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Show ——— 656 Ofthe Hiftorie of Plants. Liz,2, Lis 2. the difeafes of themilt and {pleene;it troubleth the ftomacke,and affliceth thehead,andproug. keth the loofeneffé of the bellic. ~~Of the Hiftory of Plants. 3G hamedrysfylucstris. Wilde Germander, Cuap, 212. Of Germander. what hairie,and fet as 1t were withioints ; a- bout the whichbycertaine diftances there come forth at each ioint two leaues fomething, broad, nicked in the edges, and fomething greater than the leaues of creeping Germander, and fofter. The floures be of a gallant blew colour, made of foure {mall @ The Kinds. leaues a peece, ftanding orderly on the tops Heold writers haue fet downe nocertaine kinds of Germander, yet we haue thoughtit good, Tin not without caufe, to intreat of mo forts than have beenobferuedofall, diuiding thofe of the tender {priggie {prates ; afterwhich comein placelittle huskesor feedeveflels, vnderthetitle ofTeucrium from Chamedryes : althoughthey are both ofone kind,but yet differing very notably. 3 2 Wilde Germanderhathlittle ftalkes, weake and feeble, edged or cornered,fome- The root is {mall and threddie. q| The Place. Thefe plants do growin rocky and rough grounds,and in gardens they do eafily prof- q The Defcription, . He firft Germander groweth lowe,with very many branches lying vpon the ground, tough,hard,and wooddie,fpreadingit felfe here and there : whereuponateplaced{mall The wilde Germander groweth in manie leaues fhipt about the edges like the teeth ofa faw, refembling the fhape of an okenleafe. The floures are of a purple colour, very finall, ftanding clofe to the leaues towardthe topof the bran ches. The {eed is little and blacke. Theroot flender and full of ftrings,creeping,andalwaies {prea. ding within the ground, wherebyit greatly increafeth. + This is fometimes found withbigger places about Londonin Medowes and fertil fields,and in ey Jace wherefoeuer I haue trauelled in En a ae leaues,otherwhiles with leffe ; alfo the floure is fometimes white,and otherwhilesredin the fame plant, whence Tabernam. gaue twofigures,and our Authour two fi gures and defcriptions,whereof Thaue omitted the later, and putthe two titles intoone. + 4 ; They floure and flourith from the end of 2 qj. The Time. May, tothe later endof Auguft, he Names. The fecond Germanderrifeth vp witha little ftraight ftalk a {pan long,and fometimes lon. Garden Germafider is called in Greeke, ger,wooddie and hard like vatoa little fhrub : it is afterwards diuidedinto very many little f{inall settehspuesC hamadrys : of fome, T;#3{f42 086 Trix- branches, The leaues are indented and nicked aboutthe edges,leffer thanthe leaues oftheformer, greatcreeping Germander:the floureslikewife ftand neere to the leaues,andon the vppetparts of agoandlikewife Quercula minor;nogwithftan- ding moft of thefe names do moreproperly belong to Scordinm,or water Germander : in Italian,Quercinola - inEnglith, Germander, the fprigs, ofcolour fometimes purple,and oftentimes tending to blewneffe : the roote is diuerfly difperfed with many ftrings. 1 Chamedrys maior latifolia. © 2 Chamedrys minor. Great broad leaued Germander. or Englifh, Treacle :in Fretich, Germandre, Sma!l Germander. Befote creeping Germander was knowne,this wilde kinde’bare the name of Germander amongft ° the Apothecaries, andwas vfed forthe right Germander in the compofitions of Medicines : but after theformer were brought to light, this began to bénamed Sylueffris, and Spuria Chamadrys that is wilde and baftard Germander : of fome, Tescrinm praten{e,and without errour ; becaufe ali the forts of plants comprehended vnderthetitle ofTewcriam,are doubtleffe kindes of Germander. Offome ithath been thought to bethe plant that Diofcorides called ips8mes', Hierabotane 5 that is to fay, the Holie herbe, if fo bee that the Holic herbe , and /erbemgca, or Veruaine,whichts calledin Grecke<p, be fundrie herbes. Diofcorides maketh themfundrie herbes,deferibing them apart, the one after theother : but other Authors,as Paulus, Actiusand Oribafivs,make no mention of Her- ba Sacra,the Holie herbe,but onely of Periftereon : and this {ame is foundto be likewife called Hierabotane,or the Holie Herb,and thereforeit is euident that it is one andthe felfe fame plant, called y diuers names : the which things confidered, if theyfay fo,and fay truely, this wilde Germander cannot be Hierabotaneat all,as diuers haue written andfaidit to be. @| The Temperature. : Garden Germander is of thin parts,and hath a cutting facultie, it is hot and drie almoft in the third degree,euen as Galen doth write of Teucrium,ot wilde Germandet. The wilde Germanderis likewife hot anddrie, and is not alrogether without force or power to Open andclenfe: it maybe counted among the number ofthemthat do openthe liver and fpleen, ae hn cy: i The Vertues. : ; : ,, oa 2etmander boiled in water and drunk,deliuereth the ftoppings, A ! 1 bodie; from all obftruGionsor eS it sett and cutteth tough and clammie humors: being réceiued as aforefaid;it is good for them Xa SN ’ p YY “ig BX pntGIN, Neh Ze , Lor A ay ASS ONS a (fo Gy wy> Xe that . oy haue atuethe1e cough,andfhortneffe o ofbreath,the ftranguric or Ropping ofv rine,andhelpeth rhofe “hich are entring into a dropfie. Poe ftamped with honie and ftrained,anda drop at fundrie times put into the eies, takes B sa eb and hawein the fame, or any dimneffe of fight. (raed tare mouOketh mightily the termes.being boiled in wine,and the decoction drunk witha fomen= C 10r bath made alfo thereof, and the fecrer parts bathed therewith. uae RQ Reig ‘y -W. 3 pwTeeSA |