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Show ~ Of theHiftorieof Plants. q ~ , The Fe tues. Byery oe by fome honeft Apothe. ne Theini h ce mixed nixed w with 1onie,c honie, . caufet aufethh haire haire to to falli from f that at place pl which ichisa i is ano; 7i if itbe done in the Sun. ee ia eg The iniceor . milke Ike isis g so od to ftop top ho hollow low teer >i teeth, being i put into i ,fo that youtouch them warily = the gums,nor anyof the otherteeth in the mouth with the {aid medicine he re roy) ge Teofrh e rue rrellsaptine fie of the skin, mangineff,le prie,fcurfe,and running fcabs,andthe whitefeurfe of the head. Ittaketh awayall manner of warts,knobs,and the hard calloufnefe off ftulaes,hot fivell echk} re j a fa . ings and Carbuncles. er ; s A cb arn peaTn ixed withanything that theywill eat. hele: herbes byy minead mi uife would ul not be receiue eiued d jinto the i. ideri r many other good and wholefomepotions to be madew ae ith etherBecoM sthaterce may bee eStaken an with ry ~ Of the Hiltory; of Pl ———— ae he tuice of Tithymale,l do not meane fea Tithymale.is a {trong medicine to open thebelf; ‘Anoirx nis sat thBete vp rhs tough flegme . andcho leric ke humou> rs. Like vertue isi f i : ch 1s g00dfor fuch as fall into the dropfie,t > mi i ic and good fallinprepare droptie, being miniftred withdifcre ichas on,and go ntt aPhyfiti vice ofof {ifomeex¢ellen tionoe aa acduice Phyfitio n,and prepared withhi yithhiss Corre Corre& ori s y @orie Ape é: A 1. Thek the feventh TragiGivever figure formerly ofTithymales myrfinites 3.ancultifilis the +Efile sberntuben exigea wholewas hilorie th fev aoe ee of Tabemamontanws:'The 8-and awere bothofekthe fame plant:the x2.was chefgutel 507 and ynbridled facultie of purging, which many timesdoth caule Dy/ derate-fluxes;cfpecially when one not skilful inthe Wife thhereof fhall! ac leanes,mixed with afy liquor. ‘This’ plant grower geth forth many fmal,rough,andpliant twigs, fet al : many Jeaues of agliftering filuer colour,sfowing front el like 4/ypumbefore mentioned :and ypon thefe toughand thickb ike anny ‘ lie dt estifmaymemory fat vaKeP colour: tie (eed is 'GFa do grow fmal] Houres, firft white,afterwatd ofa pale yello ruc fome Of his itibred hh 24¢/a nd hard and wooddy, notvery hot in the mouth, leauing vponthe tale, fomewhat refembling common Turbith,and altogether without milke: 3 @ The Place. Thele plants do grow vpon the mountains ih France,and othetiplaces in the grauelly grounds, and areas yetftrangers in England. a The Time, They flourifhin Auguftand September. $ The'firt’ Cly/izs found flouting in Givers patts of Spaine,in Februarie and March; andI conie@ure the other floures about the'fametime, yer ean finde nothing {aid thereofin fuch as hauedeliuered the hiftorie’of ity} GT The Names: There arenot any other names appropriate to thefe plants more thar are'fet forth in the titles; + The fir ofthefe is the Alypum montis Ceti, 8 Herba terribilis of Lobel, Cluf-calls it Hippogloffum Valeotinum,& in Hift. Lugd.it is named Alypum Pene,Se Empetrnws Phacoides. The fecond is thé Tar- tonraire Galloprouincie Ma([ilicnfinm,in the Adder[arias Stfamordes mains multorum ofDatee.& the Sef. moides maius Scalegeri ofTabera.by whichtitle our Atithor alfo gauéhis figurejinthe 397. pag. of Cuar. 140. Of Herbe Terrible. 1 Alypummontis Ceti. Herbe Terrible, 2 Tarton-Raire Gallo-Proniniit, Gutwoort. the former Edition. = @] The Temperature and Vertes, There is nothing either of their nature or Vértues,mOre thanis fet forth in the Defcriptions. ¢ _Both.t haute a ftrong purging facultylikeas the Tithymales;ibucthe latter is far more powerfull, anc »sneete tothe qualitie of CeXereon,wherefore the vieofit is dangerous, by reafon of theviolence and great heatthereof. + Cua r. 141. OfHerbe eAloe,or Sea Houfleeke. } 1 Aleevulearis, five Semperviuum marinum, 0 CommonAles or Sea-Houflecke, |. The Defcription. ” Erbe Terrible is 4 final fhrub two orthree cuby® high, branchedwitht ny {mall twigges,hauing a thin nin firft browne, then purple, with mat) little and thinne leaues like My colour. The root is two & : The floures are roughlike the mis? of Scabious floures, ofa blew purpe colour, and ofa wooddiefubftanc¢ plait ery bitterand pfawvicnicn | browneof like Chamelea,yea fomewhat ftronger. 2 “‘Tartonraire called ted tafte ftranger tl mother “ittongue abi Gutwooft, groweth is bythe and is Catha abu ang withvs.*- In “nthe of the Mafiilians,it calledfea, Tartonraire,ofthat 2 Aloefolio nincronato. Prickly herbe Aloe,or Sea Houfleéke; |