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Show Of the Hiftoryof Plants. 544 By Be de @ The Place. Tutfan groweth inwoods and by hedges, efpecially in Hampfted wood, where the Goldentod dothgrow ; ia awood byRailie in Effex, ea places. It flourethin Iuly and Auguft : the feed inthe meane time waxeth ripe. The leaues becomered in Autumne, atthat timeis very eafily prefled forth his winie iuyce. | The Names, they ft ’ Lis. 2. Ofthe Hiftory of Plants. which Dioftorides lib. 3. cap. 174.hathfet forth by the name of Coris 3 and prefently deferibes.afte r the kindes ofAypericon, and that with thefe words 5 i sty a2 vara antn. SOme allo call. this Aypericon ;to which Matthzolys and others hauefitted a plant, whichis indeed a kinde of Hypericon,as yOu mayperceiue by the figure and defcription whichI give youinthe firft place, Some (as Hefychius)rcterreit to Chamapytis,(andiitideed by Diofcorides it is placed betweene Androfamon and Chamapyté) and tothis that whichis deferibed by Pena and Lobel inthe Aduerf, and by Glufies in his Hiftorie, may fitly be referred: this I giue youin the feeondplace, Tt is called in Greeke eiteronsuey : and the Latinés alfo Androfemon : itis likewife called Dionyfia, as Galen witneffeth. ‘Theyare farre fromthe truththat take it to be Clymenum,andit is needlelleta finde fault with their error. [tis alfo called Siciliana,and Herba Siciliana: in Englifh, Tutfanjand Parke-leaues: The faculties are fuch as S. Peters wort, which dothfufficiently declare it to be hot and dry, @ The Vertues, The feed hereof beaten to pouder,and drunke to theweight of two drams, doth purge ~ ricke excrements,as Diofcorides writeth; andis a fingular remediefor the Sciatica, prouided that the Patient ient do do drinke water for a day yor twoafter purging, g Wir Theberbe cureth burnings, and applied vpon new woundsit ftancheth the bloud, hem. Cc : “The leaues laid vpon brokenifhinsand {cabbed legs healeth them, and many other hurts and *griefes, whereof it tookehis name Tout-faine, or Tutfane,ofhealingall things. + Cuar.161, Of BaflardS. Fobnswort. $ 1 Corts Matthioli. Matthiolus his baftard S. lohns wort, I Hefirft hath a wooddy thicke andlonglafting root,which fendeth vp many branches fone Feeorinare high, anditis fet at certaine {paces with roundl eaués like thofe of q. The Temperature B gq The Defiription, $2 Coris cerulea Monjpeliaca. the fmall Glafle-wort or Sea-Spurry,but,fhorter: the tops ofthe ftalkes are diuidedj to fundrie branches, which carry floures like thofe of S.lohns wort, ofawhitith red colour, with ds in their middles hauinglittle yellow pendants. It growes inItaly and other hot countries, in places not far fromthe fea fide. This is thought tobe the true Gorss, by Matthiolus, Géfuer, Lontwcerus, Lag una, Behus, Pona, and others. 2 This froma thicke rootred onthe outfide fendethvp fundry ftalkes, fome but an handfull; other fomea footor morelong, {tiffe, round, purplith, fet thicke withleaue slike thofe ot Heath, but thicker, more fucculent and bitter, which fo netimes groworderly, and otherwhiles ouroforder. The {pikes or heads grow onthe tops of the branches, confi fting ofa number offirtle cups, : diuidedintofide fharpe points, and marked witha blacke {por in each diuifion : out of thefe cups comesa floure of a blew purple colour, ofa mott elegant and not fading colour ; andit is compofed of foure little bifide leaues, whereof the two vppermoftare thelarger: the feed,which is round and blackifh, is contained in feed-veffels hauing points fomewhat tharpe or prickly. It donres in Aprilland May,and is tobe found growing in manyplaces of Spaine, asalfoabout Mo npelier in France , whence Pewa and Lobel called it Coris Monjpelraca; and ClufinsCo ri quorundamGallorum oe Hip anorum, 7 Frenchbaftard $.Iohnswott, | The Temperature. Thefe Plants feemeto be hotin the fecondor third degtee, G The Vertues. Diefcorides faith, That the feed of Corts diunke moue the courfes and vrine, dre good againft A the biting ofthe Spider Phalanginm, the Sciatica, and drunke in Wine, againft that kinde of Convulfion which the Greekes call Opifthotonos, (which is when the body is drawnebackwards) . alfo appinit the coldfits in Agues, Itis alfo good anointed with oyle,againft the aforefaid ~-Onvuliton, + Cuap, 162. Of thegreat Centorie. @ Zhe Defiription, He great Centory bringeth forth round {mooth ftalkes three cubits high; the leaues are long, diuidedas it were into manyparcels like tothoft of rhe Walnut tree, and , 0: ab Ouerworne grayifh colour, fomewhatfnipt about the edgeslike the teeth of a € Houres growat the topof the ftalks in {caly knaps like the great Knapweed,the middle > whetcof are ofa light blew or sky colour <when the feedis ripe the whole knap or head. ‘eth into a downy fubftance like the head of an ‘Articho 1, Deatcedat oneendlike thofe of Baftard Saffron, called e, wherein is found along fmooth Cartamus, or the feed ofCardas Beneis great, long, blacke on the outfide, and ofa fanguine colouron theinfide,fomes 1¢ tong ikewife another fort; great andlarge leaueslike thofe ofthe water Docke, The (talke is (horter thanthe other, but the root is se. The sloure is ofa pale yellow purplith colour, and Sys - ja medica hath beene fuchto finde out the Materorothe ofl times later ryBerieeen ce ofthefe Antients,that thereis fearfe any plant defcribed by them, but by fomeo .: dynto whic there haue been two or more feuerall plantsreferred thereto : and thus it hath happe® ZZ % Cén- |