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Show Ofthe Hiftorie of Plants. sai Lin.2, + Cuar.215. Of Wood Sage, or Garlicke Sage. Ofthe Hiftory of Plants; Lia. {mail and white, {prinkled and pouderedonthe innerfide, with yellow and purple fpecks mixed thetewith. The rootis fmall and hairie, Exphrafia. Q The Defiription. ¥ The Place. Eye-bright. : leaues like thofe of Sage, but ihorter, broader, and fofter : the floures grow vp all vpon one fide ofthe ftalke, open and forked as thofe ofdead Nettle, but leffer, of a pale white colour: then growthe feeds foure togetherin one huske: the rootis full of ftrings. It is a plant that lineth but ayeare: it fmelleth of garlicke whenitis bruifed, beinga kinde of Garlicke Germandet, as.appearethbythe f{mell ofgarlicke wherewithitis poffefled. + Scorodonia, fine Saluiaagreftis. ptt gainft the Sunne. @ The Time, Eye-bright beginnethto floure in Auguift and continueth vnto September, and muftbe © gathered while it floureth for phy ficks vfe. G The Names It is commonly called Eiphrafia, as alfo q The Place. WoodSage, or Garlicke Sage, é This plant growes in dty medows,in green and gtaffie wayes and paftutes ftanding a- Hatwhichis called Wilde Sage hathftalkes foure {quare, fomewhat hairie, about whichare Euphrofjne; notwithftanding there is another It groweth vponheaths and barrenplacessit is alfo found in Woods, and neete vato hedge. rowes, and about the bordersoffields: it fomewhat delightethina leanefoile,and yet not altogetherbarren and dry. Eaphralghe iia Pero itis called of fome Qcularis, & Ophthalmica ofthe effeR : in highDutch,Augers trot ; in low-Dutch, Ooghers trooft: in Italian, Spanifh,and French, Eujra- fia,after the Latine namezin Englifh, Eye- @| The Time. bright. It floureth and {eedeth in Iune,Iuly,and Au. guft, andit is then tobe gathered andlaid yp. @ The Nature. ‘This herbe is hot and dry,bur yet more hot thandry. q The Names. @] The vertues. _ Itis very much commended forthe eyes. Beingtakenit {elfe alone, orany wayelfe, it preferues the fight, and being feeble and loft itreftores the fame: itis giuen moft fitly be- It is called ofthe later Herbarifts Salwia apn fis : ofdiuers alfo Ambrofia , but true Arbrifis, whichis Oke of Cappadocia, differs fromthis. Valerius Cordus names it Scordonia, or Scorodonis, and Scordium alterum. Ruellius faith it called Bofcifaluia,orSaluia Bo(ci-in high Dutch,galdt falbey tin Englith,wilde Sage,wood Sageamd Garlicke Sage. It feemethto be Theophraftus his agaveSplt- celus, whichis alfo takenfor the{mall Sage, but notrightly. ing beaten into’ pouder; oftentimes a like quantitieof Fennelfeed is added thereto,and alittle mace, to thewhich is put fo much fugaras the weight ofthem all commethto. Eye-bright ftamped and Jayd vpon the eyes,or the inyce thereofmixed with white Wine, and dropped into the eyes, or the diftilled water, taketh away the darkneffe and dimneffe of the eyes, and cleareth the fight. i é Three parts of the pouder of Eye-bright, and one part of maces mixed therewith, taketh away © al! hurts from the eyes, comforteth the memorie, and cleareththe fight, ifhalfe a fpoonfull be ta- @| The Temperature. Wilde Sageis of temperature hotand e yet leffe than commonSage, therefore it 8 anddry in the fecond degree. ken cuery morning fafting with a cup of white wine. here(ér forth in the fecondplacé vnder the title of Euphrafis carslea Tabern. was deferibed by ont Authour amongit the Scorpion formeily }_ Thatwhich gris, in che chirdwas place, Chap. 54and che figur¢is pag. 338. ynder the title of Myofutis S corpivides painftri. @ The Vertues, Crap. 217. di Itis commended againft burftings,dry beatings, and againft wounds : the decoction os ea to them that fall, andare inwardlybruifed : it alfo prouoketh vrine. omelikewife gine the decoion hereof to drinke, with good fucceffe, to them + fe. Of “Marierome. g TheDefcription. that atet &ed with the Frenchnt Pox Pox - ; fofor j aufe ; ah vp up vicers, uleers digefteth dé x ; > Wabias waftet tt 2 and confameth fivellines eet ech reee humors, gs,1fit be taken thirtie or forty dayes together, or put into th of Guiac um, in in ftead tte: ; é belonging ; a3 of Epithymum andother adiutories to the faid decoction. Wreet Marjerome is a lowand fhrubby plant, of awhitith colour and maruellous feet {mel!,a foot or fomewhat morehigh. Theftalkes are flender , and ob into diuers praflantior of Lobel. lyor chaffie fpiked eares, ofa white colour like vnto thofe of Candy Organy. The rootis whic 1 formerly here was of‘i Calaminsha t The figare igre whichws montana Crap, 216, OfEye-bright. q The Defcription. Vphiafiz re-brisht isa f; i aches. co afta. Or Eye bright isa Z ey fuls high, high full ofbranches, Sa with tittle oe {malt low herb: ¢ not aboue twohandfuls : cs ith little blackifh leaues dented orfhiptabout the edges like a {aw : the flow “ branches , about which growforth little leaues foftand hoarie: the floures growat the » t of many{mall threds. The whole plant and cuerie part thereofis ofa moft pleafant tafte, Cee aromaticall {mell,and perifheth atthe firft approch of Winter. rife im2 Pot Marierome or Winter Maieromehath many threddy tough roots,from which “eaiatelydiuers fmall branches, whereon are placed fuch leaues as the precedent, but not fo “ee for yet fo fveet offell, bearing at the top of the branchestufts of white floures tending a Purple = whole plantis of long continuance, and keepeth greeneall the Winter; whereup = 2lith womenhauecalledit, and that very properly, Winter Marierome. 5; Marierome Gentle bath many Nae fag a thteddy root,whereupon aa at “ad fiveet {melling leanes ofan ouerwomeraffet colour.The flouires ftandar the top ° caliipa & |