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Show Obthe Witoriciok Plane. 1064 U1 B.2, towilde Hemlocke, but muchthicker, fatter, and oileous, very finely cut or lagged almog li _ thofeofthe fmalleft Vifraga, or Spanith Tooth-pickes: the floures fland at the top of the Qalhes ‘in {mall whitith tufts : the {eed followeth, blackith, of the bignefle of Anife feed and oa < id bats fauour: the rootis thickeand long, within the water, very foft and tender, with very many fri = "965 faftned thereto, oe oe gy The Place; 23, 1 This growes amongftones and rubbith,by the walls of cities and towns almoft every where The other growethin the midft ofwater ditches and ftanding pooles _ bf England : it growethvery plentifully in the ditches by a caufey, and ponds, inmoft laces as you gee from Reda > Detford neere London,and in many otherplaces, : @ The Time. sores Of the Hiftorie.of Plants, Lip: 2 furrowe 4, ofa yellowith greene colour : the leaues fhootforth ofthe ioynts and b rancheslikes They floure and flourifh in Iuly and Augutt. ens eet 6a i ae | The Names, This is Petrofelni vitinm of Tragus;and Dauci inntilisgenus Of Gefner : Thalinscalls it 4. ~ pits cicutarium + Lobel, Cicutariafatua :Tabernamontanus, fitly make Englith, and callit Dogs-parfley. Petrofelinum caninum ; which namewe may ; ; 2 This is Ligufticum(il.e> FeniculumSyl. ofTragus : Cicutaria paluftris of Lobel and others: Dewoneus thinkes it Plinies Phelandrion ; and Cafalpinus iuidges it his Stlaus. $ ° ] The Temperature'and Vertues, _ Their temperature andfaculties are anfiverable to the common Hemlock e, which haue no ve vin phyficke, as we hauefaid. t The figure formerly in she firft place was of Myrrbis ; the defcription I thinke was intended yet not throughly asrecing with this I here gine youmherehoit Thauea liccle altered ic. G The Defcription. t Arth-nutor Kipper-nut, called’ after Lobelinus, Nucula terrefiris, hath {mall euen crefted alkes a falkesa g reon do g groun foot or fomewhat more high : whereon do grownext the ground leaues like growhigher thofefe of arfley, Pariley, and al thofe that A doe GOC Sher like ynto thofe ofe | of Dill. il ; the white flouresdoe ftand on the top of the ftalkes in {pokte rundles,like the tops of Dillwhich turne into {mallfeed, 5) growing together by couples, ofa ‘i very goodfmell, not vnlike to thofe of Fennell,but ar 2 é ‘ ‘ead fhaller':the root is round, knobbed,with certaine eminences or bunchings out ; browne without,white within, ofa firme and follid fubftance, andof atafte like the Chefle-nut or Chef nut,whereof it tooke his name. f ; There is alfo another Eatth-nut that hath ftalkes a foot high, whereon doe grow iagged leaveslike thofe of Engl fh Saxifrage, of a bright greene colour : the floures growat the topof thebranthes, in fall {pokie tufts confifting oflittle white floures : therootis likethe other,bulbois fathion, with fome fewfirings hanging at the bottome, ofa good and pleafanttafte. + This differs fom the former, in-that the leaties are larger and grecner: therootalfo isnot fo far within theground, and it al{o fends forth fomeleaues fromthe bulbeit felfe ; whereas our common kind hath only the end ofafmall root that carties the ftem and leaues vponit, faftned vatoit as youfee itexpteftin the former figure, + he Place. Pl, @] The r ) = . - ' . Thefeherbes do growin paftures and corne fields almott cuery where : there is afield adioining toHigh-gate,on the right fide of the middle of the village, couered ouer with the fame, and like- wikin the next field vnto the conduit heads by Maribone,neere theway that leadeth to PaddingtibyLondon, and in divers other places. $ I haue not yet obferued the fecond to grow wilde @] The Time. Crap, 431. They flourein Tune and Iufy : the feed commeth to perfection afterward. OfEarth-nut, Earth Cheft-nut, or ipper-nut. 71 Bulbocaftanon minus, 2 Bulbocaftanon mains, Small Earth-nut. Great Earth-nut. @ The Names. Alexander Trallianus hath made mention OfBéesisaor, Lib. 7. reckoning it vpamong’ thofe kinds otmeate or firftenances which be goodfor fuch as haue rotten lungs: of fomeitis called AgriocaCointerins thought the wotd was corrupted,and that Balanocaftanon fhould be read : but this is as itange a word as Bolboca/Panon, which wasderiued of the forme of abulbe,and the taft ofa Cheft-. Dut sof fome, Nuculaterre/tris, orthe little-Earth-nut : it is thought to be Buninm Diofeoridis of butwethinke not {o: of D'. Turner; Apios set thereis another Apios, being a kinde of Ti le: ofMatthiolus, 0 evanthe, making it a kinde of Filipendula: in high-Dutch, Cevdauls ¢in %-Dutch, s Certnoters sthepeople of Sauoy call it Faverottes: in Englifa, Earth-nuts, Kippeté : "S,and Earth Che(t-nuts. he Teniperature. Theroots 6f Earth-nuts.are moderately hot and dry,andalfo binding : but the feed is both het Tand drier, a a The Vertnes. Een ¢ = feed Openeth and prouokethvrine, and fo doththe root likewife. » 1000s goad for thafeithat {pit andpiffe bloud, ifthe root be eaten raw,orrofted in the emThe Dutch doe vfe tocate them boyledandbuttered,as we doe Parfeneps and Carrots, 110 eatenpeople comfort the tc ymacke and yeeld nourifhmentthat is good for the bladder aid kid- Cuar.a32. Of(umin. q@ The Defcription, Sen ah z satden Cumin isa lowot bafe herbe of a floot high : the ftalke diuideth it felfe into diranches,whereon doe grow little iagged leaues very finely cut into fmall ee ae of Fennell, but more finely cut, horter andleffer : the fpoky tufts growat the top oO pe bes andftalkes, of aredor purplith colour : after which come the feed, ofa pe - rane S#nda biting tafte: the rootis flender,whichperifheth when it hath ripened his feed, Vuuu 3 4 The |