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Show 1008 Ofthe Hiftorie of Plants. Lib, 2 Lisa, being our common garden Louage,bath large } Lenifficum vulgare, ~ Common Louage. t Sphondylinms. | and broadleaues,almoft like to {mallage,The Cow Parfnep. {talks are round,hollowand ‘knottie, z,cubits high,hauing {poky tufts,or buthy rundles.and Cow Parfnepis of a manifeft warm com. plexion. q The vertues. Angelica : the root is long and thicke, and bringeth forth eucry yeare new flems, The leaues ofthis plantdo confume and @ The Place. The right Leus/tienem or Louagegrowethin fundry gardens,and notwild (as farasT knew) diffolue cold fwellings if they be bruifed to make drinke with the decoction ofthis herbe,and Ieuen or fomeotherthing made of meale,whichis vfed in ftead of beere andotherordinarie drinke. Thefeede ofCow parfnep drunken, feou- @ The Time, Louage floureth moft commonly in July and Auguft. G The Names, reth out flegmaticke matter through the It is called in Latine Leniflicum, andby guts,it healeth the iaundice, the falling fickneffe,the ftrangling ofthe mother,and them thatare fhort winded, Alfo if aman befalne into a deadfleepe, Ora {w oy ne,the fume ofthefeed will waken fome, Ligufticum : of other fome, Siler monte. zum but not truly : in High Dutch. Libfot Bels in French, Livifche: in Low Dutch, ts uetfe sin Englifh,L ouage, him aga jne. q The Nature, ant This plant is hot and drie in the thisd ce. If ap hrenticke or melancholicke mans head bee annointed with oilewherein the leaues and roots haue beene fodden, it hel- q peth him very much,andfuchas be troubled with the head-ache and the lethargie,orfick. neffe called the forgetfull cuill, ’ " The roots of Louageare very geod forall inward difeafes, driving away vertofities ¢t windineffe, efpecially ofthe flomacke. The feed thereof warmeth the ftomack,bel ppet,according to the teftimonie of Ant. Hufa. tit Thefigure formerlywas ofthe Paftrata {ylasftris, or ElapbobofevmrekVebersdeaeatonde, and the figure that fhould haue beene here was afterwards vnderthe “eof Hippsfelinem. Thediftilled water ofLouage cleareth thefight, and putteth awayall {pots,! entils,freckles,and redneffe ofthe fac e,ifthey be often wathed therewith. F The Sgurewhich was here was ofche Siler montenumsorSefali Offisinatume Cuar. 394. Of Herbe Frankincenfe. q The Defcriptions Cuar. 393. Of Cow Parfnep. G The Defiriptien. ott rie His plant Sphondylium groweth in all Countries,and is knowne by the name ofw eee= : or Sphondylium,whereuntoit effe@tually anfwereth,both in his gricuous and raf asalfo in the likeneffe of the roor, wereupon itwascalled Sphosdylinm ; and 0! Acarthus, but vntruly : the leaues of this plant are long andlarge, not much vnlih . wilde Parfnep,or Panax Heraciewm ;deepely notched or cut about the edgeslike the a Parl and ofan ouerworne greene colour. The floures growin tufts or rundles, like nto iffereth from the rootis like to Henbane: this herbe in each part thereof hath an cuill fauour,and iis the right Acanthivm not onely in faculties,but cueninall other things; The Place. rinainIlapa This plant growethin fertile moift medowes,and feeding paftures, very commonly ofEngland,orelfewhere,in fuch places asI hauetrauelled. Sphondylivm floureth in lune and Iuly. : G The Time, The Names. : aes LowGe Itis called in Greek zenaaia: in Latine likewife Sphondylium:the in fhops of High an gant A and applied thereto. The people of Polonia and Lituania vfe B in England, peth digeftion;wherefore the people of Gennesin times paft did vie it in their meates,asme doe it Bernclatys in Englith, Cow Parfhep,me. The Nature. round, flat, and browne feed like thefeede of @ The Vertues, many Branca vrfinawhovnaduifedly in times paft haue vfed-ir inviclyfters J: ini Read of Brancke Vrfine, and thereupon haue named dow Parf{nep,and Madnep. at the top ofthe ftalks of a yellow colour, a gree. icc9 Ofthe Hiftory of Plants. 1 "THechath beene from the beginning diuers plants of fundry kindes, which men haue ‘ i y in refp refpeét of the excellent: excellent and fragrant termed by this- glorious namic Libanotés,onely in g fmell which they ae yeelded ynto the fences of man,fomewhat refembling Frankircenfe. The fent and fmell Diofcorides doth afcribe to the root ofthis firft kinde, which bringeth forth a long, Ralk with joints like Fennell,whereon grow leaues almoft like Cheruill or Hemlocks,fauing that they be greater,broader,and thicker :at the top ofthe ftalkes:grow fpokictaffels bearing whitifh A * ores,which do turne into fectfmellingfeed,fomewhat flat,and almo’t like the fed of Angel:ca, The root is blacke without,and white within,hairie aboue, atthe parting of the root and ftalke likevnto Meum or Peucedanum, and fauoreth like vnto Rofine,or Frankincenfe, e 2 The fecond kinde of Libanotis hath alfoa ftraightftalke, full of knots and joints: the leaues are like vnto Smallage : the floures growin taffels like vnto the former, and bring forth great, long and vneuen {ced ofatharpe tafte: the root is like the former,and fo is the whole plant very like;but leffer, 2 The third kindeof Libanotis differeth fomewhat from the others in formeand thape, yetit e agteeth with them in fmell,which in fomefortis like Frankinfence:: the leaues are spicese caring ak two of height tothe grow do ftalks the Smallage: of and rougher than the leaues at the top the fpokie tufts of Dill, fomewhatyellow: the rootis like the forprh ss t St. ace thet wantethit hairie raffels at the top ofthe root, which the others alfo haue, Detore Fe es ‘ 4 Tecan |