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Show Ofthe Hiftory of Plants. 5 Hieracium iptybaceum. Endiues Hawke-weed, Law, 6 Hieracinm longiusradicdtiim, Longrooted Hawke-weed): “Dis. Ofthe Hiftor yof- Plants, 299 + 8 Crooked or falked Hawkeweed hath leaues like'wato the Farden Sneeory; yet thich {maller,and lefle diuided, flightly indented on both fides; with tenderiweakeand crobked falkes. whereupon doe growfloureslike thofe of Lamp/ana,of a blacke,or pale yellow eolotivand the roote fmall and threddy. “The feedes arélong, and falcated,or crooked, fo that they fomewhat refemble the footor clawes ofa ‘bird, anid from thefe feeds the plane‘hath this Epithite, Paleatum, oxcroo- ked in maner ofa Sicle or Sithe, # 9 This inJeates is not much vnlike thelaft deferibéd) but that they are fomewhat broader, and leffe cut in, hauing little or nobitterneffe nor mi Ikineffe, the ftalkes ate fome foot high commonly bending, orfallingypon the ground the flouresare {mall and yellow, and feeme to Stowout ofthe middeft ofthe feéd,whenas indeddthey growat the top of them,thereft being but an empty huske which’is falcated like that Of the laft defcribed. This figute we giue youwas SSreece ae taken before the flourés were blowne, fo that by that meanes the faleated or crooked’ feed veflels are not expreft in this, but you may fec there manner ofgrowing by the formet,+ $ 9. Hieracinmfalcatum alterum. t+ 10 Hieracinm Latifolinm montanum. Broad Icaued mountaine Hawkeweed, - The other crooked Hawkeweed, 8 Hievacium falcatum Lobely. Crooked Hawke-weed. . Hieracium afperum. a Sharpe Hawke-weed. f aa 298 to The broad leaued mountaine Hawkeweed hath broad, long, fmooth leaues,deepe ly inden- ted toward the ftalke,tefembling the leaues ofthe greateft Sowthiftle. ‘The ftalke is hollow, and fpungious,full ofa milkie iuice,as is the reftof the plant, asalfo all the other of his kinde : the floures growatthe top ofthe ftalkes, double andyellow. : Jeferibed tt The narrowleaued mountaine Hawkeweed hathleaues like thofe ofthe laft deferibed, but narrower. The ftalkes be fat,hollow,and full of milke : the floures grow arthe top double,and yellow ofcolour. The root is ‘fmall and threddy. fy There is a {mall mountaine Hawkeweed hauing leaues like vnto the former, but more deepely cut about the edges,and fharper pointed, the ftalkes are tender and weake ; the floures be double and yellowlike thofe of Piloféll4,or great Moufe-cate ; the rootis {mall and threddy. x qq The Place. Thefe kindes of herbes doe growin vntoiled places $ o° Hierac™ (as 3 neete vnto of cae . = iedowes, high-waies, woode, mountaines, andhillie places, and the neeteborders to the brinks of ditches. + Thetwo falcated Hawkeweeds grow onelyin fomefew gardens. £ aq The |