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Show Of the Hiftory of Plants. “1070 Lrs.2. Lip. 2 eeOftheHiftoryof Plants. alfoarealittle iaggedor cut about the edges ; and in thefe two particulars confifts the wholedif. : Chelidoninm mains folis ference. Clufins calls it Chelidonium mains laciniato flore ,; and Baubine, Crifta Galli. Yellow Rattle,or Coxcombe, and isto them a great annoianee, @ The Place. ime i It growethin vntilled places,by commonwayfides,amongbriers and-brambles,about old wals, andin the fhade, ratherthanin the Sun, q The Time. ” Tris greene all the yeare,it flourethfrom Aprill toa good part of Sommer,the coddesare "| The Time, It floureth molt part of che Sommer, The Names. @eele Batelen: commonly in Latine, Criffa Galls,and Gallinacea Crifta : in Englifh, Cox- @ The Names. ait It is called in Greecke;awina sin Latine, Chelidonium maius, and Hirundinariamaior : amongft the Apothecarics,chelidovia : diuers mifcall'it by the name Celidonium itis namedin Iralian,celdonia : in Spanith Celiduhemba,Yerua de las golundrinhas : in high Dutch, Grol Sehoitenets sin low Dutch Stinkende Goutve: in French, E/élereor Eifclayre, and Celidorne « in, Englith, Celan- combe, Penie graffe, yellow or white Rattle : in High Dutch it is called geel Rodel: in French Crefte de Coc: diuers take it tobe the old writers Alectorolophos. + Some thinkeit to be the Mimmoulus:or as others (& that more fitly) reade it,Nemmulys, meritioned byPliny, kK. It is called Celandine,not becaufe it then firftfpringeth at the commingin ofthe Swallows,or tib.18.cap.2 8.4 dicthwhentheygoe away : for as we hauefaid, it may be found alltheyeare, but becaufe fome hold opinion,that with this herbe the dammesreftore fight to their young ones when their eiesbe out:the whichthings are vaine andfalfe, for Cornelius Celfus inhis fixth booke doth witneffe, that whenthefight of the eies ofdiuers young birds be put forth by fome outward meanes,itwillafter a time be reftored ofit felfe,and fooneft ofallthe fight ofthe Swallow,wherupon(as the fam@{Au- G The Temperature and Vertues. But what temperatureor vertue this hetbe isof, men haue not as yet beene carefull to know,feeing itis accounted ynprofitable. heathorfaith) that the tale or fable grew,how thorow an herbe the dams reftore that thing,which feth of it felfe :the very fame doth 4rijtotle alledgein the fixt booke ofthe hiftorie of Liuingcrea- pricke them out, dogrow. tures : [The cies of Swallowes (faith he) that are not fledge, ifamando againe,and afterwards do perfeGly recoucr their fight.} The Temperature. syE q Cuar, 437. Of red Rattle, or The great Celandine is manifeftly hotand dric,and that inthe third degreejand withall feourts and clenfeth effeaually. % A @ The Vertues. things that cleaue about the ball of the eie, and hinderthe fight,andefjpecially being boiled Pedicalaris, wt Loufeweortor red Rattle; HL cfpechally : honie in abrafen veffell,as Dio/zorides teacheth. B Loufewoort. ‘flimie Theinice ofthe herbe is good to fharpen the fight, for it clenfeth and confimeth meet ee when there is noague adioined with it, for it openeth and deliuereth the gall and linet #t ings. . Cc . The root being chewed, is reported to be good againft the tooth-ache. faith Die/The iuice muft be drawnforth in the beginning of Sommer,and dried inthe Sunne, D E : : : F G ling vpon the groundwithin very moorifh medowes they grow acubit high and more,but in The root ofCelandine boiled with Annife-feed in oo want openeththe ftopp!e ; a Therootcut in fmall iaeests goad tobe giuen vnto Haukesagainft fandrydifeafes,wber EdRattle (of Dodoneus called Fiftularia, andtenderftalkes,whereof fomelicalong trai- nos of theli uer.and cureth the iaundies very fafely,as hath been often'proued. F | The Defcription. and according to the opinion & cenfure ofCarolus Clufius Pena & others, the true Alectorolophes) hath vety fmall, rent,or iagged Jeaues,ofa brownered colour,and weake,{mall Therootcureththe yellow iaundife, which commeth of the ftopping of the gall, fa a.f corides, moift and wet heathes, and fuch like barren alte groundsnot aboueanhandful high:the floures grow round aboutthe ftalke,from the middeft thereofeuento the top,and ate of a brownred to they are fubie‘t,as wormes, craie, and fuch like. gk +# Ihaueby experience found(faith Clufius) that the iuice ofthe great Celandine dropped to {mall greene wounds ofwhatfort foeuer,wonderfully cures them. colour, in fhape like the floures of dead Nettle: which being paft,there fucceed little flat pouches,wherin is contained flatand blacki(h feed,in thewvery like vnto the former:the root is fmall,white, and tender, G The Place. Tt growethin moift and moorith medowes, Cuar. 436. Of (oxcombe,or Yellow Rattle. the herbe is not onely vaprofitable, but alfo gq The Defiription. vith hurtfull,and'an infirmitie of the medowes/ @ The Time. Tt is found with his floures and ftalkes #a Mayand Tune. :. narrow RiftaGalli,orCrifta Gallinacea, hath a”ftraight vpright ftalke, fer abouta with o CO vellow fnipt round about the edges: the floures grow at the top ofthe flems,ofa aes firele © which come vplittle flat pouches or purfes,couered ouer or containe W tlowitt der,oi@at skin,open before like the mouth ofa fifh,wherein is contained flat yen hich proj beinghipeand drie,will makea noife or ratling when it is fhaken or moued, of W tookethename yellow Rattles qt te s It is called in low Dutch afelen, and perfe- &ed in the meane time, dine,or great Celandine , Swallow-woort,and Tetterwoort. q The Place. It groweth in. drie medowes and paftures, @ The Names, Itis'ealled in Greeke sie:High Dutch, we “att Rodel +1n Latine, Pedicularisof the effet, becaufe it filleth theep and othercattel the >feed yp,Whetethis groweth full of lice: diuersof the later Herbavilts call it Fiffularia-of fome, AEG a; . Stam and divers take it to be Mimmulusherba + inEnglith, Rattle-grafle, Red Ratele-graile, We-woort s | The |