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Show Lona h. Ofthe Hiftorie of Planes, ~'So2 Lis. 2. & The Vertues: iNtithe A Diofcorides writeth that the ripe feed gathered-arid driedin the thadow parrd on duc 6s reigh i ies together,doth wafte ery and confume away the hardnefuot d¢ a together, daics fortic weight, dram one of uantitie of breathing,cureth the the {pleene, remoueth wearifomneffe,h ened go: elpeth the fhortneffe anddifficultie Ofthe Hiftory ofPlants. ! bout fich things‘as ftand neere vntoit, but onely leaneth and lyeth vpon thofe things thatare 3 Tafminum luteam, Yellow lafmine. preparedro fuftaineit abour arbors and banque. ting houfes in gardens, by which itisheld vp. Theftalks therof are long,round,branched;ioin- Seeded aufeth womento hawefpeedietratuel j hicket,procureth bloudie vrine after the fixt day, and caufeth wo t all cn childe beating. tomake ee being drunk thirty daies together,are reported : force : which Theleaues be o f the fame 5 naturall ir ted or kneed,andofa green colour, hauing with. ina white fpungeous pith. The leaues ftand vpona middle ribbe, fet together by couples like thofeof the athe tree, but much fmaller, of a deepe greene colour. The floures growat the feed. We daretradi ileel fet in the Sun,is good to annoint the bodic thatis benummed, and growne veriecold. The diftilled water of the flutes ar e giuen tobe drunke with goodfucceffé againft the piffing : of bloud. . Af ee A fyrrup madeofthe flouresis goo d tobe drunke againft the difeafes of the lungs and {pleene vppermoft part of the branches, ftanding in a {mal tuft, far fet one fromanother, {weet in {mel, ofcolourwhite. The feed is flatand broad like thofe of Lupines,which feldome cometo tipe: neffe.. The root is tough and threddie. 2» Lobel reporteth that he faw ina garden at Bruxels, belonging toa reuerend perton called M‘'.1obn Boifot,a kinde of Gelfemine, very much that is ftopped,being drunkewith a little wine. . s itis certainely found by experi0 of Dodoneu p t Galen (or rat her F the words.o i anding hwithft i and uvulas and with throte the e of foreneff the nft goodagai is kles Honifuc ence. . st the water of c © Ne ae the fameleaues beiled,or the leaues and floures diftilled,are made diue rs gm) medicines Iealand ie for viceratic veg )cerations fe for ikewife | as elder people,and likewife chi r in in chhildren i well cankers,and fore mouthis,as differing from our Iafine,which he nourithed dings inthe ptiuie parts ofmait orwoman: if there be added.to the seco eee in an earthen pot:it grewnot aboue, faith he, to the height ofacubit , diuided into diuets branches,wherupondid grow leaueslike thofe ofthe iliwai thetthere be clenfing outwi aeideded alwaies i greater-r clenfi fore require e, ifthe i or Verdigreac re parts. ret intothefec inieéted be muft that water intothe put e Verdigreac common white Iafmine, but blacker and roun- der. The floutesto the thew were moft beauti ful, in fhapelike thofe of thecommonIafmine,but foure times bigget,aping wide open, whitg on Cuar. 329. Offa/mineor Gelfemine. 3 Iafminum album. VVhite Geffemine, : £93 thevpperfide,and ofa bright redon the vader fide. 2. Lafiminuse Canaiflorum misin Great white Gelfemine, 3 Thereis a kind hereofwith yellow floures: but fome doe deferibe for the yellow Iafmine, the fhrubbie Trefoile, called of fome Trifolium frosicans : and of others,Po/emoninm.Butthis yel - low Tafnine is onc,and that is anotherplant,differing from the kindesof Iafmine,as thall be declaKaithis proper place. The yellow lafminediffereth not from the common white Gefmine, in leattestalksnor fathion of the floures : the onely difference is,that this plant bringeth forth yel- Ow flouresand the other white. 4 Theteis likewife anotherfort that differeth not from the any tefpeé,burin the coout ofthe floure.for this plane hagh floures ofa blew colour,andformerin the others not fo, wherein confiththe difference, @ The Place. Gelfemine isfotered in garderis, and is vfed for arbors,and to cover banquetting houfes in gar- dens it groweth not wilde in England thatI can vnderftandof,though M*.Zyte be of anotheropi. ton:: thewhite Iafmine is commonin moft places of England:the reft are ftrangers,and notfeene Mthefe parts as yet. ; a L ON Wass WN q The Time. They bring forth their pleafant floures in Iuly and Auguft. ANS i The Names. Amongthe Arabians Serapiowasthe firft that named Geflemine, Zambach :it iscalled Lafini ae !foninum,andalfo Geffiminum » in Englith,laf{mine,Geflemine,and Ieffe. ; bine isin Didfiorides a compofition of oile of lafmine,which he faith is made in Perfia of the fier en ofViolets,which Violets feeme to be noneother thaathe floures ofthis Geffemine: ‘ahs 1 § Ottentimes hath reckoned faire andelegant flouresamong ft the Violets, fo thatit <. a Wi & SoNO ZH i WAYS FO : a feme ftrange that he ealleth the floures of Geffemine Violets,e{pecially feeing, thatthe ebenfelfewas vnknowne vnto him,as itis enident, Gefen; Gi The Temperature. hoe; 5 Ses ‘mine,and efpecially the floures thereof be hot inthe beginning of the fecond degtee, a8 Méteporteth out of Mefises @ The Deftription. 2 eed tot se (or MH which haue # e feth his Afmine, or Gelfemine,is of the numberofthofe plants n° rc or win clafpeth e ofitfelf or propped vp,and yet notwithftanding (aoe qT The Vertues. ‘ say A Ue which is made ofthe floures hereof,wafterh awayrawhumors, and is good againtt cold A utin thofe thar are ofa hot conftitution it caufeth head-ache, and the ovesmuch fmell maketh the nofe to bleed,as the fame Author affirmeth, It isvfed (as Diofcorides wane F fff an |