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Show 602 a / zi " Sf a oT - lea eit S 4 Se * Int; plith colour, with two long fharpe pointed a ge leauc fet ates >to the topoftheftalke grow little branches which vpon prettyi¢ ou a trom IKES'CE ; pat {ueceede skinny aré ees cele ring in their thidales without fimell:afterthefloures tay ae dh o fi ale aoe ihe (falkes andthicket abobenand inthelGarecontaingd put tine Cl new ae an Ablacke withahareAbers, ane nt oor ie St Tt Pech. thicke fhoore ibers,putting vp new fall darke red feeds. The root 1s thicke and Diacke,withm< e era The Place ee ee t i i soa ae : Thefeplants do growwilde in the fields in the VVeft parts of England,among thecorne: haue themin our Londongardensratherfor toyes of pleafure, rhan any vertues they are pofltf : 1 tpt Sips) 1 he 5 o thi i forth deautein greantufis mice if oe Tendy cl rade €ectopyi among whichrife vp fmall tender ftalkes o: a {panne high,nake - withou ajar to purple. The rootis long wheruponftandlittle floures ina {pokie tuftjofa white colour tending f : f or Mediterrancan the mountainesneere vnto the Leuant The other kinde ofThrift,found vpon ie alroaether orate not from the precedentin leaves, ftalkes,or adiffereth 5greater, 3 and 5 ? floures, ; but yyet is altogether P rte a @ The Place. . 2 Thefirftis found in the mof falt marfhesin England,asalfo in Gardens, for the bordering vp . eo 7 ue (iS oy ; ° ? Resi egions. Sommer. and flourith moft part of the a Theyfloure ) The Nise q| The Times Catch Flies hath beene takenfor Behen, commonly fo called, for the likeneffe that it Behenrubenteflore : or with Behen that hath the red floure,called of {ome ¥ alerianarubi They floure from May,till Sommetbe far {pent. q The Names: lerian; for it is fomething like ynto it in iointed Thrift is called in Latine Gramen Polyanthemum,of the multitudeof the floures : of fome, Gra- : Ree . + ia Lobel, Mufcipula and Vifcarca - of Di phraftiand Behen rubrumSalamanticum: 4 cil eee ate eet Ae Veaa 2 Bago “ire liken ‘aM alkes and Jeane s,but mr ike ine Armir as flas vertins « Of Clafims,Lychins [ylne}iriys femelle in English, Catch Flie, and Limewoort. q TAN Tee rey The andVcrtues . eee ee > ae Wilde Pinkes and t Gi The nature andvertues of thefe wilde V Villiams are referred to the Wilde PinkesankG floures. 4 2 f é BN : Sete men marinum : of Lobel, Caryophyllus Marinus : InEnglifh, Thrift, Sea-graffe,and our Ladics Cuone ad @ The Temperature and Vertues. r es . : rh, Their vfe in Phyficke as yet is not knowne,neither doth anyfecke into the Nature thereof, but efteeme themonely for their beautie and pleafure. Authour ce thai hich I haueg efwilde Campions,vnder the ticle eae i waawes 3 ' Cua. 187. Of Thrift,or our Ladies (ufbion. x Caryop hy llus marinus minimus Lobely. Thrift or Sea Gillofloure eh ee LOnCeS. 2 Caryoph > co 8 Cuapr. 188: eaeee eo oo nt, of beds and barikes,for the which it ferueth very fitly. The other is a ftranger in thefe Northerne a] foe te : ; pt is alfoa kind ae Nee pee W sh brings I re fork ering with,that hath as yetbecn knowne. Tomes and threddie. the two laft deferibed yearelike‘ as ring eury re fi q The Defoription, mid. the $ CO! a teound feces ret divided at the rpstiey are ofa faire incar the 603 Of the Hiftorie of Plants. Ofthe Hiftorie of Plants. 4 hrift peace ees pecker yuan elsva Of the Saxifrage ofthe Antients, and of thatgreat one of Matthiélus, with that of Pena and Lobel. . . His nameSaxifraga or Saxiftage , hath oflate been impofedvponfundryplantsfarre different in their fhapes,places ofgrowing,8 temperature,butall agrecing in this one facultie of expelling or driuing the ftone out of the Kidneies, thoughnor.all by ong Meahe or manner of operation. But becaufe almoft all of them.are defcribed in their fit places by our Authour,I will notinfitt y pon them : yet I thinkeit not amiffe little to enquire,whetherany Saxifraga were knowneto the Antients , and ifknowne,towhat kinde it may probablybe referred, Of the Antients, Dioftorides, Paulus izineta,and Apuleius, {eeme to mention oneSaxéfraga, but Pii- my Jib.22. cap.21. by the way,fhewes that fomecalled Adianthumbythenameof Saxifragum: but this is nothing to the former ; whereforeI will not infift vpon it, but returne to examinethat the cr three haue writtenthereof. Déo/?.lib, 4. betweene the Chapters of Tribulus and Limonium, it,in the feuenteenth place hath deliuered the Hiftorieof this plane,bothin the Greeke Edi1 Of Aldus Manitius,asa\fo in that of Marcellus Vircilius.yetthe whole € shapterin aris E»is reiected and putamongft the Notha. The be rinning thereof (againft which they Pt) is thus: sapeieaais M cxpllgpayinis NiyumSor, jopstiei cup Espesshi, (1) Sarxiphagon, aly vero SarxiE ai,Sarxifranga.The firlt exception of Marcellus Vireilius againg this & aliena vox Saxifraga eft,a'c. Fhe fec ond is, Quod multo f: 10s 1h Com-~ tionemvocibus Greci, quam Latina. rhe thirdis, Solain in to: itamaudiri Romanam vocem, tamqueinopes in appellanda hac herba t Ri w dicalfent, aula (ibi futura chet. Thele are the arguments which ft this. Chapter ; yet reiects it not,but by this means hath occafionedothers without reafon, todoeit s NowI will fer downe what my Opinion is concerning this matteaue irto the iudgément of the Learned. I grant Marcellus chat Saxifrazais a ftrange aid. “exe word ; butthe nameinthetitle, andfirft inthe Chapterbothin his owne Edition and srecke E, ns that I haue yetfeene is x«zie<,», which none,no not he himfelfe can. der Original] Ye « wr exfesedun: Of cating the fleth : yet becaufe thereis no fuch fa- ation imports attributed thereto by the Authour, theréforehee will not altyou muft note thatmany names are impofed bythevulgar,andthe reafon ot ained by thofe that haue written ofthem,as in this fame Author ma y be ideng |