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Show 452 OF the Biftorie of Plants. 3 Campanularotundifalia, Roundleaued Bell-floure. ; = ~ Ling t 4 Campanula lutea linila, Yellow Bell-floure, Lie. ~~, Ofthe Hiftory of Plants, Ff, b 453 a : q zee Place. - The twofitft growin our London gardens,and not wilde in England, The reft, except that {mall one with yellowfloures, do growwilde in moft places of England, efpecially vpon barren fandy heaths and fuchlike grounds, | The Time. Thefe Bell-floures do flourith from May vnto Auguft. q The Names. \ Their feuerall titles fet forth their names in Englith and Latine,which-is as muchag hath been faid ofthem. q The Temperature and ertues, { Thefe Bell-floures, efpecially the foure laft mentioned, are'cold and dry,and of the nature of Rampions; whereofthey be kindes. T The figure inthefourth place was of Rapuncielue nersorofus 30 of Taber. whereoF you fhall Ande mention in the following chapters Cuar.118. OfRampions,or wilde Bell_floures. : AVA WS ST RK| GE Wee Ry 7 3 2 1 Rapuntiym majus. Bell-floure isa : § The2 little white : : : kinde ofwilde Rampions,as is that which followeth, and alfo thelaft faueone le foredeferibed. This {mall plant hatha 2 Rapuntium parvum, Gre: 3 eat Rampion, ' P : Smal! Rampion. se flender-root of the bignefle of a fll ftraw,with fomefew ftrings anexed there to. The leaues are fomwhatlong,{ioatl, and ofaperfect greene colour, lying fit vpon the ground : fromthence rile ip {mall tender ftalkes, fer heere and there with a few leaues. The floures gravat : : 5 ae minor alba,ars ¢ white or purple Bel-floure. the top, ofa milkewhite pea. 6 The other {mall Bell-floure ot wilde Rampion differeth not from te precedent but onely in colourof the floures; for as the others are white, thele are ofa bright purple colour, which {es forth the difference. i + 7. Befides thefe here defeibed, there is another very {mall and rate Bell floure, which hath not beene fet forthby any but onely by Bawhine, in his Brown vnder the title of(ampanula Cymbalar 4 4js, and chatfitly ; for it hath thinnes™ finall cornered Jeaues muchafter the Mi ner ofCymbalaria, and thefe are fetwi® out order on very fmal! weake and tenes ftalkes fome handfull long; and on tops of the branches growlittle ima tender Bell-floures of a blew colour od plant,is very wholepretty root,like asy,theThis andthredd plant was !™ ft# q The Defeription. difcouered to erowin England by h George Bowles, Anno 1632: who foun : Hegreat Rampion being oneoftheBell-floures, hath leaues which appeare or come forth at the beginning fomewhat large andbroad, fmiooth andplaine; nor vnliketo f cl eft Beet. Among which rife vp ftemmes one cubit high, fet of the firtt fpringing vp, but fmaller, bearing at, the pop. ah Ee in Montgomerie fhire, on the dry a0 in the high-wayas one rideth from * george a Worthipfull Gentlemans hol” called M*. Francis Herbert, vntoa a towne called Mabuntleth, and in a way fromthenceto the fea fide. Tea becalled in Englifh, The tendet Bes floure. £ @ Tht - eo es last hy rane oes ¢: f little long floures.c ofely thruft together likea Fox-tailes re their openingare like litrle crooked hornes,and being wide ORFBES lls, fometimes white, or fometimes purple. The root is white,andas hicks $a mans thumbe, Ole P P 33 2 Lire |