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Show ener ty Of the Hiftory sf Plants. Lis. t& Lis, 1. een ame are tobe foundwith their heads about the middle of Sommer, and fome of them Lye ft ncas This This isisththe Cyperus Eyperusgrami ¢ ; / . the Juncus latusin i the Hiffor. } Lued Ph £4 Cyperus Op rotindus inodorus fylueftr (y\luetriiss Millet Cyperus srafle d aw eer ONY Of diners other Graffes. £ 2 Gramen murorum (pica loneifimas Capon-taile Grafle. 5 Next tothis I thinke fit to place the GramenCriftatum, or Cocks-combegtaffe of Bawhinus ‘This Gaffe hathfor the root manywhite fibrous thredsthicke packt together; the leaues are but Short, about the bigneffe ofthe ordinarie medowgrafle, the ftalks are fome cubit andhalfe high, with fome twoorthree knots piece : the leaues ofthe ftalke are fome foure oF fitte inches long’: the eareis {mall, longith, ofa pale greene colour, fomewhar bending; fo that in fomefore it refembles the combe ofa Cocke,or the {eed-veffell of that plantwhichis called Gaput Gallinacenm, This is ordinarily tobe found in moft medowes about Mid-fummer. 4 I There isalfo commonly about thefame time iirour medowes to be founda Grafle grow- ing to fomecubit high, hauing afmall ftalke, atthe top whereofthere growes an eare tome inch gq The Defcription, ‘His Ote or Haney gtafle, defcribed by Clufius, hath {mall creepingroots : the ftalks are fomecubit hi i p,flender ioynted,and fet witt n {hort narrow leaues:at the top of the tz 5 iS dlender an >, 2+0ng., lon: flend Sia Ponl r er, and bendi ng, compofed of> down feedlike to y huskes containing a ked Ote. The { Sod is ripe in Iuly. It growes inth woods of Hu te mountain Auftria id Bohemia. Our Author mift aking himfelfe ous and fhadowie much inthe in the fioure. andas cure ofthiads Sue s for Burnt Barley, witl ithis title, Hordeum Diftichons the formerec VCE See 22 I cannot aANNot ¢ S at Graffe D Winchefter, and not defer Mountaine Hauer-graffe, . 5 mney av A ‘ "| [2e Temper andPertye: None of thefe é are m< V. fe of in inp e made t VYUCKE ;3 buVUT byth Dy thei {t the o 7 1 >If taite DY i ‘ aed 5 i ey at fe ne to ] be ftrir Pent qualitie + . I 7 eme to be of a cold and ot ¢ £ 1 Gra. montanum avenaceum, £ 5 Cyperus gramin; cus miliace i] us, RoundBaftard Cyperus. t Cuap, 22, Mat-weed : amongft thefe graffie leaues there growes vpa flender ftalke {Ome two foot long, {carfe ftanding vpright, but oft times hanging down the heador top of the eare : it hath fometwoioints; {mall andflender hairy tufts,which when they come t@ maturitie looke ofa grayith or whitiflveolour, and dovery well refemble a Capons taile , whence my friend, the firft obferuer thereof, gaue itthetitle of GramenAuxfusies, ot Capons-taile Grafle : by which name receiuedthe feed theredf, which fowen, tooke root, and flourithes. He alfo calls this, Cyperus pag. 988. and the Pfendocyperus polyc 4g andat eachofthefea pretty graffy leafe. The eare is almofta footin length, compofed of many @ The Names. fc thefe by Bobélis called Gramenpaluftre majus. This by Gefner, Lobel, and Dodonaws is called Pfeudocyperus, Lobe/names this, Cyperus lonens inod Ofhe Hiftory ofPlants. aS ee ey M..Goodyer vpon thewals ofthe antient city of from which arife leaues Jone eteseiag oe hy Iknow of. It hatha fibrous indus . oMd Narrow, which old become ggrowinggold be 2 roundas thofe ici teste: Of Spartumor Mat- andan halfe, or two inches long, confiftingas it were of tworankes ofcornet very mich refembles Rie bothin thape andcolour, and in his fhort beatded awnes, wherefore it mayvery fitly be tetmed Gramen [ecalinum, or Rie-grafle. Yetisit not Gramen [pica fecalinawhich Bauhine defcribes in-thefifty feuenth place, in his Prodromus,pag.18. for that ismuchtaller,and the eare much lar : ger thanthis of mydefcription. 5 In diuers places about hedges, in Iuly and Auguft is to be founda fine large tall Graie, which Bawhine (whoalfo firft defcribedit) hathvider the fiameof Gramen(pita Brixe majus. This hath ftalkes as tall as Rie, but not fo thicke, neitherare the leaties fo broad at the top of theftalke growdiuers prettylittle flattifh eares confifting of two rankes of chaffie huiskes or feed-veflells, which haueyellowithlittle floures like to thofe of Wheat. 6 Thereisalfo commonly tobe found about Mayor the beginning of Iune, in medowes an 1ack |