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Show —— 560 Ofthe Hiftorie of Plants. $5 Linum(jl catharticum. $6 Linumfl. laifolinm cl The third broad leaued Wilde flay, Mil-mountaine. Lin.2. Lis.2. Of theHiftory of Plants. "561 Ihaue found the like ora more purging facultie attributed to this herbe,as I thinke(for I cannot referre it toany other) where hee would haue it to be Helleborine of the Antients : I thinké it not amiffe here to fet downe his words, becaufe the booke is not commonly to be had, being fet forth Ann155 5. Ante anos 15 aut circiter cum Anglus quidam, ex Italra vediensme falutaret ( Turnerus # fuerit, vir excellentis nmin re metica tim alys plerifque difciplinis dottrina, aut alius Gui lpram vixfates memini )inter alias rariovamflirpium tcones quas depincendas commodabat, Eleborinem quoque oftendebat pittamjerbulam frutico{am, pluribus ab-unaradice canliculis quinquefere digitorumproccritabe erectis, fox Liolsperexiguis, binis per intervalla (ciufimodi ut ex alpettu genus quoddam Alfing exiguum viderttur) Caf culis in fummo exiguis, rotundistanquam linis Hane ajebat crefcerein pratas ficcis, vel clivss Montium ; inutili radice, fubamara', purgare virinque cy ix Anglia vulgo vfurpari a reftzcis, Thus much for Gefner. 6 Glufins among ft other wilde Lines or Flaxes hath fet forth this,which from a liuing, thicke, writhen toot, fendeth vp many ftalkes almoft cubite high; fomewhat red and ftitfe,{er with prettie large and thicke leaues not rough and hairie, but f{mooth and hard ; thefloures growplent iful ly on the topsof the ftalkes, being large,and compofedoffitie leaues of a faire yellowcolour,jvick fiue threds comming forth of their middles, withas many fmallet and fhorter haires. The fed is containedin flatter heads than thofe of the firft deferibed, containing a blacke, but not thining feed. It floures in June and Luly, and ripensthe feed in Auguft. It growes naturally vpondiver s hils in Germany. 7 Matthiolusand Dodonews haue vnder the name of Linum fylueftre , and Lobel by the name of Linum marinum luteum Narbonen{e,{er forth another yellow flouted wilde faxe. This growes with flenderftalkes fome cubite high, fet with leaues like thofe offlaxe, but fomewhatleffer, and fewer in number; at the tops ofthe ftalkes grow floures fmaller than thofe of the common Line. yellow ofcolour.It growes naturally vpon the coafts of France thatlie towards the Mediterranand ean fea,but not in England that I haue heard of, + q The Place. j They grow generally in grauclly grounds. The firft groweth in well mannured places,as in gar- densand fuchlike foiles. The fecond groweth by the fea fide. The third and fourth growvpon tockes andcliffes neere to the fea fide.T haue feene them grow vpon the (ea bankes by Lee in Ef + 7 Linum marinum Luteum, Yellow floured VVilde flax. Sarg in many places ofthe Ifleof Shepey. They grow alfo betweene oufe, Icame to knowthis herbeby themm of Mil-mountaine, and his vertue bys meanes, On the fecond of Oobet 1617+ going by M'. Colfons fhopan Apothenty of VVinchefter in Hamphhire, | Oe herbe lying on his tall, which I had! a growing long before :1 defired of him know the nameofit,he told me that a : called Mill-mountain,andhe alfo on that beeing at Do@ourLake hishou ie Saint Croffe a mile from VVinchelien ing a man ofhis haue this beatae hand, he defired the name;hee tol hich A before, and alfo the vie ofit, WH this, i ‘0 the Take a handfull of Mill mountaité, i whole plant,leaues, feedes, floures . . bruife it and put itina {mall nd kin ofa pintefilled with white ve fet in on the embers to infufe all aig drinke that wine in the morning ‘oe and hee faid it would giue eight vat ftooles. This Doéour Lake wasaftemr made Bifhop of Bath and vvells, xe afte waies vfed this hearbefor his purses Iuly the faid none man aflirmee,* 0.1619.lohn Goodyer. af : ee Boe as pet conde tryall hereofnd fince inGefn, de Lumarys pag 3 4dhane Quinborow and Sherland # Thauenotfeene any of thefe growing wilde, but onely the fifth of:my defcription, £ @|The Time, They floure from May tothe middeft ofAugaft. . @ The Names. Their namesare fufficiently expreft intheir feuerall titles, | TheNature and Vertues, Thefaculties ofthefe kindes of Wilde-flax are referred vnto the manured flax,butthey are feldome vied either in Phyficke or chirurgerie, a a racerhopes Cuar, 168, Of Blacke Saltwoort. G The Defiriiption. ]Noldtime,faythe Aurhours of the Aduerfaria, this plant was vfed for neat, and receiued a2 mong the Legumina.It was called Glanx,by reafon blewifh gray colour,called in Latine,Glaucus color,fuch of the colour of the leaues, which are of 4 as is led Galax or Glax : and Engalatton, quafi lactea or lactifica, in the Sallow leafe : ofothersit is calbecaufe it is good to increafe milke in the brefts of women, ifit be much vfed.& wellivs and others haue fet downe Galega, Securidica, Polygala, and manyotherplants for the true G/aux,which hath bred a confufion. The true Glaux ofDiofcorides hath manyfmal] branches,fome creeping on the ground, and fome ftandine vpright,tender,and {mal Lbefet with many little fat leaues like Tribylys terrefirisor Herniari agrowing along the ftalks 7 couples ; betweenewhom grow{mal Ipurple floures; which being paft,therefucceed certaine jhe a e a The root isvery {mall and threddy,and taking hold ofthe vpper tace > th run abroad,by which meanes it doth mightily increafe. Aaa 3 | @ the |