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Show 598 Ofthe Hiftory of Plants. Lis. 2, Wehaue in our London gardensa kinde hereof bearing moft fine and pleafant white floures fpottedvery confufedly with reddith fpots,whichfetteth forth the beauty thereof; and hath bin takenof fome(butnot rightly) to be the plant called of the later Writers Superba Auftriacajor the Pride of Auftria. + Itis now commonly inmoft places called London-Pride,’ + ; + Weehaue likewifeof the fame kinde bringing forth moft double floures, and thefe ci. ther very white, or elfeofa deepe purple colour. Broad leaued Sweet-Williams. Ofthe Hittory of Plants; $ 5 Armeriaprolifera, Lob. Childing fweet Williams, q The Time. They flourith and bring forth their floures in Apriland May, fomewhat before the Gillofloures, and after beare their floures the ‘whole Sommer. 4. Armeriafuane rubens. Narrow leaued Sweet-Williams, 3 Armeria rubra latifolia, Lis. 2 @ The Names. The fiveet Iohn,andalfothe fweet William are bothcomprehended vnder onetitle, that is to fay,-drmeria: of fome, Superba,and Caryophyllus fylncfiris : of fome Herbarifts, 7etonica agreftisor Sylucfiris : of fome,Herba tunca: butit dothno more agree herewith than the Cloue Gillofloure doth with Ketonica altera, Ot Polemonium . in FrenchyArmoires: hereupon Kvellivs nameth them Armery Floves: in Dutch, Repkengss as though you fhould fay,.a bundell orclufter, for in theit vulgar tongue bundlesoffloures or nofegaies they call Kepkeng ; doubtleffe they are wild kindes of Gillofloures:: In Englifh the firft twoare called Sweet Lohns;and the twolait, Sweet Williams, Tolmeiners, and London Tufts. q The Temperature and VY ertues. Thefeplants are not vfed eitherin meat or medicine,but efteemedfortheir beauty to deckevp gardens,the bofomes of the beautifull,garlands and crownes forpleafure, Cu ar.185. Of(rowflowres,or Wilde Wilhiams. | The Defcription. ae: i GreatSweet-William hath round ioynted ftalkes thicke and fat, fomewhat reddit ¢ lowerioynts, a cubit high, with long broad andribbedleaueslike as thofe ofthe taine, ra a e cc aetf. The greene ar praffi T floures at the topof the ftalkes are verylike to the =a ) ed toge g ther in onee tuft or fpoky vmbel, ofa deepered colour: the root! s, many ioyn fpok : a I ; . The narrow leaued Swee“se i : . + wel t-Wi lliam groweth vpto the height of two cubits,very wel chfel ling the former, bur leffer ae and the léaues narrower : the floures are of a bright red colour, " maihy {mall (har pe de pointed pointe graffieTt ee ftanding : vpamongft them,whereinigo,efpecially eaterc leaues the difference, ; t 5 This little fruitful Pink ke e (whofe figure our Author formerly gauein the firft plats the next chapter faue one) hath a {mall whitith wooddyroot, which fendsforthlittle ftalks handfull andbetter high , Suey thinenarrowlittle leaucs *— are fet with two each ioynt ee thefeat thetop ofeach ofthefeft alkes o TeS achky *s r which €s growes afingle skinny fmooth fhining huske, out of which other Pinkes) growes nc ftill comming out as anothe but many,one floure, ear fo = that oft times our of ste e head c Sphaetesiace ; : ©. si them seheee soabde feuen,eight, or nine floures one after another,’ fade leaue behinde Sah Py . ec mH ini : a fir wi pod containing fmall blacke flattith feed. The flo red, andvery) finall,{tandine ita § With the head fomewhat far out ofthe hofeorhuske. ¢ plants arearekkeptand as weinGgardens ThePlace, pmaintained . to pleafe the eye,thaneither «her 0 tl or Thefe belly. plants f more for « fides thefe kindes of Pinkes before defcribed, there is a certaine otber kinde,cither of loflouresor elfe of the Sweete Williams, altogether and cuery w here wilde, ome hath beene inferted among ft the wilde Campions , ofothers takento ¢. NotwithftandingI am not of anyof their mindes,but doe hold it for neigenerate kinde of wilde Gillofloute. The Cuckow floure I haue comprehenof Sifim br wm: Englifhed, Ladies fmocks;which plant hath been generally ta~ vf lt hath ftalks ofa fpan orafoor high,wheruponthe leaues do ftand by couples hey are {mal! and bluntly pointed,very rough and hairy. The flouresare placed ny one tuft,finely and curioufly fnipt in the edges,tefler than thofe I! refembling the Sweet VVilliam (whereof no doubt it is a kinde) ofa floure differeth not from the male,fauing that this plant is leffer,andithe ly iagged like thefeathered Pinke,whereofit is akinde, fe Crow-floures we hauein our gardens one that doth not differ from the former of ag thar the plant of the garden hath many faire red doublefloures,and thofe of the oe . @ The Place. allabout in Medowes andpaftures,and dankith places. «, The |