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Show Of the Hiftorie of Plants, 2 Cicuta latifolia fetidlfima. hua) Broadlcafed ftinking Hemlocks. ~ OftheHiftory of Plants, Uphel? gq : The Vertues. } ie ftones of yong boyes or virItistherefore a very rafh part to lay the leaues of Hemlocke to the ; for it doth notonlyeafi- 2 sin sbrets,and by that meanes to keepe thofe parts from growing great ieamfethofe members to pine away, but alfo hurteth the heart and liuer, being outwardly appli- is one of the deadly poyfons edsthen muft it ofneceffitie hurt more being inwardly taken ; for it hich killeth by his cold qualitic,as Dio{corides writeth, faying, Hemlocke isa very euill, dange-F dieth reagyg ross, hurtull, and poyfonous herbe, infomuchthat whofocuer takethof it into his body taken] haue’ venome the before hot, naturally ts that wine fome drinke nedile(,except the party aheheat,as Pliny faith : but being drunke with wine the poy fon is with greater {peedcaries to the g heart, by reafon whereof it killeth prefently., therefore notto be applied outwardly much leffe ta-fyh } rat ken inwardly into the body. i> Thegreat Hemlocke doubtleffeis not poffeffed with any one good facultie,as appeareth by his Baw + foth(ome fmell, and other apparantfignes, and therefore not to be vied in phyficke. Lf Cee cum Amonincel l ; and water Hemlockes/ Of wilde Cuar.430. Cae ruan: buot Osse 1> 4.0 nia4 tt zy | | Athy We Meteo ; | The Defcription. arife vp 7474 ime nt which from root, white tough {mall a e hath Hemlock of kinde wilde a fae diuers ftiffe ftalkes, hollows fomewhat reddith toward the Sun, ioynted or kneed a4 waco Le i ateettainediftances : from which ioyntsfpring forth long leaues very greene, andfinely afob oor yi 9 oriaaged like the common Cheruill or Parfley: the floures ftand atthe topsoftheftalks in {mal i yn Jule fookievmbels, with lictle longith greene leaues about them: the feed followeth , like thofe off pe Hemlocke, or as they grow togetheron the topsof the ftalks they refemble Corianderfeeds, but ch Aesth Che tame mtuh'oniemn Cae ieler:thewhole plant is ofa naughty {mell. hLentar ee)ucanlay iA Cnffl 2 Cicutariapaluftrsstyom sen Wilde water Hemlocke. + 1 (icutaria tenuifolia. Thio leafed wilde Hemlocke. $3 Cicuta latifolia altera, Gyant Hemlocke. q The Place. Common Hemlocke groweth plentiiul'y about towne walls and villages in fhadowic . places, andfat foiles necreditches aA The fecond groweth vpon mountainc> Englane 5 defart places,and is a ftrangetinen. Thaue plants thereofin mygard e The Tim. Theyflourith and feed in September. 1 The Names. wins 10.LA; Homlocke is called in Greeke » gcbieling:”" Dutch, high in tine,Cécuta Seheerlinck : in Spanith,cows) Dutch, naheia: in Fyench, Cigue in Englifh,Hemio™ Homlocke, Kexe, and herbe Bennet. 2°" The fecond is called Cicuta latifalts, gorur cutaria latifolia, and Sefeli peloponuenfé 4* dam - in Englith,great Hemlockes,ane 5" Homlocke. Fig gq The Temperature. Galen faith, thar Homlocke1s extremee h degrec ofc : nefle. fae ease ne ’ WN = ] : po ilsx Dodonatts,cha and ctelted, ae : Clufius or idynts, ofknees calleth Cisntariapalufiris and empty Lobel hollowftalke,full thicke fatwhich Water Hemlock, a \pwitha : “2 gD Vuuu 2 urrowed, oe ; , “ah f ny |