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Show —$——____. 712 Ofthe Hiftorie of Plants. i Be 2, q The Vertues, which chiefely belang tothe laft defcribed, A [ja Be 255 ela The decodion hereofis profitably giuen to thofe that Ve fcabbed andhauefilthyskinnes sand likewife tofuchas hauetheir fpleen andliuer ftoppedor fwolne : forit taketh awaythe fto pings ofboth thofe intrals, andalfo of the gall: whereforeit is good for them that haue the jaundice efpecially fomewhatafter the beginning. : The herbe boyledin wine or water is fingular good againft tertian Feuers, The deco@ion drunke, and the jeaues outwardly applied, do heale all wounds bothinwardand outward. + Of the Hiftory of Plants. — -Fachfius faith that the fecond is very effectual] againtt poyfon, And Gefiier inhis Epiftles affirmeth, that he boyled about a pygil of the fibres oftheroot of this plant in wine, and drunkeit, sa a aq The Vertues. is goodfor them that haue naug Egrimony of leaues the of decoétion The att ballon Ge thedifeafes of thekidnies. fixe, fachas pile bioud vpon Pliny affirmeth) dothhelpe the bloudy ; The feed being dsunke in wine.(as liuers,and for fuchas bad haue that them for remedy a is Diofeorides addeth, thatit i ite 3 4 with ferpents. and applied, clofeth vp vicers that behardly The isdiws being ftamped with aldfwines greafe, healed,as Dio/congdgs faith, ate hepaticke fluxes in old people. + Agrimony Boiled inwine and drunke, helpes inuetet + whichan houre after gaue him one ftoole, andafterwards twelue vomits, wherebyhe caft ypmuch flegme: fo that itworkes (faith he) like white Hellebor, but much morecafily and fafely, andit did me very much good. + 1, 2. Serratulapurpurea, fine alba. Saw-woort with purple,or white flouress Cuar. 241 Of Egrimonie. Agrimonia. Cuar. 242. Of Sawewoort. He plant which the new writers haue called Serratnla differeth fro; Betonica,although the Antients haue foca Betony; It hath large leaues fomewhe G The Defcription, Agrtimonie. ‘ a He leaues of Agrimoniie are Jong & hairic, greene aboue,and fomewhatgrayith vnderneath , parted into diuers other {mall leaues fnipt round about the edges, almol like the leaues of hempe: the ftalkeis to about the edges like a faw(w hereof it name) rifing immediately from the roor:a mong which come vpftalkes of a cubite befet with leaues very deepely cut or j euen to the middle ofche rib, not mu the male Scabious. The ftalkes towards the top diuide themfelues into other {mall branches, at the top whereof they beare floures fomewhat{caly, likethe Knapweed,butnot fo great nor hard:at the topoftl forth a bufhie or thru pury colour. The root is threddy, and thereby i creafeth aiid becommethofa great foot and a halfe long, rough & hairy, where upon grow many{mall yellowfloures one 4boue another vpwards towardthe top: after the floures come the feeds fomewhat long and rough, like to {mall burs hanging down- wards ; which when theybe ripedoe catch hold vpon peoples garments that palleby it Therootis great, long,andblacke. q The Place. : _ It growes in barren placesby highayts 2 inclofures of medowes, and of core fields; and oftentimes in woods and cop{es, anda: moft euery where. bringeth forth floures of the famie fathion, but @ The Time. _ It floureth in Iune and fomwhatlatet and ofa {now white colour, wherein confifteth the difference. + Our Authour out of Tabernamontanus gaue 'three figures,with as many defcriptions of this plant, yet made it onely to varyin the feedethafter that a great part of Somme The Names. The Grecians call it imnom: and tet tines alfo Eupatorium : Pliny , Expat’ there is another Eupatorinm in Apultiis i ‘ that is-Marrubium,Horehound. Ln like ma the Apothecaries of Germany haveanot Hepatorium thatis there comei . t c ingdeferibed inthe laft chapter, anen 7 feoweraelirina, Agrimonie is named Lappa inuerfa : and itis fo called, becaule Be Sawewoort with white floures differeth not from the precedent, but in the colour of the floures: for as the other bringeth forth a buth of purple floures; ina manner this plant = Otred «1 : i colour of the floures,being either pu SSS Feeen € did not touch the difference which Tabernampontaitus by his figures ex i f had all the leaues whole,being only fnipt ao the cde ; the lower le third he? 1oft of them whole, and thofe vponthe flalkes deepelycut in, or dit Pig lad the leaues both below and aboueall cut inor deepely diuided. The fi ~~ pile youexpreffes the firt and thirdyarieties,andif you pleafe, the one may be with w liste olithedad. ee bra do hang downw ards : of fome,Philanthropes of the clea Darch, Dderieng,Baitehuen garments : the Italians and Spaniards call it Agramans 4 et and the other with w: he other red or purple floures. $ 2 63 sin low-Dutch, in French,and in Englith, Agrimontet PE 7 d + hatha f0Y: keth the name of Expator, the or ofiti out :and : : Liny) ic hatna 7 all and princelyauthoritie, upator, thefinder (faith P/iny) Si q. The Place. = “ih Sort groweth in woods and fhadowieplaces, and fometimes in medowes. Th ny a tary es . 7 : . : tolfi, npfted wo0d ; likewife I haue feene it. growing in great abundance in thewooda djounns ail Su ron, within halfea mile fromthe further end of the towne, and in fundry} places of tex ; nd Suffolke. mome : Enpatorium taketh Temperature. smonle _ Itis hot,and doth mod crately binde,|andThe is of a temperatedrinefle. Galen faith that Aions is offineand fubtill parts sthat it curteth and {coureth . therefore, faithhe,it remoucs ft Us! chat or toppings out ofthe liu and dothlikewife ftrengthen it by reafon of thebinding quality ter, is init, q™ q@ The Time. They cy floure25in luly and Augutt. G Ths Ooo |