau. being notfarre from the city Salon. ‘Tabernamontanus fer it forth for Chameleon niger, and our Author formerly gaue thefigure hereof by the fametitle, choushhis hiftorie belonged to another, as I haue former- lynoted. + @ The Time, Thetwofirft grow on diuers banks not f from mount Apennine;and fometimes in It: ys butyet feldome. Theway Thiftles grow euery whereby hichWaies fides and common paths in grear plenty. Theplaces of thereft hane beenefufficiently fpokenofin their deferiptions. e The |