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Show 7386 Ofthe Hiftory of Plants, Ofthe Hiftorie of Plants. q The Tec mperature. Heath hath,as Galenfaith,a digefting facultie,confuming by vapors :the floutes. and |e to be vfed. / @ The Vertues.. The tender tops and floures, faith Diofiorides,are good tobe laid vponthe bitings and finginos A of any2 venomous beaft : of thefe flouresthe Bees do D'gather bad hony. ’ The barke and leaues of Heath may be v{edfor, and in the fame caufesthat Tamariske isvfed B ‘The figure which our Author gauei inth place by the name of Erica baccifers latifolia I cake to be thetVitis Idea, 2, of C lufins (which you thal finde you our ordinaryberry-bearing Heath. saa his duc place) andin ftead thereof han Cuar. 53. Of Heath ofkrico. 1387 tin into little feed,like the feed of Rocket, but leffer : the whole plantis of the fabftance of heath, andwooddie. ‘ : : 2 The fecond figure fettethforth the dried plant,as it is brought yntovs from beyond the feass which being fetinto adith of warme water, for halfe an houre,openeth it felfein forme,as when itdid grow,and taken forthvntill it be drie, returneth {hut vpagaineas before, q The Place. Itgroweth in the: barren grounds of France, and other hot regions, among the Heathand fuch fike plants : it isa ftranger in England,yet dried wehaue themin great plenty. + I haueé not read norheatd that this grows wildein France; but Bellonias faith it growes in Arabia deferta - Bawhine faithiteafily grew and flourifhed many yeares in his gardenar Bafill: $ G The Time, The feed being fowne inour.cold.climate,is fowne inA prill ; it perifheth whenitis {prungvp, and bringeth neither floures nor feed. G The Names, Thiskinde of Heatlvis called Rofa Hicricontea,or de Hiericho,the Rofe ofIerico::offome,the Rofe oflerufalem,andalfo Rofa Marie : in Englifhthe Heath Role. 1 Rofa Hiericontea maior. The Heath Rofe ofIerico, | The Defeription. I His kinde of Heath whichofthela ter writers hath been called byt] q The. Temperature and Vertnes, There is not any of the antient norlater writers’ that haue fet downe any-certaintie of this plant A astouching the temperature and faculties,but onely-a bare picture witha flender defcription, name Réfa Hicriceniea; the coiner {poiled the name in the mint,for ofall plants that baue bin writtenof,there is nor any morevalikevntothe Rofe, or any kinde thereof than this plant moued themthercto I knownot:but thus of my owne knowledge, it hath neither thape, nature, nor facultie agreeing with anyRole; the which doubtleffe is a kinde of Heathasd barrenfoile, and that among Heath, dotheu! dently thew, as alfo the Heathie matterwher Cuar.s4. Ofthe (hafte Tree. . | £2 Vitex latiore(erratofolio, Chafte tree with cut leaues, 1 Vitex, five Agnus Cafius. The Chafte aaftettree. : withthe whole plant is pofiefied,agreeing with the kindes of Heath invery notable points It rifeth vp out of the ground,of the heightoffour inches, or an hand breadth, compact ot mad of fundry hard ftickes, (witch are the flalkes clafping or fhutting it felfe together inlo 4 round forme, intricately weaning it felfeone fticke ouerthwart another, likea littlenetif which wooddy ftickes do crow Jeaus not vil rh to thofe ofthe Oliue tree, which mab whole plant ofa round forme, and Lollow wt in; among the leaves onthe infide grow1 moffie floures,ofa whitith herbie colowwhk Aaaaka 2 |