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Show — SIalata ~Of cheHiftorieofPlants,eR ao Facus., Lins, Lis. 3. G The Names, The Beech, Amygdalus. The tteis called in Greeke, yu, indy The Almondtree: tine, Facws ; inhigh-Dutch,8uchbaymn 5 Buch > itt low-Dutch ABUKENbOOM sin Is lian, Faggi. : in Spanith, Haia,Faiaand Fax in French, Faw, or Hefive > in Englith Beech tree, Beech-maft, and Buck-maft.. Of the Hiftorieof Plants. @| The Names, Beech-matt. Diofcorides reckons the Beech nothing at all like roan Acorne! Of Thy. phraftus it is i called Oxya : OF ( Xa, Stifcina, Pliny alfomakes mention ofthis tree, but in high-Dutch, Mandel : in low-Durch,ymanDdelen: in Italian, andole : in Spanith, Almendras, Amelles,and Amendou : in French; vider the nameof 0 ffrya (iFfo be in ftead of Offryawe mutt not reade 0 ya) lib.13.c4,21, Amandes - in Englith, Almond, Itbringeth forth(faith he,meaning Greece) | The Temperature and Vertues, the tree Offrys, which theylikewife call 0. firya, growing among waterie flor like to the Afh tree in barkeandbou Sweet Almonds when theybe dry be mo. deratly hor; butthe bitter ones are hot and dry in the fecond degree. There is in both of them a certaine fat and oily fubftance, whichis drawneout bypreffing. Sweet Almonds being newgatheredare pleafant tothe tafte, theyyeeld fomekind of nourifhment,but the fame groffe and earthy, andgroffer than thofe that be dry,and not as yetwirhered. Thefedolikewife lowly defcend , efpecially being eaten without their skins ; for euen as the huskes of branhy parts ofcornedoe ferue to driue downe the groffe excrements ofthe belly, fo doe likewifé the with Jeaues like thofe of the Peare tree fomewhat longer andthicker, and with wrinkled cuts which runne quite thorow, witha feed like in colour to a Cheftnut,andnotvato barley: the woodis hard and firmewhich being brought intothe houfethere followes hard tratell of childe,and miferable deaths ; as it isreported; andtherefore it is to be for. borne, and not viedas firewood, if Plinies copies be not corrnpted. q| TheVertucs, eae The leaues of Beech arevery profitably applied vntohot fwe lings, blifters, and excoriations 5 and being chewedthey are goodfor chappedlips, and paine ofthe gums. P : The kernels or maft withinare reported: to eafe.the paineof the kidneyes proceedingof the ftone,if they be eaten,and tocaufe the erauell andfandthe eafier to comeforth, With ‘sake and Squirrels a eatly delighted, who do mightilyencreafe by feeding thereon : Swine alfobe fatnedherewith,andcertaine otherbeafts : alfo Deeredo feed thereon verygreedily: they be like« wile pleafant to ifhes and Pigeons. ore Petrus Cre(cemtivewriteth, That the athes of the woodis g00d to make glaffe with. ee The water that is foundin the hollowneffe of Beeches cureth the naughty feurfe,tetters, 20 fcabs ofmen, horfes,kineand theepe,if they be wathed therewith, Cuar.93. mwhich fokethout hereofis like that of the peachtree. re # °Thete are divers forts of Almonds, differing in Jargenes andtafte: we common}fy haueth or foureforts brought to vs largefweet Almond,vulgarly termed.a Tordan almond sn dale f bitter Almondofthe bigneffeof the Valencealmond, and. tom another bitter one lefie thanit, $ There is drawneout offiveet’ Almonds, with liquor added, a white iuice like milke,which ouer and befides thac it nourifhech, andis goodfor thofe that are troubled wichthe laske and blondie WK,itis profitable for chofe that haue the pleurifie atid {pit vp filthy matter,’ as Alexander Trallia~ ws\vitneffeth : for there is likewife in the Almonds ain Opening and concocting qualitie, witha certain clenfing faculty,by which theyare medicinable'to the cheftand Jungs,or lights,and ferue lorthe taifing vp of flegme androtten humors. : ‘ rd ‘ Almonds taken before meate do ftop the belly, and nourith but little; notwithfanding many icéllent meates and medicines'are therewith made for fundry griefes, yea very delicatand whol- ‘iemeates, as Almond butter, creame of Almonds, marchpane, and fuch like, whichdry and *#Y the belly more than the extractedinyce or milke; andthey are alfo as goodfor thechef and Ungs, “hot Feuers,as alfofor otherficke and feeble:perfons ,, for their further refrething and nourith- floures be alike : the fruit is alfo like a peach, hauing on one fide a cleft, witha foft skin ih i and coueredwitha thin cotton ; butvnderthis there is none,or very little pulp, which # ; Geta agriftlé not eaten : the nut Or ftone within is longer thanthat of the peach, waded oe e tree {mooth; in which is contained the kernel,in tafte fweet,and many times bitter ; the root © called a Valence Almond:a skins or husks of che almonds : therefore'thofé that be blanched do fo flowly-defcend, as that they dowithall binde the belly; whereuponthey are giuen with good fucceffe torhofe rhat have the liske or the bloudy flix. They do ferue alfo to make the Phyficall,Barley water, and Barley Creame, which, are, giuen Of the Alnond tree. @| The Defcription. eases He Almondtrecis like to the Peach tree,yet is it higher, bigger, of longer cont. leaues be very long, fharpe pointed, {nipt about the edges like thofe ofthe Pee aiet 101 growethdeep: i The natural place of rhe Almondis in the hot regions,yet we haue'them in our London gardensand orchards in great plenty. The tree is called is Greek, ‘susyrin vin Latine; Amygdalus : in French, dmandier:inEnglith,Almondtree, The fruit is called in Greeke, ‘Aja: in Latine,4mygdalum - in thops, Amyzdalas among the Acorne trees ;and yet is the majt A @ The Place, q The Tine, Thefruit is called in Latine, Nyces Fagi: inGreeke, ‘Berwerd guy: 1D low- Dutch Bll: Ren noothens : in French, Faine:in Enelith q The Temperature, 4 The Almond floureth betimes with the Peach: the fruit is ripe in Auguft, >) The leaues of Beechdo coole: the kernel! of the Nut is fomwhat moift. SS a Tt dents, The oile whichis newly preffed out of the fweet Almonds is a mitigater of paine and all maner aches, Iris giuen to thofe.that haue the.pleurifie,being firflet bloud ; but efpecially to thofe “at atetroubled with the frone of the kidnies. it flackens, the paflages of thevrine , and maleecly el glib or flipperie, and more readyto fuffer,the ftone to haue free paflage:it maketh the belly “ible, and therefore it is likewife vied forthe collicke. ; _itissoodfor women that are newly deliuered ,for it.quickly remoueth the throwes whichreMite after their deliuery. ; The oile ae ae fmooth,the hands and face ofdelicat perfons,and clenfeth the skin nal] {pots pimples,and lentils. : ( Ket enn they remouefloppings. out OF the liuerand {pleene, fides : they make the body foluble, prouoke yzin e, bring F FFF FE 4 ctceniae TY a, aleenlel — COVHC |