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Show ot 98 Lip, 2 E OF the Hiftorie of Plants. x Lotus trifolia corniculata. Horned or codded Clauer. 2 This kinde ofthreeleafed graffe, ont ther foure leafed Tre foile,hathleaues liken. to the commonTrefoile, fauing that they bee Jefler,and ofa bownepurplifh colounknopne by the nameof Purple: wort,or Purple-prafle whole floures are in fhapelike the medow Tre- foile but ofa duftieouerworncolour tending towhiteneffe ; the whichdothoftentimes de. generate, fometjme into three leaues, fome. times in fiue, and alfointo feuen, and yer the plant of his nature hathbut,foure leaues & no more. ¢ I do notthinkethis tobe the purple leaued Trefoile with the white floure,yhichis Of the Hiftroy ofPlants. 1199 The fecond growethlikewife in paftures and fields, but not fe commenas the other; and is : ; planted in gardens. | The Time. They floure in Tuly and Auguft. q The Names, The fecondis called Lotus Trifolia : in Englith, horned Clauer, or codded Trefoile, Theotheris called Lotus quadrifolza, or foure leafed Graffe, or Purple-wort :of Pena and Lobel, * Buadrifilinmphenfufcure hortorum. §] The Temperature and Vertues, Their faculties in working are referred vnto the medow Trefoiles :notwithftandingit is repor- red, that the leaues ofPurple-wort ftamped, and the iuyce giuento drinke,cureth young children ofthedifeafe called in Englifh the Purples. commonly called Purple-graffe,for I could ne. 2 Lotus quadrifolia. Foureleafed graile. uer obferue it tohaue more leauesthan three vpon ftalke. $ t 3 Cuar. 502. The root ofchisis {mall and white, fromwhich arife many weake hairie branches fome cubit long:wheron grow foft hairyleaues three on one foot-ftalke,with twolittle leaues at the root therof,& out ofthe bofomsofthele vpon like footftalkes growthree lefferleaues, as alfo floures of the bignesandfhapeofthole ' of a Vetch, but ofa braue deep crimfon veluct colour : after thefe are paft come cods ferwith foure thinne welts or skins which make them feem foure fquare; whence Camerarius called it Lotus palcherrima tetragonolobus: the feed iso anath colour, fomewhat leffe thana peafe. It floures moft of the Sommer moneths,and is Of “Medicke Fodder,orfnaile Clauer: q The Defcription. I His kinde ofTrefoile, called Medica, hath many {mall and flender ramping branches; crawling and creeping along vponthe ground,fet full ofbroadleaues {lightly inden: ted about the edges: the floures are very fmall,and ofa pale yellowcolour , which timmeinto tound wrinkled knobs, like the water Snaile, or the fith called Periwinckle : wherein ts contained flat feed fafhioned like a little kidney,in colour yellow,in tafte like a Vetch or peafe: a is finall, and diethwhenthe feed is ripe ; it growes in my garden, and is good to feed cat- el fat, 1 Trifolium Cochleatum. Medicke Fodder, | F 2 Medicafructu cochleato [pinofa; Pe PricklyieSnaite Trefoile. for the prettineffe of the floure prefered in many Gardens. by yearely fowing the feede, for it isan annuall plant. Clufius bath it by: the name of Lotus filiquofas bel flve times and hee faith the feeds were diners fent out of Italy by the name of Sandalids. It is af commonly called in Latine Pf quadratum @ The Plat, ren diteb The firft groweth th wiw lde in, bar ; bankes, paftures,and drie Mountaincs. + 2 Lotusfiliquaqandrata. Square ctimfonveluet peafe. Sd There are manyvarieties of thefe plants, andthey chiefely confitt in the fruit; for fome are’ M0th and & Lt. pata a. . ‘and fiar,as this firft defcribed : other fome are roughand prickely, fome with lefler, and other- |