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Show THE THIRD: RBOOKE OF THE HISTORIE: OF PLANTS. (nntaining the Defcription,Place, Time, Names, Nature,and Vertues, of Trees, Shrubs,Bufhes, Fruit-bearing Plants,Rofins, Gums,Rofes, Heath, MLoffes . fome Fndian Plants, and other rare Plants not remembredin the Proeme to thefirft Booke. Aifo oMufbroms, (oral, and their Jene- rall kindes, ¢. . TheProeme. PAving finifhed the Treatife of-Herbes and Plants in gefierall, vfed for meat, mediciné,or Sey fivect {melling vfejonely fome few omittedfor want of perfed inftruétion, and alfo being ™™ hindered by the flackeneffe of the Curters or Grauers of the thofe ; which wants we intend tolupplie in this third and laf part. The Tables as well genetall as particular hall be fet forth in Seendofthis prefent Volume. Cuar. 1. Of Rofes. gG The Kindes. A)He Plant of Rofes,though it bea thrub full of prickles, yet it had been more fit and Onnenient to haueplaced itwith the moft glorious floures ofthe world,than toin- ert the fame here among bafe and thornie fhrubs: for the Rofe doth deferue the chiefeft and moft principall place among all floures whatfoeuer , beeing not onely 3, cfteemedfor his beautie,vertues,and his fragrant andodoriftrous {mell; but alfo be: _ caufe it is the honour and ornament ofour Englith Scepter, as by the coniunéion 2 <areth inthe vniting ofthofe two moft royal | houfes of Lancafter and Yorke. Which pleafant ctue the chie fet place in Crownes and garlands,as Amacrcon Thius amoft anrient Greeke Roe 2 Femricus Stephanus hath tranflated ina gallant Latineverfe)affirmes in chofe verfes of2 ~Yeginning ‘thus To iider wf F ieginunfoo. Rof2hones decufq; florum, Rofa,cura,amorg. Veris. Rof4,calitum voluptas, Rofers puer Cytheres, Caput implicat Corollis, Charitum Chorosfi equentans . |