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Show Lis... Of the Hiftorie of Plants. 74 Of''the Hiftorie of Planis,’ Litin a 75 Otemeale is goodfor to makea faire and wel coloured maid to looke likeac @ Thedefcription. Riza is a Cornewhofe leaues, ftalkes, and eares are leffe than Spelt ; the eare refembles our ordinary Barley, the corne growing in two rowes, with awnes at the top, and huskes vpon it not eafily tobe gottenoff. In colour it muchrefembles barley, yet Tracus faithitis ofa blackifh red colour. “9 This e#igilops in leaues and ftalkes refembles wheat or barley,and it growes fometwo handfuls high, hauing alittle eare or two at the tp of the ftalke, wherein are inclofedtwoor three feedsa little fmaller than Barley, hauing each of themhis awne at his end. Thefe feeds are qr wrapped in a crefted filme or skinne, out ofwhich the awnesput them{ elues forth. Matthiolus faith, That hebybis ownetriall hath found this to be true, Thatas Lolium, whichis ourcommonDarnel, is certainly knowne to bea {eed degenerate from wheat,being found for the moft partamong wheat, or where wheat hath been: fois Feflucaa feed or grain degenerating from $1 ake of tallow,e fpe- C cially iffhe take nextfet ftomatke a good draughtofftroag vinegerafterit, Otemeale vfedasa Cataplafine dries and moderately difcuffes, and tllat without biting 5 ithath fomewhatacoole temper, with fomeaftriGion,fo thatit is good againft {courings, oO tr AuenaVefia. ‘ Common Otes. % AuenaNuda; Naked Otes, barley, and is found among Barley,or where barley hath bene. £q The place. c 1 Brizais {owen in fomeparts of Germany and France; and my memorie deceiucs me if J haue not often times found many eares thereofamongft ordinarie barley, when as I-liued in the further fide of Lincolnefhire, and theythere called it Brant Barley. 2 This e4igilops growes commonly among ft their Barley in Italy and other hot countries. £ : q The names. 1 Brixa Monococcos, after Lobelius, is called by Tabernamontanus, Zea Monococcos : in Englith, Saint Peters Corne,or Brant Barley. 2 Feftucaof Narbonein Franceis called sino}: in Latine,Agilops Narbonenfis according to the Greeke :in Englith, Hauer-graffe. Gf Lhenature. Theyare ofqualitie fomewhatfharpe, hauingfacultic to digett. Thevertues. The iuice of Feftuca mixed with Barley méale dried, and at times of need moiftned: with Rofe water, applied plaifterwife, healeth the difeafe called «4gilops, or Fiftulain the corner ofthe eye: it mollificth and difperfeth hard-lumps,and aflwageth the {wellings inthe joynts, Cuar. 54. I Of Otes. q] The defiription. VenaVefca, Common Otes, is called Hefca, a Ve[cendo, becauteitis vfed in many counA tries to make fundry forts of bread , as in Lancafhire,whereit is their chiefeft bread ~ corne for Iannocks, Hauer cakes, Tharffe cakes, and thofewhichare called generally Oten cakes andfor the moft part they call the graine Hauer,whereofthey do likewife make drink Cuan 55. OL Want OF Bar leys 2 Auena Nudzislikeynto the commonOtes; differing in that, that thefe naked Otes imme- diately as they be threfhed, without helpe ofa Mill become Otemealefit for our vfe. In confideration whereofin Northfolke and Southfolke theyare called vnhulled and naked Otes. Some of thofe good houfe-wiues that delight not to haue anythingbutfrom hand to mouth, according to our Englith prouerbe, may (whiles their pot doth feeth) goto the bamne, andrub forth with their hands {ufficientfor that prefent time, not willing to prouide for to morrow , according as the Scripture fpeaketh, but letthe next day bring with ir. | The nature. Otes aredryand fomewhatcolé oftemperature,as Galen faith, d . The vertues. Common Otesputintoa linnenbag, with alittle bay fale quilted handfomely for the fame purpofe, and made hot ina frying pan,and applied very hot, eafeth the painein thefide called the ftitch, or collicke in the belly, If Otes beboyledin water, and the handsor feet offuch as haue the Serpigo ox Impetigo, that155 certaine chaps, chinks,or rifts in the palmes ofthe handsorfeet (a difeafe of great affinitie with the pocks) be holden ouer the fumeorfmoke thereof in fome bowle or other veffell wherein the Otesare put, and the Patient coueted with blankets to {weat, being firftannointed with that ointment orvnction vfually applied contra Morbum Gallicum it doth perfectly cure the famein fixe timesfo annointing and {weating, : Oremeale Of Wilde Ores, The defiviption, satfos Called likewife 4uenafatwawhich the Italians docall by aVery apt name oe 2rae Caffz, (in Hoga Barren Otes, or wilde Ores) hath like leanes a alkes as our Common Otes: o i fharpe huskes making eacheare, a a ES nets Roa 2 :3 tae‘ allo aapae kinde ofBromos or wilde Otes, which Dodonews calleth Feftuca altehips ph 8 * t eformer wilde Otesinftalkes and leaues, but the heads arethicker, and pact, each particular eare (as I may terme it) confifting of two rowes of feed handfomly compaétand iovne together; being : broadernext the y ia. mpac¢t and ioyned ftraw, and narrower as it comes to an : hetime and place. ¥ The firft in Iuly and Aus ¢ 41 = p Sai . ; Stcat plentyin mowRie, uguft may be found almoft in cuet y hedge, the Jater is to be found ia This is called ia Greeks G The names. Tears aed 1 Greeke epfuce ava: in Latine,Bromos ftirils Lobel: ops primaby Mats thiolus : in Englifh, Wilde-Otes, or Hedge-Otes, ae i by Lapel Eee t 2 Lobell calls this Br iL i ; in Brabanttheyeall it omosflerilis altera : Dedonaus termesit so as Drauich sin Englith, Drauke, sents ; t Bromes for D |