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Show ~OftheHiftoryofPlants. Ji22 Lip. 2 Of the Hiftorie of Ylants. eS q The Vertues. the flaures are verylittle and white, pearking on the tops of the {prigs:thefecds.are firall, sound alittle hollowin the middeftin maner ofa nauell, {ct forthe moft part by couples; theroots flen, der and full of ftrings : the whole plant is rough, and his ruggedneffe taketh holdof Mens vettures and woollengarments as they paffe by :being drawne along the tongue it fetcheth bloud : Diofio. rides. veportsthat the fheepheards in ftead of a Cullender do vfe it totake haires Out ofmilkeif anyremainetherein. 5 [ : 2 Thegreat Goofe-graffe of Pliny is one of the Moone-worts of Lobel, ithatha very rough tender ftalke,whereuponare fet broad leaues fomewhat long, like thofe of Scerpion gratle, or Alf fon Galeni, Galens Moone-wootrt, very rough and hairy,which grow notabout the joints, bucthree Rie wsiteth,is a reme, ‘Theiuicewhich is preffed out of the feeds,talks, and Ieaucs,as for them that are bitten of the poifon fome {piders called in Latine Phalangia, andof vipers ifitbe with wine. ah theherbe ftamped with {wines greafe wafteth away thekernels by the throte, pliny teacheth that the leaues being applied doalfo ftay the aboundance ofbloudiffuing ov! ofwounds, ; ‘ : s Women do vfually make pottage of Cleuers with alittle mutton and Otem@ale,to caufe lank neflesnd keep them fromfatnefle. or foure together on one fide of the ftalke : the floures growat the top ofthe branches, of ablew colour :after which commethroughcleauing {eeds,that dofticke to mens garments which touch it: the rootis fmall andfingle. I UAparine, Cuar . 462. 2 Aparine maior Plinij- Gooie-graffe or Cleuers. Great Goofe-grafle, Of Croffe-woort. G| The Defiription, t (/YRoffe-woortis a low andbafe herbe, ofa pale greene colour,hauing many fquare feeble rough ftalksfull ofioints or knees,couered ouer with a foft downe: the leauesarelittle, fhort, & {mal, alwaies foure growing together,and ftanding croflewife one rig htagainft atotheymaking a right Burgunioncroffe: toward the top ofthe ftalke, and from the bofome of thofe leaues come forth very many fmall yellow. floures,ofa reafonable good fauour,each of which isallo fhapedlike a Burgunioncroffe: the roots are norhing elfe buta few {mall threds or fibtes, 1 Cruciatays>. $ 2 Rubia Cruciataleves. Croffe-woort Madder. mixed feluescate 28 24g The Place: oftentimes | fields,and _Goofe-graff inthefields themfeluc Goofe-g e growethneere the bordersof with the cornealfo by. common waies,ditches, hedges,and among thornes : 7)heoplirafiue > tics write, thar it groweth among Lentles, and with hard embracingit doth chokeit, and by ®* meanes is burdenfome and tronblefome vntoit. 5 < q The Time, It is found plentifully euery'where in firmmertime. : : @ The Names. Tiyy afrirmet Itis named in Greeke anepiyn : Apparine : in Latine, Lappa minor, but not properly: P77) a = itto be Lappaginis (peciem : of fome,Philanthropos,as though he fhouldfay,a mans friend, bees! Ha : taketh hold of mens garments; ofdiuers alfofor the fame caufe,Philadelphos : 10 Italian Sr in Spanith,Prefera,or amor ai Hortalano : in high Dutch akleeb kraut in French, Reble,ou GH in low Dutch,dsleefertpt s in Englith,Goofe- thare, Goofe-grafle, Cleuer,or Clauet. : ’ | The Temperature. It is,as;Gulen faith,moderately-horand diy,and fomewhatofthin-parts. ~, ; .2 This in mine opinion may be placed hereas“_ ficly any where els; forit hath the leaues atebere Croffé-waies foure ata ioint, fomewhatlike thofe of the largett Chickweed ithe ftalkes in Oundle: ae foot and ahalfeand tworcubites high.. The white Starre-fathioned floures(tand Turing, Sabout the tops ofthe ftalks.It growes plentifully in Piemont, on the hills not farre front Lobel {ets it forth by thenameof Rubia Levis Laurinenfinm. Aaaaa 2 3Be @ The aEhe Sry Croffe-woort. |