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Show j / y pacosesestonee 1550 . Ofthe Hiftorie of Plants, eortpean Cacao. Small. Cocoes. Lis 3 £ 14 Guayebanis, Tree Melon, Lise} «Of. the Hiftoric efPlants. 155i light vpon a certaine defert Ifland,wherein grew manyvery tall trees, and looking for fomething among ft thefeto refreth themfelues,among & others they obferued fome bigger than Okes,hauin ques like thofe ofthe Baytree, thicke and fhiningnot fnipt about the edges’, their fruitwas to ihliketo the fmail Acornes of the Ilex or Holme Oke, but without any cup ; yevcouered with * hin fhell ofan.ath colour,. and fomtimes blacke, having withinita longith white kernel wiap- ped ina thin peeling,being without any manifeft ta(te, They when they found ir,houghmuch oppeftwith hungeryet durnottafte thereof, leaft it fhould haue been poifonous: but afterwards with théefe trees, & learcomming to the Ifland Beretina,not far trom this,they found it to abound ieithat their fruit was not poifonous,but mightbe eaten, Wheruponafterwards they inwant of they made sthervidtuals,boiled fome as they do Peafe,and groundothers into floure, wherewith piddings. They foundthis tree alfo in the Moluccoes. the Mad to The firitexpreffed inthistable is the mad Plum,or as Clufius had rather termeit Nut;for he calls them Képuausans,01 Infane Nuces.The Hollanders finding them~in their return from and that varioufly,according to teEaft Indies,and eating the kernels,werefora time diftraéted, may fee in Clufius Exot.lib. 2.Cap.26. the particular temperature ofeach that ate of them ; as you ftrong thicke, but fufficiently This was round, little more than two inche about, witha fhell not colour and {mooth, ech. yellowith ofa infide the on fmooth,buc not fide,and jownith on the out and bigneffe not much form pulp,in black a with couered kernell or ining a membranous ftone it was faftened tothe wlikea Bullas or Sloe,hauing a large white (par onthe lower part whereas the foot-ftalke was filke : vnder the pulpe lay the kerne!l, fomew/iat hard, and of an afh colour: two growing together:the horrand commonly carried but one fruit,yet (ometimes they obferued and narrowfeaueslike teewheron this fruit grew was of the bigneflc o:a Cherry tree,hauing long yellow colour,fomofabrownith was 2.place inthe figured fruit other the thoofthe Peachtree: below,and about,fmaller more fomwhat u long,and inch d g mat bigger,but not vnlike a fmall Nut,an Of this fee more in the bigger aboue,and as itwere parted into foure, being very hard and follid, . fourteenth place . America, for thcy in fomeplaces vfe it in of parts diuers in knowne well fruit a Cacoais The tt ey highly efteeme: the trees which fad ofmoney,and. to makea drinke,of which,thoughbitter,th onely grow w ell in places leaues, and will bute them are but {mall , hauing long and narrow taken out of his husk, and it iscouered with fudowed from the Sun. The fruitis likean Almond into two or three parts,brow- diuided ithinblacke-¢kinjwherein is contained akernell obliquely of an aftringeric dandvngratefull ratte. veines, d coloure ath with ithed diftingu tihyand of the fruisof BdeWiime, isthought to be the Cuci a This which Clufius had from Cortujus,for had icin this Chapter, The Author out e thatnam by us,and Matthiol of llnyand is the Cuciophera fweet and fibrous fleth,vna Quince, and of the fame colour,with a thole fruitis of the bigneffe of fomewhag more,almoft of atriangularform, dtwhich is a nut of the bigneffe of a large Walnut or ath colour,withavery hard fhell, which darke a tiggerbelow,and fmalleraboue,well fiinelling,ofa ofthe colourand hardneffe of masble, hauing nell j token there is. therein contained a hardker Hafell Nut. tollowneffe in the middle,asmuch as may containea Exotlib.2.c. 2%- The firft is calClufins by bed de(cri fruits l feueral Nuts 3 Inthistableare foure in Guyana called Hura: it conftfted of many kd Baruce,and is {aid to grow vpon ahigh tree er,cach hauing a hard wooddy fhell, falling into ofome inch long, ftrongly faftened or knit togeth d filme. oure kernell couered w ith an athcol 0 parts,containing a round and {mooth ; vomite. vie this fruit to purge and oThey fay the natiues there itis not knowne: itwas fome inch long,c to how, a,but Kaian sin growe Arara . called d feemed The fecon tened toa long and rugged ftalke that tedwith askin fufficiently hard and blacke,faf of the bignefieefia.w ilde Oliue. lie carried more than one-fruit:the kernel is blacke, and , and they fay the kernel will loofe vicers ne malig th towa f henatiues vfe the decostion hereo Redelly, ; wa, they vfe this to cure attree in Wiapock,called Juru t he fruit ofa almoft an inchbroad, and flat is t , iethird named oxnkeriais ties frui This hem, thefruit intot ryery wrinckled,ofan ath co“eit wounds,dropping thesuice of of the true Cytifus,but muchbigge elgg ,but writhen oS , particular joints of eed. Meontaining +{n muchvnlike the and fhriuelled fruit,not Z The fourth Bee isa fmall “Ethiopian pepper. ~ e diuers wer to affwage head-ache:there their Tabaco a monet D them. a fauages y{e.to rake it mixed ‘i the figure) the bettento dry {ee in them put vponadtring (as you may thought to be the Guanabanus mpennionedD y ‘athiggExe : is Lobel & s Clufiu by h ke 2 acai e, ree 14 Thiswhic er long,couered witha thie t fome foot andhalfe ut ofa greenifh colour,with fome veines,or rath is,b ‘81. part. é.isathieke frui it is a : at the vpperend aame downineffe,like as 4cgQuieance | fharp ewhat *sfom f Ret with a foft i tae t s fom is e lower end ee firrowa Ttowesc runni; ng along tt itas in Melons:the |