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Show Of the Hiftorie of Plants, Lisi: | “wan Of che Hiftory ofPlants, ) a 4, Cuar. 115. $3 orchis PalmndtaPnaninica\$.Clu/. The Auftrian handed Satyrion. : Of Satyrion Royall, i The Names + Royal Satyrion,orifinget Orchis is cal- : led in Latine, Palma Chrifii ;notwith ttandin there is another herbe of plant called by the @ The Defcription. fame name, which otherwife is called Ricinus. Hemale Satyrion royal hath large roots,knobbed,not bulbed asthe others,but bran: ched orcutinto fundry fectionslike an hand, from thewhich comevpthick and fat This plantis called likewifeof{ome,Satyrinm Bafilicum , ox Satyrium vegium. Some would ftalkes fet withlarge Jeaueslike thofe of Lillies,but leffe ; at the top whereof,grow- haueit to be BuXeiden, Or Buxidan Arabum, but eth a tuft of floures, {potted with a deepe purple colour. Anicen faith Buxeider is. a woody Indian medicine : and Serapio faith , Buseidew be hard 1 PalmaChrifti mas. white roots like thofe ofBeheallum,and that it is an Indian drug:bur contratiwife theroots ofPalma Chriftiargnothinglefle than woody, fo that it cannotibe the fame. -Vatthiolus would haue Satyrion royal) to be the Digité Citrini of Cduiten,, finding fault with the 2 PalmaChriftifemina, The male Satyrion Royall. The female Satyrion Royall, Monkes whichfet forth Commentaries vpon Mefes Compofitions , for doubting and lea- mi ny an i l| peu Kl Vii Nis CeEaaS ' \\ uing it to the iudgement of the difcreet Reader. Yetdo webetter allow of the Monkes j ae _ . 4 P Auisens words be thefés Whapis 4/abafafra, p UY ih é , ‘ doubt, than of -ataithiolws his affertion. For SST \ or Digiti Citrini ? and anfwering the doubt himfelfe,hefaith,It is in figure or fhape like the palme of a mans hatid, of @vmixt colour betweene yellow and whiteyand itis hard, in whichthereis a lfftle fweérnefle, and thereis a Citrine fort dufty and without fweetneffe, ; Op 4 f SJ; 3 . Rhafis-alfo in théJaftbooke of His Continent calls thefe, Digiti Grocei; or -Saffron fingers ; OLY I&e agritte andhefaith it is a gumme oryeine for Dyars. Nowthefe roots are nothing leffe than ofa Saffron colour, and wholly vnfit for Dying. Wherefore without doubt thefe words ofAaicenand Rhafis, in the eares ofmen of iudgment do confirme, That Satyrion Royall, or Palma (hrifti, are not thofe Digiti Citrini.. The Germans call it Creutfs bluim; the low Dutch, azandekens crupt : the French, Satyrion royal. | The Temperature andVertues. The Roots of Satyrion royall are like to Cynoforchis or Dogsftones, both in fauout andtafte; andtherefore are thought by {umeto be of like faculties. Yet Nicolaus Nicolus,in the chapter of the’eure ofa Quartaine A gue,fith, That the roots of Palma Chriffi are of force to purge vpward and downward ; and that a piece ofthe rootas long as ones thumbe {tamped and giuen with wine a! he faint Sal tion} Be aa E ; alc atyrion hath clouen or forked roots,with fome fibres ioyned thereto. The leaues { otbut aues be like like thethe former, fpors : from the which S: arrower. and 4 f 3 ou fmaller z and narrower, confufedly dafhed Sete : : c : . or {ported with black hewhich {pringeth ypa tenderRalke, at the top whereofdoth growa tuft of‘purple floures, in fathion like before the fitcommeth,is a good remedie againft old Quartainesafter purgation: and teporteth, That one Baliolus, after he had endured 4.4 fits,was cured therewith. of purging and vomiting, which our Author out of Dodotevs, andhe ourof Nicolus, giueito the root of Palma Chrifti, Ldoube it miftaken and putT)) inThisfacultic the wrong place for Fudge it co belong to the Ricinus, which alfois called “Palms (hrfts ; for thaeWicolusfuith, a rece ofroot mutt be taken asfong as Saatthambe;; sow che wholeroot ofthis plantis not fo longs And befiles,Ricmais knowne to haue a voligori or purging facultie. fometimes Seeene he varying accordingto the foile and clymat, + isbut 3 Thisintoots is like ene Banion oF fleth colour. ftalke low, end .and nd leaues sess is like thethe former,but that theleanes want the black fpots,the forefiderefemble ne i topthietsof hathfloures ofa whitith colour, not {potted : they onthe pérbende Gh a bres! ng hoods, with cates on each fide, and a broad lip hanging down ; the backe obtute fpur, Thefe floures finell like Elder bloffomes. + 2 P : The Place, The royall Satyrions growfor : , the moftIJ part i it z ’ : 5 Toods thatare very moift and fhadowie ice and fenny grounds, medowes,and W ue woodin Kent called Swaine fcombe aed neere eae eh places, efpecially in the midfto! ; tkewife in Hampfted wood foure miles a ceils likewife fromneere Londonrauele: fend,by the2 villagenoua. Swainefcombe, a! fi ; ' oe Cuap.116. § Of Serapias Stones. @ The Kindes. ; ftones, whereof fome be tale, others female, "THerebe fundry forts of Serapias fome great, . . og _ and fome ofa fmaller kinde , varying likewife in colour of the floures, wheteof=fome,be white, others purple ; altering accordingto the foile or clymate,“a$ the greatef® part of bulbous . ® a Z . fs 3 . roots do, Moreouer, fome grow in marfhicand fenny grounds, atid fome in fertile paftures,lying opento the Sun, varying likewife in the thape of their Houses ; retaining the forme Of fiess.But- | TheTime, Theyfoure in Mayand Iun q e late e,but feldom r afi : : ter-tuies,and Gnats, like thofe ofthe Fox ftones. q Tk » e the r ae,” |