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Show eens 632 selemeliich crocige se Lis.r, “OftheHiftorieofPlants. y i Ap rilland May. 7 floureth in Bugula g, The Times yaa, Ofthe HiftoryofPlants. Lis. 2. sty 3 Prunellaflorealbo, White floured Selfe-heale, © The Defiviption: Runell or Brunet hath fquarehat- fome conflidy s or woundbefbes : andit is called of Bugle is reckoned among the Confounc egroen + of aatehiala, Aperi h Dutc Low in els, Guntg h, Durc media Bueulaand Beglum : in High fome, Sicklewoort, and herbe C arpenter,but hot HerbaLaurentina: in Englifh,Browne Bugle :of ty ftalks ofa foot high,beferh long ; hairy and‘ fharpe pointe leaves, & at the top of the flalks grow thicke fet together, likean eare or f heat and drineffe. Bugleis ofa meane tem perature,betweenc! fome plants in Effex neere Henninghamca- : q The Vertues, ,and members members: tome,rent,and bruifed; and therefore ee &watte can diflolue ite rene th at is of fuck n $ertue,that it is put into potions that ferue for nodes,in which :ay as a omHe ge away congealed and elotted bloud. Rwellizs writeth that they commonly and ener itdots a y a ren dethneither Phyfition nor, Surgeon that hath Bugle moutwardly; itis good for the inammities torhe ed appli butaifo wounds: being inwardly taken, headtnindiaeleaa gthnethit. et ftren and s, udion obftr ofthe Liuer;it taketh away the - ftle.The root is fmall andvery threddie. + 2 Prunellaaltera, or after Lobel and Pena, Symphytumpetranm, hathleaues like the laft defcribed, but fomewhat narrower, and the Jeanes that grow commonlytowards the tops ofthe ftalks, are deeply diuidedorcut in, ¢ ter themanner of the leaues of the {mall VaJerian, and fometimes the lowerleaues aréalfo diuided,but that is more feldom; the heads and floures are like thofe of the former,and thecolour of the floures is commonlypurple yet fomtimes it is found with flefh coloured, and otherwhiles with white or afhe coloured floures. 3. Thethird fort of Selfe-heale is like vnto the laft defcribedin root,ftalke, 8 leaues, &in every other point,fauing that the floures It is commended again inward burftings,and bodie,hea drunken,diffolueth clottedor congealed loud withinthe Thedecodtion of Bugle cutee inward and outward. Jethand maketh foundall wounds of the bodie,both d is good againft the taunaseand all,an anid'g Liuer he ngsoft ftoppi hthe penet {ameo C__. The uers oflong continuance. fores ofthe mouth andgums. D The famedecoétioncureth the rotten v Icers and the iuice cureth rhe wounds, vlcets and s,and he fcratc sand g wound Bugulais excellentin curin B_.. n. fores-ofthefecretparts,or the herbe bruifed and laid thereo Cuar.201 Selfe-heale. ee f ofabrowne colour mixed with ble and fometimes white,of which kinde I found q The Nature. : oy 63 OfSelfe-beale. 2 Prunella Lobelj. The fecond. Selfe-heale. hereof are ofa perfe& white colour, andthe others not fo,which makeththe difference, + The figure which our Authour gauein : ines this third place,was ofthe Prunellafecunda of Tavern. which | iudge to beall one with the Prunella1 .n0n vulgaris of Clufius and that becaufe the of in pat OfTabermamontanus are exprefled Ventre laxiore,which Clu(izs complaineshis drawen spe otherparts alfo agree: nowthis of Clufiws hath muchlarger floures than Rear a eS sonealy ofa deeperpurple colour,yet they are fomerimes whitith,and ohath, Geta 1¢ colour :the leaues alfo are fomewhat more hairie, long and fharpe pointed, f tdinary,and herein confifts the greateft ditference, + es Y | The Place. : ae kinde of Prunellor Brunell gfoweth verie commonly in all our fieldes throughout he {sean pra oe ae Or Symphytum petréum srowcth naturally vpon rocks, ftonie mountaines, and ee a De ee ‘ Z 4 with — ; any. thing that L knowisaftranger with vs:but the firft commonkinde I have Q white foures, + ie. q os @ The Time. Thefe’ plants floure for the moft part all Sommerlong. Bea een SA OMaIngr.” OK 1S Ly GINZH }4 Wi @| The Names. = ne se Called oP hotatell, Carpenters herbe,Selfe-heale, and Hooke-heale,and Sic- , Savee adee Fe. Tifts Brune lavand een ae Matthiolys, Confolida minor, 3 : welius, the Daifie is the right Confoléda minor, and alfo'the sélida~ q The Nature. x Thefeherbe Helenerbes are are cof£ the temperature ay aot i . to fay, p : ty Of Buzula,that c is moderately hot and drie,and fome- th 8 binding, G7 VTi Pr % , & The Vertues. ell madewith wine orwater, doth ioine together and make whole and A ea oth inwardandoutward,euen as Bugle doth. Taled with oile of Rofes aie Tai R tes and Vineser Vineger, andlaied to the forepart of the head, fwageth B + paine and aking thereof. thort.it for the the fame fame t} undhérbs.as irferueth eat for that Bugle doth,andin ‘ theworld there are not twobetter C eetata beenoften proued. Ggg3 . |