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Show NR Of the Hiftorie of Plants, Leng thereoffrom all herbes,tre¢s, and floures,and the inhabitantsof that country,doas diligently fee for this Laccajas we in England and other countries feeke in the woods for honie; which dds ‘ ter they haue found,they take from the tree, and dry it intoa lump;among which fometimes there come ouer fome flicks and pieces ofthe tree with the wings ofthe Ants, which haue fallen among itaswe daily fee. 7 +. The Indian Lacke orLake whichis the rich colour vfed by Painters,is none ofthat which is vfed in fhops, norhere figured or defcribed by Clu/fws,wherefore our Author was much miftakenin that he here confounds together thingsfo different ; for this is ofarefinous fubftance, and a faige red colour,and wholly vnfit for Painters,but vfed alone and in compofition to. make the bef hard fealingwax. Theother feetnes to be amartificiall thing, and i ofanexq uifite crimfoncolour, bueofwhatitis, or how made, hauenotas yet found any thing that carrics any probabilitie of truth. ¢ gq The Place. The treewhich beareth Lacca groweth in Zeilanand Malauar, and inotherparts ofthe Eat Tamalapatra is called ofthe Indiansin their mother tongue, efpecially of the Arabians, Cadegd Indi,or Ladegi Indi, that is, Folium Indicum, or Indum, the Indian leafe: bur the Mauritanians doe call it Tembul, The Latines and Grecians following fomeofthe Arabians, haue called it catalan hrum. G) The Temperature and Vertues. TheIndian leafe is hot and dry in the fecond os with Natdus in temperature,ot as others reportwith Mace: it prouoketh vrine mightilywarmeth and comforteth the ftomacke,and helpeth digeftion. ‘ : It preuaileth againft the pin and web in theeyes,the inflamed and waterie eyes,andall other infirmities ofthe fame. Itis laid among cloathes,as well to keepe them from mothsand othervermine,as alfo togiue vitothemafweet f{mell. q The Time, Cua. 150. @ The Names, Caryophylli veri Clufij . The true forme of the Clouetree, Lackor Laccaishot inthe fecond degree, it comforteth the heart and liuer, openeth obftruai: ons,expelleth vrine,and preuaileth againft the dropfie. There is anartificiall Lack made of the ferapings ofBrafilhand Saffron, which is vfed of Pain: ers,and not tobe vfed in Phyficke as the other naturall Latca. Tamalapatra. _ The ities leafe. a : et YW \ (Oh x Uf edtiins Lh Bx?mL WOUUY aS QONY TE a Leon Ly Wy eesLee << Ai YES sh agreattree like the Orenge tree, with like to hinder the fame, by reafon thetree draw- itfmelleth fomewhatlike vnto Cloucs, but eth vntoit felfe for his nourifhment all the moifture of the earth a great circuit round about, fo that nothing can there grow for want ofmoifture, and therfore the more conuenient for the drying ofthe Cloues. Con, fent as Cinnamon. Therewas fent or adde voto this figure by Cortufws acertaine fruitlike . The Indian leafe groweth notfleeting #p% the water like vnto Lens palufiris, as Diofert . and Péiny do fer downe, (though learned 20 painfull writers)but is the leafe ofagreat *® a branch whereofwee hauefet forth vato view,which growethin Arabia and Cambay*, far fiom the waterfide. bs @ TheTime. _ Ofthe time we haue no certain knowledges but it js fuppofed tobe green winter ane fom mer, very cloues whenthey growhard:after when they be dried in the Sunne they become of that dusky black colourwhichwe daylyfee, thereto lie vponthe ground vatill they bee dried throughly, where theré is neither graffe, weeds, nor any otherherbes growing not fo ftrongas Spikenard or Mace (as fome haue deemed)noryeroffo fubtilland quick on ofthe forenamedtree holden genetally of terof-a greenith colour,waxing of a darké red colour in theend:which floures are the ground before they beripe, andare fuffered leaues alfo, but broader,a little fharp pointed, ofagreene gliftering colour, and thtee {mall ribs running througheachleafe,after themanner ofRibwort,wherbyiris eafie to be known: moft to be perfed. @ The Place. watiwife, that groffe kinde of Cloues whichhath beene fuppofed to be the male, arenothing elfe than fruit of the fametree tarrying there vntill ir fall downeofir felfe vnto the ground, where by reafon of his long lying, and meeting withfomeraine in the meanfeafon, it lofeth the quick tafte that the others have. “Some haue called thefe Fufti,whereofwe may Englith them Fuffes. Some affirme that the floures hereoffurpaffe all other floures in fweetneffe when they are greene ; and hold the opinion, that the hardnedfloures are not the Cloues themfelues, (as wee hauewritten) but thinke them rather to be the feat or huske wherein the floures doe grow :the greater number hold the former Opinion. And further, that the trees are increafed without labour, gtaffing, planting, or otherinduftrie, but by thefalling ofthe fruit, which beare fruit within eight yeares after they be rifen vp,and fo continue bearing for an hundred yeares together, as the inhabitantsofthar countrey do 2ifirme. @ The Place. Pe : The Clouetree growethin fomefewplaces of the Molucca [lands, as in Zeilan,Iaua the grea: ter and the leffe, and in diuers other places, 4 The . eu Ses which comethefloures, whiteat thefirft,af- wherein they continue, For thofe that wee haue in eftimarionare beaten downe to the rT Amalapatxa, or the Indian leafe grows Tie vnto a fmall Acorn,with this infeription, 7 étus Canelle,the fruit ofthe Canell tree, which maybe donbted of, confideringthe defcripti- "pte Clouetree groweth great in forme like vnto the Baytree, the trunke or bothe branches are many,long,and verybrittle, whereitpon do growleaues like thofe of the Baytree, but fomewhat narrower : among‘ft VY, The Defeription. q The Defcription. die whereofis couered witha ruffer barke: i= S Cuapr. 149. Of the Indian leafe. ‘Of the (lone fhe ar: wes Indian Lackeis called in fhops Zacca: in Italian, Lachetta; Anicen calleth it Luch : Paulus and Dioftorides,as fome haue thought, Cancamum : the other namesare expreffed in the defcription, ; @] The Temperature and Vertues, A 1535 | TheNames. aie Ofthe tinie we haue no certaine knowledge. Of the Hiftory ot Plants. SNeRK Indies. |Dang . = — ’ ST in aiy ene BL acted baa ee fe W rere C7 “yh < eeeae a > |