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Show Of ‘the Hit torie of Plants. Li Bs I. Of the Hiftorie of Plants. ba @ The Defcription. netio) ealled Laétens Circulus, or the milky way, or otherwife in Englith Watling ftreet. Saint Bafill in : the explication ofthe 44. Pfalme faith, That no floure fo liuelyfets forth the frailty in ieatch Milisns oftmanslife astheLilly. It is called inhigh Dutch, upztfs Gilgen; in low Dutch, noite He white Lillie hath long,{mooth, and full bodied leaues, ofa grafic or ight greene with colour. The ftalkes be two cubits high, and fometimes more, fet or saa Giglio : in Spanith, Lirio blanco : in French, Lys blanc : in Englith, the white Lilly The otheris called Lilium» album Bix emtinum, an alfo Martacon album BiXantir thewhiteLilly of Conftantinople: of the 1 utkes themfelues , Sultan Zambach with this addition, the like leaues, but growing {mallerandfmaller toward the tops _ vpon t nee, stowfaire white floures ftrong of{mell, narrow tow ard the foot of the ftalke whereon t icy. doe grow, wide or open inthe mouthlikea bell. In the middle part of them doe BK Ww Lee of (that they mightbe the better knowne which kinde of Lilly they meant when they féne r00r8 0 pointals tipped witha dufty yellow colour, ribbed or chamfered.on the backe fide, S eh fix fmall leaues thicke and fat. The rootis a bulbe madeof fealy cloues,full of tough and clam: mie iuyce, wherewith thewhole plant doth greatly abound. fat leaues ] ike the former, but nar» ‘Thewhite Lilly of Conftantinople hathverylarge and and garnifhedwithleaues rowerand leffer. The ftalke rifethvp to the height of three cubits, fet and degenerate from es dothalter oftentim {talke alfo like the precedent, but muchlefle.. Which his naturall roundneffe toa flat forme, as it were a lath ofwood furrowedor chanelled alongft the fame,as it were tibs or welts. ‘Thefloures growat thetoplike theformer, fauing that the leaues do turne themfelues more backwardlike the Turkes cap,and beareth manymorefloures thanour theminto thefe countries) Fa fioragrands Bianchi fo that Sultan Zambach fafioragrand: Bianchi, is as muchtofayas, Sultans great Lilly with whitefloures. «| The Nature. dthe root,itis deo the white Lilly is hot, and partly ofa {ubtill fabftance. Butif youregar fecond, the in the firft degree,andhot | The Vertues. The'root of the gardenLilly ftampedwith honey gleweth together finewes that be cut in funder. Irconfumethorfcoureth away the vicers of the head called Achores, and likewifeall feur- : Englith white Lilly doth, . uineffe ofthe beard andface. 2 Liliumalbum BiXantinum. Thewhite Lilly of Conftantinople, 1 Lilium album The white Lilly, } 1 ii) — i | Ty vol rH LT SY aS dese a i V7 D) all Way’ Hy CW IN The Rootftamped with Vineger,the leaues of Henbane, or the meale of Barley, cureth the tumours and apoftumes ofthe priuy members. It bringeth the haire againe vpon places which haue beene burned or {calded, ifit be mingledwith oyle or greafe, andthe placeanointed therewith. The famerootroftedin the embers,andftampedwith fome feauen of Rie bread and Hogges greafe, breakethpeftilentiall botches. Itripencth Apoftumesinthe flankes, comming ofvenery and fuchlike. The floures fteepedin OyleOliue, andfhifted two or three times during Sommer, and fet in yy the Sunneina ftrongglaffe, is good to foften the hardneffe of finewes, and the hardneffe of the matrix. EN SSL AWN On ' 191 Florentinus awriter ofhusbandry faith, Thatifthe rootbe curioufly opened,and therein be put £ ; : ; fome red,blew,or yellow colour that hath no caufticke or burning qualitie,it will caufe the floure tobe ofthe fame colour. Iulius Alexandrinus the Emperors Phyfitianfaith, That thewaterthereofdiftilled and drunke caufeth eafie and fpeedy delincrance, and expelleth the fecondineorafter-bur imolt fpeedy manner, ‘ He alfo faith, the leaues boyled inred Wine, and appliedto old wounds or vicets , doe much G good, and forwardthe cure, according to the doétrine of Gales in his feuenth booke dé, pl. med, facultat. The root ofa white Lilly ftampedandftrained with wine, and giuen to drinke fortwoor three... dayes together, expelleth the poyfon ofthe peftilence, and caufeth it to breake forthin blifters H inthe outward part ofthe skinne,accordingto the experience ofa Jearned Gentleman M Wiliam Godorus, Sergeant Surgeon to the Queenes Maieftie: who alfo hath cured manyof the Dropfey with the iuyce thereof, tempered with Barley meale,andbaked incakes, and fo eaten ordinarily for fome monethorfix weekes together with meate, but nootherbread during that time. C Har. 103, Of Red Lilies. @ The Kindes. Herebelikewife fundryforts of Lillies,which wedo comprehend vnder one generall name 0 : - » s & The Place. _ Our Englith white Lilly groweth in moft gardens of E in Conftantinople andthe parts adiacent, from whence w ngland. The other srowethnaturally where they flourithas in their owne countrey. e¢ had plants for our Englifh gardens, in Englith, Red Lillies, whereof {omeare ofour owne countries growing,and others ofbe- yondthefeas, the whichfhall be diftinguifhedfeuerally in this chapterthat followeth. :a The Defeription. : The Lillies f @ The Time, ¢ Lillies floure from May y tothe end of Iun cy I The Names. ; “The Lillie; dinsdeee * Px a Greeke io: in Latine; Zilinm,and alfo Rofa Iunonis; oy Inno’s Rofe, be- Mien wporred tf camevp ofher milke thatfell vpon the ground. For the Poets feione, That after ye i a ede ies Alcumena,was put .to Iune’s the . ing gee away aboundance of milke. a as aeeeesere oe : @ aie a: flick there fellhadby away a 1 tl Ne the other onthe earth; and that of thi »an¢ that One part wasfpilt in the heauens, a2 ‘ % atokthis {prang the Lilly,andof the other the circle in the heattens1 callea : ; ey . ve toe He gold-red LillyJoys growethto the height of two, and fometimes three. cubits, and of 52 OT toys a ec ‘ ten higher than thofe ofthe commonwhite Liily. The leaues be blacker and narrower, fet very thicke aboutthe ftalke. Thefloures inthe top bemany, from ten to thirty floures, according to the age ofthe plant,andfertilitie of the foile, like in forme andgrear- neffe to thofe of thewhite Lilly, but ofa redcolour tending to a Saftron,{prinkled or poudred rt . sen oftertaineletters. ¥ : % rs with manylittle blacke {pecks,as like to rudevnperfea draughts The> roots be P 2 Lilly. sreat tally bulbes, confifting ofmanycloues, as thofe of the white |