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Show Ofthe Hifterie of Plants, L1x.3, Of the Hittorie of Plants. Lr. 3 te; Isit q The Names. The Fig tree is called in Greeke, oi. and ofdiuers,for ditferencefake betweeneit and the wild gin Cuar. 133. Of the Figtree, Feygenban Fig tree, aves susese : in Latine, Ficus, and Ficus fatina, and Vrbana: in high- Dutch, low-Dutch, Wijaheboom + in French, Figuier : in Italian, Fzco ; in Spanith, Azguera. in Englifh, q The Defiription, eaarden Ei i ated Fig tree becommeth a tree of ameane ftature, hauing man ybranches fullo pith W witt ike E ; . ee nce P= an in,like Elderne pith,and large leaues of a darke greene colour, diy; f ¥ lections or diuifions. The fruit commeth out of the branches without any fig ae that euer tl I could 10ureata] I percei ue,w hi -eiuew hichfruit itisis in i fhape like vnto O Pez i of colour Pcares,of colour e. ither whitifh 0) { OF 1omei. what red,or ofa deep blew fullo ffmall s I ithi ; ‘l tafte 3 wi ick b CCIEi raines within,ofa {weet and pleafant 3 ; : br ok Ken before itbe ripe,d orh y eeld moft white milk, ike vnto the kindes of S tg ? : ~ pu e, and id t] helleaucs alfo beeing broken , teak 8 doe y ike : liqaour;bu lia Oe yyeeld t he like : : t when : : . 3 the Figges beripe,theiu ice thereofis like Fig tree. “The fruit is named in Grecke, ax: in Latine,Fécus : and the varipefruit, aur : in Larine,Grof Fevgen zin “4s :that which is dried is called in Greeke, ix: in Latine, Carzea : in high-Dutch, in Engiith,Fig:the low-Dutch, Wtighers : in French, Figwes : in Italian, Fichi - in Spanith,Aiges : little feeds which are foundin them are namedby Galen, ugaias, Cechramidis. @] Lhe Temperature, The greene Figs new gatheredare fomewhat warme and moift ; the dryand ripe Figsate hor almoft inthe third degree, and withall fharpeand biting. The leaues alfo haue forhe fharpneffe, with an opening power, but not fo {trong as the iuice. @| The Vertues. The dry Figs do nourifh better than the greene or nw Figs, notwithftanding they ingender I Ficus; oe The Fig tree, notvery good bloud, for fuch people as do feed much thercon-doe become lowfie. b gee The dwarf eFigtree, Figs be goodforthe throatand lungs, they mitigate the cough, and are gaod forthem that be fhort winded: they ripen flegme,caufing the fame to be eafily {pet out, efpecially when they be fodden with Hyffop, andthe decoction drunke. . and corruption Cc Figges ftamped with Salt, Rew, and the kernels of Nuts withftand all poyfon oftheaire, The King of Pontus, called cmithridates, vfed this preferuatiug againft all venom and poyfon. rt Figs ftamped and made into the forme of a plaifter with wheat meale,the pander of Fenugreck, D and Linefeed, and the roots of marifh Mallowes,app! ied warme,dofoften andripen impoftumes, phlegmons, all horandangry fivellings‘and tumors be hinde the eares : and if you addethereto the which roots of Lillies, it ripeneth and oreaketh Venerious impoftumes that conicin the flanke, impoftumeis called Bubo, by reafonof his lurking in fuchfecret places: in plaine Englith termes they are called borches. oiledin Wormwoodwine with fome Barly mealeare very good tobe applied as an im- hebellies of fuch as haue the dropfie. haue powerto foften, confume, and make thinne, and may be vfed bath outwardly and inwardly, whether it'be to ripen or foften impoftumes, or to {eatter, diffolue, and confume them. The leaues of the Fig treedo wate and confume the Kings Euill , or fwelling kernells in the throat, and do moll , wafte, and confume all other tumors, being finely pouned and[aid there- on: butafter mypractife, being boiled with the roots of marifh Mallowes vntill they be foft, and fo incorporated together, andappliedin forme ofa platfter. The milkyiuyceeither ofthe figs or leaues is goodagainft allroughneffe of the skinne,lepries, fpreading fores, tetters, {mall pockes, meafels, pufhes, wheales, freckles, lentiles,and all'other applifpots, fcuruineffe, and deformitie of the body andface, being mixed with Barley mealeand ed:irdorhalfo take awaywarts andfuchlike excrefcences, if it be mingled with fomefattie or gieafic thing, The milke doth alfo cure the tooth-ache,ifa little lint or cotton be wet therein,and put intothe bollowneffe ofthe tooth. Itopeneth the veines ofthc h emorrhoids, and loofeneth the belly, being appliedto the fuindament, or any other veThe milke thereofput into the wound proceeding of the biting of amad dog, cureth the the paine prefently, and fomous beaft, preferueth the parts adioyning, taketh away ae sstnile tee ithiow kind alfo aanother wilde is allo te There coe e fr ult 1s Neuer us par ilde kinde,whof ripe; Theophrast a sW ve Capeificus. ahs piciikemae fendifll G] The Place. Fig bie. treesidoGuicb grow plenti i Spain i and Italy,and manyother } . in Eoglan®; England; Ghoen1¢ shen P fully in countries,asin mee" planted be tree the maturitieexcepr kindely commethto Neuer 1¢ iruit,but peare “4 an honw: otwall, whereto neither North, nor Northeaft windes can come. The awa dwarfe Fisg§tree tre o oth srowe The Time i ‘ : " i I fruit in the great fruitin of Ausut.of wi “ eth inmy garden, and bringeth forth ripe and veryvr moneth Tn Et 13 ae which Figs fundry perfons haue eaten at pleafure 0. Ongland the Fis tre : ; ron eignes th as ho ig trees putc not forth theirF leaues vntill theend ofay May, where oftentimes *° commeth forth before the leaues appeare, : eafe edwiththe pouder of Fenugrecke, and vineger, and applied plaifterwife, doc e painie ofthe hot gout, efpecially the gout of the feet. 4 he dwarfe Fic Ce] ikex: 7 sae ee sarin inexinn the former in Ieauesand fruit, burit never gro’ lergut Man,and hath many} fmall fhoots comming Hereby cleatals, ming from the roots, whereb q Th burr. the ftone ofthe kidneyes, for The greene and ripe Figs ate goodfor thofe thatbe troubled with clenfe : whereupon after fomewhat fo anddoal them, open and flipperie, they make the conduits P — the eating ofthe ane, it hapneth that muchgrauell and fand is conueyed forth. Carica, are aremcdie for the belly, the cough, and tOr old Figs, called in Latine Dryor barrell _ firmities of the cheft andlungs : theyfcoure the k idnies,andclenfe forth the fand,they mitigate the eafier deliuerance, ifthey feed the bladder,and caufe women with child to haue of paine He k time. their before together thereof for certaine dayes leaues,docurdle milke as the of iuice tree,and Fig the liquorof white the that Diofeorides faith. inet 4orh, and diffoluethe milk thatis cluttered in the ftomacke, 4s dothvineger. yellow wax. tingeth downe the menfes,if it beapplicd with the yolke ofan egge,or with CHAP; % ten, |