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Show 150 Of the Hiftorie of Plants. OFthe Hiftory of Plants, | The Defcription. \ ze He Checquered Daffodill, or Ginny-hen Floure,hath {mall narrowgrafic leaues . a, mong whichthere rifeth.vpa ftalke three hands high, hauing at the toponeortio floures, and fometimes three, which confifteth of{ix fmall leaues checquered mof ftrangely : wherein Nature, or rather the Creator ofall things, hath ke ptaverywonderfull order, furpaffing (as inall other things) the curioufeft painting that Artcan fet downe. One {quate is ofa greenith yellowcolour, the other purple, keeping the fame order as well on the backfide of the floure, as on the infide, althoughtheyare blackifhin one fquare, and ofa Violet colour in an other; infomuchthat eucryleafe feemeth tobethe feather of a Ginny hen, whereofit tookehis name. Therootis fmall,white, and ofthe bigneffe ofhalfea garden beane. 2 The fecond kinde of Checquered Daffodill is like vnto the formerin each refped, faving Lam triftis, nucibus puer relictis, Clamofo reviocatur a magiftro : that this hath his floure datht ouerwitha light purple, and is fomewhat greater thantheother, wherein confifteth the difference. £ 3 Frittillaria Aquitanica minorflore Luteo obfoleto, Theleffer darke yellow Fritillarie, $ 9 Fritillaria alba pracox. The early white Fritillarie, 151 Fritillaria Hifpanica vmbellifera, The Spatiith Fritillarie with the floures ftanding as it were in anvmbell. + GQThe Names, The Ginny hen floureis called ofDodoneus, Flos Meleagris : OfLobelius, Lilio-narciffus variegatd, for that it hath the floure of a Lilly,andthe root ofNarciffws-it hath beene called Fritillaria, ofthe table or boord vpon which menplayat Cheffe, which {quare checkers the Houre doth very much refemble ; fome thinking that itwas namedFritillws :wheteofthere is no certaintie; for Aartialis feemeth totall Fritilus, Abacus,or the Tables whereat men play at Dice,in the fifth Bookeof his Epigrams, writing to Gala. Et bland male proditus Fritillo Arcanamodo raptust popina eAdilem rogat udus aleator. Ort. The fad Boy nowhis nuts caft by, Call'd ynto Schole by Mafters cry ; Andthe drunke Dicer now betray'd By flattring Tables as he play’d, Is from his fecret tipling houfe drawne out, Ithough the Officer he much befought. &c. In Englith we may callit Turky-hen or Ginny-hen Floure,and alfo Checquered Daffodill, and Fritillarie, according to the Latine. G The Temperature and ertues. Of the facultie ofthefe pleafant floures thereis nothing fet downe in the antient or later Wri- ter, but are greatly efteemedfor the beautifying ofour gardens,and the bofoms ofthe beautifull. Crap, 90. Oftrue Saffron, and the wilde or Spring Saffrons, Crocusflorens &fineflore. Eritvillar illairiamaximaramofapurpurea. The greateft branched urpleche echecque equ red Daffodili . Fritillariaflorepurpureopleno. Thedoubl e purple floured dheequaatd Daffodill eerflano ill, viridés. The yellowith greene many floure d checquered Daffo- Fritillarialatea Someri. Somershis yell ow Cheequered Daffodil. Fritillariaalba purpureo teffulata. The whit e Fritillarie cheequered with purple Fritillariaalbapracox, Theearly white Fritillarie or Checquered Daffodill. ; 10 ie i a ca abfol eto. The lefferdarke yellow Friti llarie ritil lariaanguftifolia lutea Variegata paruo flore, & altera flove majoxe. Natrow le 1 yelfow variegated Fritil larie withfimal l floures ; fa more with a oo didiive, pee” lean 12° Fritillariamini ed neapluribus flribus. The leaft Fritillarie with manyfloures. 13 i Frith Saffconwith and withoutfloure. |