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Show Ofthe Ehiftoryof Plants. Lis. 2 Ofthe Hiftory of Plants. 12.03 aniaeae 2) Oxys lutea. Yellow wood Sorrell. 1 Hepaticumtrifolinm, Noble Liuerwort. \ 3 ‘ This pee three leaued Liuerwortdiffereth not from the former, fauing that this brings forch double blew floures tending to purple,and the others notfo. i There is another in my garden with white floures,whichin falks and euery otherrefpet is like the othets. 2 Hepaticatrifoliarubra, ; Noble red Liuerwort; 3 ofa yellow colour,and yeeld for their feed veffels fmall and long horned cods ; in other refpeds alike. G The Place. : Thefe plants growin woods and vnder buthes, in fandie and thadowieplacesin euery counttit, $ Thaue notas yet found any of the yellow growing with vs. + q] The Time. Theyfloure from the beginning of Aprill vnto the end ofMayand midft of Iure. @ The Names, : 5 Wood Sorrell or Cuckow Sorrell is called in Latine Trifalium acetofum : the Apothecatiesand Herbarifts call it <Weluya, and Panis Cuculi,or Cuckowes meate, becaufe either the Cuckow fees deth thereon,orby reafon whenit fpringeth forth and floureth the Cuckow fingeth moftat which timealfo Alelnya was wont tobe fang in Churches.Hieronymus Fracajforins nameth it Lajula.dlexander Benediéfus faiththat it is called W4lsmonia : in high-Dutch , Syaurellees in Low-Dutch, 3 Hepatica multiflora Lobel; waiesfides: in Italy likewife, and that mor onely with the blew floures,but the fame with double floures alfo, by the teport of Alphon[us Pancius D'. of Phyficke in the Vniuerfity of Ferrara,a nian excellently well feen in the knowledge of Simples. They do all grow likewife leafed, it is goodfora feeble ftomacke, andis alfo eaten of thofe that are burften. But Galenin his fourth booke of Simples faith, that Oxys is the fame which Oxaliés or Sorrell is sand oxys is foun in Pliny tobe allo Iuuci (pecies, ora kinde ofRuth. @ The Nature. Thefe herbesare cold and dry like Sorrell. vnderneath : amongwhichrife long ;on the ends whereofftands one fmalfingle blew floure, confifting of fix little at *olout in the middle a few white chiues : the feed is inclofed in little round knaps, of a a numbet which beingripe do ftart forth of themfelues: the rootis lender, compofed ofan wip ofblacke firings, ; i greof a 2 The fecondis like vnto the precedentin leaues,roots, and feeds : the floures her fhining red colour, wherein con{ifteth the difference, 3 Tbs SS of Baptifta Sardus, Herba Trinitatis : in SSS ches graffe greene colour on the vppet the three leaued graffe,ofa perfe@ vp diuers fmall tender foot-ftalkes . C . in Ww @ The Defcription. d,refembling Obie Liuerwort hath manyleaues {pred vpon the ground,three comer<s re gryilh == =\ = / Ofnoble Liner-wort, orgoldenTrofeile. @ The Time. They floure in March and April,and perfe& théirfeed in May, Gq The Names, Noble Liuerwort is called H-psticd frifolta, Hepatica aurea,Trifolium axrewm: Ei ee tty leth mightily an hot peftilentiall feuer, efpecially being made ina fyrrup with fuger. nes Cuar. 504. gardens, ¢ a SS= : floures , which as yet is a ftranger in Englaad : ¢ itis now plentifulin many = SSS B in my garden, except that with double ' q The Vertues, Sorteil du Bois or wood Sorréll ftamped and vfed for greene fauce, is good for them that have ficke andfeeble ftomackes; for it ftrengthneth the ftomacke, procurethappetite, and ofall Sorrel Itisaremedicagainft putrified and ftinking vlcers of the mouth,it quencheth thirft, an : Thefe pretty floures are found in It is thought to be that which Plimy, lib.27, cap.t2, calleth Oxys , writing thus : Oxys 1S three fauces is the beft, not onelyin vertue, but alfo in the pleafantneffe ofhis tafte. ree iol places of Germanie in thadowie woods among(hrubs,and alfo by high- Coeckcoecrbzoot s in French, Pain de Cocu : in Englifh, wood Sorrel,wood Sower,Sowet Trefoile, Stubwort, Alleluia, and Sorrell du Bois. ; A } hble Liuerwort with double fleece; hizh-Datch, yel Weber kraut: in lov-Dutch , €yel teure eriije + in French, Hepatique ‘in Eazlith, Golden Trefoile, three leaued Liuerwort,nodle Liuerwort, and herbe Trinitic. The Temperature. Thefehetbes arecold and drie, with an aftringene or binding qualitie. & Th |