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Show 256 Ofthe Hiftory of Plants. 1 Sinm majus latifolium. Great Water Parfenep. Liv..2, + Sinm majus anguftifoliun. The lefler water Parfenep. Lis. 2. Of the HiftoryofPlants, about the edges, growing commonly twoorthreetogether: the vmbel of loures is commonly of ayellowith greene: the{eedis like parfley feed, but in tafte fomewhat refembles Cumize > Dancus Creticus, andthe rinde of a Citron, yet feemes fomewhat hotter. + 5 Water-Creflehath many fatand weake hollow branches trailing vpon the g earth where it groweth, taking holdin fundryplaces as it creepeth ; by meanes whereof the {preadethouera great compaffe of ground. The leaues are likewife compaé and wingec many{mall leaues fet vpona middle rib one againft another, except the point leafe, which ftands byit felfe, as doth that oftheath,ifit grow in his naturallplace, whichis ina grauellyfpr ing. The vpper face of thewhole plant is ofabrowne colour,and greene vnderthe leaues,which is a perfe& marke to knowthe phyficall kinde from the others. The white floures grow along ft the ftalkes, and are fucceeded by cods whereinthe feed is contained. Theroot 1s nothing elfe but as it were athrumme or bundle ofthreds. t 5 Nafturtinm Aquaticum,fine Crateud + 6 Sium Matthioli > Ttalorum, Siam, Italian VVater-Creffe, Common Water-Creffes, in, Ia EHS Vl $4 Sinm alterum olufutri facie. Longleaued water-Crefles. or miry ground: at the top go grow mally white floutes, in {poky_roundleslike fet nell ; whichbeing bruifed do yeeld avery ftrong fauour, {melling like Petroleum, # doththe reft of the plant. ¢ 2 This plantmuch refemblesthe laft defcriked, and growes vp fome S anda halfe high, with many leaues fin fhiptabout the edges, growing vpon o™ rib, and commonly they ftand boltvpright. The vmbel! COnfifts of little white floures: the root is {mal, and confifterh ot manyftrings. + 3 There is another verylike this, E butthey thus differ:the falkes and lea of this later are leffe than thofe of the e cedent,andnot {6 manyvpononerib ; other growes vpright , to fome yate © more high: this neuer growesvp; out ¢ Waies creepes, and almoft at cueric 10)" puts forth anvmbeloffloures. ius 4 To thefe may be added anot™? whofe root confifts ofaboundance® jes thenand {mall blacke fibres ; the {talk are like Hemlock,fomethree cubits #5" the leaves are long, narrow, and i 1s 6 There is alfo another kinde hereof, hauing leaues growing many on one ftalke,fhipt about the edges, being in fhape betweene the garden Creffes and Cuckow-fl oures: the ftalke is cre fted, and diuidedinto manybranches ; the floures white, andare fucceeded by codslike thofe of our ordinaric Water-Creffe lait deferibed., @ The Place, t Thefirft of thefe I haue not found growing, noras yet heard ofwithin this kingdome. _ The fecondI firft foundin theco mpanyof M. Robert Larkin, going betweene Redriffe and ford, in a rotten boggyplace onthe right handof the way. Thethird growes almoft in cuerywatery place about London. This is more rare,and was found by-M®. Goodyer in the ponds about Moore Parke ; and by orge Bowles in the ditches about Ellefmere, andin diuers ponds in Flint-fhir e. The fi fth is as frequent as thethird and commonlythey grow heere together, us Lobel faith he foundin Piemont, in riuelets amongtt the hills: I haue not yet heard ys. $ re Sy The |