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Show Ofthe Hiftorie of Plants. Cuar, 84. Santee Ofthe Hiftory ofPlants, : Lis, Of the Lentiske,or <Mafticke tree, The Defiription, pfoud,the piffing of bloud,and all other fluxes ofbloud: they are alfo good againft the falling fckeneflc, the falling downeof the mother, and comming forth ofthe fundament. The gum Mafticke hath the famevettue, if it berelented in wine and giuen to be drunke: : Mafticke chewedin the mouth is good for the ftomac ke, ftaieth vomiting, ificreafeth appetite, He Mattick tree groweth commonly like comforteth rae braines, ftaieth thefalling downe of the rheumes and watery humors, anid maketh ret breath. Sane infufed in Rofe wateris excellent to wafh the mouth withall, to fafen loofeteéth, andro comfort theiawes. _ 3 The fame {pred vponapiece ofleather or veluet, and laid plaifterwife vponthe tem 5, ftaiet many {prings and fhoots like the Hafell . and therheume fromfalling into the iawes andteeth, and eafeth the “aap aaie as . : It preuaileth much againft vicers and wounds, being put into digeftiues and healing Vr meane tree: the boughes thereof are tough,and flexible ; the barke isofa yellowith red colour, pliable likewife, and hard to be broken: there guelitss : ; Itdraweth flegme forth of the head gently andwithout trouble: Itis alfo vfed in waters which ferue to clenfe and'make faire the face with, Thedecoétionof this fillethvp hollow vlcers withflefhif they be bathed therewith. Itknicteth broken bones, ftaieth eating vicers,and prouokethvrine, Lentifcus. The Matticke tree. q The Defiription. fhrub without any great body,tifing vpwith oftentimesit is of theheight and bigneffe of ftandvpon one rib for the moft part 8 leaues, fet vpon a middle rib,muchlike to the leaues of Licorice, but harder, of a deepe greene colour, and oftentimes fomewhat red in the brims,as alfo hauing diuers vains running along ofa ted colour,and fomthing ftrong of{mel: the foures be moffic,and grow in clufters vpon long ftems: after them come vp the berries,of the bignefle = a ° 1 . —c ee 1 L ran oe Cuar.85. Ofthe Turpentine Tree: i Terebinthus. The Turpentinetree, of Vetches, greene at thefirft, afterwards of a H 2 Terchinthus latifolia. The broad leafed Turpentine tree. purple cofour,andlaft ofall,black, fat,andoily, witha hard black ftone within,the kernelwherofis white,ofwhichalfo is madeoile, as Dio(orides witne fleth:it bringethforth likewifecods befides the fruit (which mayberather termed an excrefcence,than a cod)writhed likeahom; inwhichlieth at the firft a liquour, andafterwards when thie waxeth ftale, little lining things likevnto gnats, as in the Turpentine hornes,and in the folded leaues ofthe Elm tree, There commeth forth of the Maftick treea Rofin,but dry,called Mafticke. @ The Place. ‘ The Mafticke tree groweth in many regions,as in Syria, Candy,Italy, Languedocke,and inmoft Prouinces of Spaine : but the chiefeftis in Chios an Ifland in Greece,in whichiris diligently ae {pecially looked vnto,and that for the Mafticke fake.whichis there gathered from the husbanded Matticketrees by the inhabitants cuery yeare moft carefully, and is fent fromthenceinto all parts of the world. q The Time. Thefloures be in theirpride inthe fpring time,and the berries in Autumne:the Maftick muftbe gathered about the time when the Grapes be, | The Names. ; This tree is namedin Greeke we: in Latine, Lentifcus : in Italian, Lentifque : in Spanith, Ma's, and 4rcoyra / in Englith,Mafticke tree;and of fome, Lentiske tree. ied Ai. The Rofinis called in Greeke jrarwaqon, and vaste > in Latine,Lentifcina Refina,and likewilesae che : in fhops,Maffix : in Italian,Maffice : in highand low Dutchand French alfo, Maflic: 1 P nith, 4/maftiza, Maftech,and Almecega: in Englith,Mafticke. j : Leb J Clifivs writeth, that the Spaniards call the oile rhat is preffed out of the berries, 470 @| The Defcription. Mata, | The Temperature. : : . a The leaues,ba heate, and aredrie rke,and gumof the Mafticke tree are of a meane andtempe rate heate, and in the feconddegtee,and fomewhat aftringen t. A . @| The Vertues. 2 . e{pitt!ing of The leaues and barke of the Mafticke tree ftoppe the laske, the blondy flixe, the fp ploud I \ Pe firft Turpentine Tree groweth to the height of a tall andfaire tree, hauing many long boughes or branches, difperfed abroad, befet with long leaues, confifting of fun- wy other final! }eaues each whereof refembleth the Bay leafe,growing one againgt another ypon a attle ftemor middle rib, like vntothe leaues of the Ath tree:the loures be fnaall & reddith,growspyPOAciufters or bunches that ture into round berries,which at their beginning: are greene, Metwards reddith ; but being ripe wax blacke, or of a darke blewcolour, clammie, full of fat * Ececee and |