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Show Ofthe Hiftory of Plants. Carduus Maria. : Ladies Thiftles Lith,Teva Of theHiftory of Plants: : : oe green and {peck led,with white and milk {pets Re £2 Carcites lolita acu and lines dtdwne diners Wwaies: the flalk ishioh LROAE crantokfinger ; the floures Bb andas big as amans oro, c n forth ofheads full of prickles, being tliteds ofa purple colout': the {eed is wrapped indowne like that of Cotton Thiftle ; the root islone Ms thicke, and white, Prickly headed Giobe- Lhittle: ; ae ahs TH yi @ The Place, Tt groweth vponwafte and common places by high waies,and by dung-hils almofteueti where. G The Time,” It floureth and feedeth when Cotton Thiftle doth. G The Nama, Itis called in Latine, Carduns Letitut, and Carduus Marie;inhigh Dutch,Dufertironiorn Zifell : in French, Chardon de noflre dime :in Englith,our Ladies Thiftle: it may propetlybe called Lencographus,of the white {pots and lines that are on the leaues : Pliny in his 27. books, chap.11.maketh mentionofan herbcalled Lacographis but what maner ofoneitis hehathuo exprefled; therefore it would behardtoaffirm this to be the fame that his Léucagraphi is; and this is thought to bee Spina alba, calledin Greeke “xa6a wwor white Thiltle, Milk Thiftl, A and Carduus Ramptarius : of the Atabians, Bedard,or Bedeguar,as Matthaus Syluaticus teftifieth, G The Temperatureand Vertes. The tender leaves of Carduns Leucographas, the prickles taken off, are fometimes vied tobee - (ae eaten withother herbes. Galenwriteth,that the roots of Spina albado drieand moderately binde,that therefore sit : goo! #3 Curduus¢lobofius minor ; +, Small Globe-Thiftles | : t 5 ‘ Cardaus globo[us capitulo Latioré; _ Flatheaded Globe-Thiftle, for thofe that be troubled withthe lask and the bloudy flix, that it ftaieth bleedings,waftet nae] B_ C cold fwellings,eafeth the paine ofthe teethifthey bee wafhed with the decostion eect i Thefeed thereofis ofa thin effence and hot facultic, therefore ‘he faith that itis good for thote ew Alisay ; that be troubled with cramps. Diofcorides affirmeth that the feeds being drunke are a remedie for infants that i cage drawne together, and for thofe that be bitten offerpents ; and thatit is thought todsue away pents,if it be but hanged about the necke. Cuar. 478. Ofthe Globe Thiftle. ©] The Defcription, 3 t : ceply g Lobe Thiftle hath a very long ftalke,and Ieaues iagged,great;long,and aren oedowny I »gathed, {trongoffmell,{omewhat greene on the vpper fide,and onthenetherfide w eof the! the floures growforth ofa round headlikea globe,which ftandeth on the as “sofa theyare white and {mall, with blew threds inthe midft: the-feed is long, with haireso length : the rooristhicke and branched, . “Les with rou 2 There isanother Globe Thiftle that hathlefler leaues, but more fu prickles. heads alfo: but there growcthout of them befides the floures,certaine Jongie and 14 : (fera0 pee ie : : : puchlefles There is likewife another kindé tefembling thefirft in forme and figure,butm the flonres thereof rend more to ablew Q t ser 3 fr ricKies prickles2 Y 4 Where is al{o another Globe Thiftle, whichis the Jeaft,and hath the.fharpe! P the scft : the head is {malJ,the floures whereofare white,like to thofe of the frit. (That . is to fay,fay, flatter ; . and y i is be si There is tatter an a certaine other kinde hereof, yet the head is not forOund,that fhe Welgad free: ach te ie whi Staboue floures inidcus; out : theftalke etre of which {pring blew ee aha ated 4 in eueryyccorner . po 4 withs 4thin downe st soba # the leaues are long, mS! ga(hed likewife on both fides, ; th fharpe prickles, Bo Phere |