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Show ae Z The fecond kind of Hyflope islikethe 2 po former, which is our common Hyffope, and Se ass ii C HAPs 178. differeth inthat, that this Hy fope beh {mall and flender branches decked with faite pueess Teaued ayes. . red floures. 3 Thethird kinde of Hyflophathleaues Of Hedge Ayffope: | The Defiription. é Edge Hyffope is a low plant or herbe about a {pan long,verylike vnto the common Hy ffope, with many fquareftalkes or flender branches, befet with leaues fomewhat larger than Hyflope, but very like. The floures grow betwixt the leaues vpon fhore {talkes, branches,feed,androot,like thecom. mon Hyffope, anddifferethin the floureson. ly,whichare.as white as fhow. the ftems,of a white colour declining to blewneffe. All the herbe is of amoft bitter tafte, like This kinde of Hyffope ofall the reftis 4. 581 : _ Of the Hiftory of Plants: Fa Lise 2 Lis... Ofthe Hiftorie of Plants. 580 it {mall Centory. The rootis little and threddy,dilatingit felfe farre abroad ; by which meanes . multiplieth greatly, and oecupicth much ground whereit groweth = ae 3 Gratiola latifolia. $ 2 Gratiola anguftifolia. 1 Gratiold, ofthe greateft beauty; it hath awooddieroot tough, andfull of ftrings; from whichrilé vp fmall,tougb,andflender flexible ftalkesywhetupondo growinfinite numbers of {mall Fen nel-like leaues,much refembling thofe ofthe GraffePoley. Hedge Hyflope: fmalleft graffe,ofa pleafantfeet {mel,fav. matick tafte, like vntothe reft of the Hyflps but muchfweeter; at the top ofthe ftalhsto growamongft the leaues {mal hollow flours Broad leaued Hedge Hyflope: ofablewith colour tending to purple, The feeds as yet I could neuer obferue. + 5 This differs from the firft dele. bed,in that the ftalkes are weaker and fhorté, the leaues alfo narrower, and of a darketco Jour the floures growafter thefamemanti 8c are ofthe fame colour as thofe of thecam monkinde. + oWehaue in England in out gardensali ther kinde,w hop it fhall be needlelle toexpreffe, confidering thatin few wordsit may bedeliuered. It is likevato the forme, but the leaues are fome of them gt greene,as the other;and fome grecn and ae mixed and fpotted, very goodly robeti ful are — } Of which kinde we haue in our gardens moreouer anotherfort, whofe leaves a tuft of leaues;!a curled,rough, and hairie,crowing thicke thruft together,making as it were andfellandin all other things like vntothe common Hyffope. Ihauelikewife in my garden anotherfort of Hy{fope,growingto the forme ofa foal twooddle ee il fhrub, hauing very faire broad leaueslike ynto thofe of Nwmularia, or Monywooit,but thicker ler ofiuice,and of a darker greene colour;in tafteand fmell like the common Hy flope. q The Place. : All thefe kindes of Hyffope do grow in my garden,and in fome others alfo. The Time. They floure from Tune to the end oe. The Names. nS, Latine Hy/fo geawhich naméiig likew'ife retained amongthe Cale Hy flopeis called in n, Brabanders,French-me Italians,and Spaniards. Therefore that fhall faffice which hat purnot ha é downe in their feuerall titles. $. This isby moRWriters iudged tobe Hyffope vied by the Arabian Phyfitions; irik } of the Greekes, which is neerer to Origanym and Maricrome,as thisis to Satureiaor 98 The Temperature and Vertues. ‘A Cc Ca ; AdecoGionof Hyffope stedwith ae gargled inthe mouth and throte;ripenet Si keth the tumors and impofthumes ofthe mouth and throte,and eafeth the difficultie of” ation of ™ F ing,comming bycold theumes. ‘The fame madewith figges, water,honic,and rue,and drunken,helpeth the ee . lungs,the old cough,andfhortneffe ofbreath,and the ob ftruGtionsor ftoppings or rough Thefirrup or iuice of Hyffope takenwith the firrup of vineger, purgeth by ftoole clammieflegme, and driueth forth wormesifit be eaten with figges. ("p phan gpeed ane D ‘ The dittilled water drunke,is goodfor thofe difeates before named,but not witht ; ‘orce. T That figurein the third place was of the Satureia Remona, 2.0f Tabernamontanus: cH ‘ Narrow Teaued Hedee round ae Shed (ralhendinidedeine Hyflope froma {mall fibrous white root fends vp areddith’ orate Sfaisat cs - pyic ed into fundry branches, whicharefet with leaues like thofe of knot for in ‘ 7 pale greéne ‘colour,and without any ftalkes :out of the bofomerofthefe come foures o ar aa pleafing blewcolour, which are fucceeded Bi loncups scompo ngeffell gtth feed-v contefed ynit aie ue yning a tmail dusky feed. The wholeplant is without finell! neither h: ee of other mahifeft tate. Tévaties in (LaiiosComedies broadane onaeae ledstt oar oe growing fotetimes but an handfull, and othetwhilesa foot hich Cetiah ue eo Hyffopoides : and Bauhine onely hath figuredie, and thatby the nameofafepitolia fae 1 minor Cordus firtt mentionedit,and thatby the Dutch name oF hnone . Graffe Poley ‘whic hich \ alfo Phat 3 r Oroadi |ieaaad pS hotlon ote ay ae ope ry fitly retaine in Englith. + manyfmall and tender branches, foure {quare, and fome- sar tal ee ed, befet withle aues bycouples one oppofite againtt another, like vatothe 3 mMewhat fhorter,and much broader: among which grow the floures of a purple cc colour, |