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Show Of the Hiftorie of Plants. 722 Le to Scabio(a’ peregrina Scabious. Strange Seaigates 6Scabiofa maior Hifpanian. Spanith Scabious. Paes wa Ofthe Hiftory ofPlants. 12 Scabiofa minima bir[uta. Scabious Hairie Sheepes 73 folio, Bellidisss minima Scabiofaleayed $13 Daific Scabjou HM | $14 eeeepallida,’ + x11 Scabiofs oxaninm minima, Sheepes Scabious. i a { + 8 Thewhite mountaine Scabioushath broad leaues {pred vponthe ground, like thofeofthe fils Primrofe, but greater. Amongft which rifeth vpa great ftiffe ftalke {mooth and plain,garnifhed il leaues not like thofe next the ground, butleffer, much more diuided,and ofa greener colout 8 hat der. The floures ate like thofe of the commonSo bious,but white ofcolour: the rootof this petites f cuery yeareafter the perfegcing of the feed. ¢ 9 othe Theninth kinde of Scabious islike ato" mountaine Scabious,but lower and {maller,haulns fundry large and broad leaues next the groans fnipt confufedly and out oforderat the edges - the Okenleafe, among whichrifeth vpfe m potas high, ‘diui t felfe into fundry - ranches, The floures are fet at the top ot te I y tcdscsn ced ia liees ee = BeA o colour 5 1 hich being pa ft,the feed appeareth like a tuft offnall a wishin fic back o ee within,and made as itwereof parchment,very ftrangeto pebole the needle in a dialisionigev fundry fmall croffes of blackefaftened to the bottome, oth ter,and mug be fowne a Ap Daeant fe, yin The plant dieth at the beginning 1o_ The tenthis like i he ian ie - coedftalkes root, and floures a -< fin cag - tose laft wbefore oned,oriniagges , to hathleaues that thiseplant Haier ot res, an utmenti any cuts about the edges, Dut vethe Jait vane of Marigolds,or Diuels bit,and the floures are Hike vato thofe o™ tr Sheeps Scabioushath fmall and tender branches trailing vpon the ground wh f an NW ldaapavcme lt 4 os minced euen almoft to the middle ribb si loure s e he top of a| slewith colour,confifting of much thru : thruft together like Pelice hans Nes ines aeeewar D € abutton:the root is {mall,and creepeth in the ground. ea £ ts Scabiofaproliferas Childing Scabious: |